
What's Best

“Don’t,” Alice demanded. “Where are they?! What have you done with these missing kids!”

“It wasn’t me, Alice. Granger did this all on his own.”

“Bullshit! Nothing ever happens without your knowledge,” Alice said.

“I appreciate how highly you think of me, but I assure you, I am not happy about this situation either. But, unfortunately, I underestimated the level topsy to Granger’s turvy.”

“You gave him control of me, without even knowing what he was capable of?”

“I didn’t give him anything,” Holden growled. “You were stolen.”

“It wouldn’t be the first time, would it?” Alice hissed.

Holden let out a heavy breath.

“Please be reasonable,” he said calmly. “It’s time to come home, Alice.”

“I’m not coming back,” Alice said firmly.

Holden was quiet.

“Are you with him?” Holden asked. “Your ‘sweet boy’”

Next chapter