
Kent farm, a few days after the meteors

Jonathan was sitting on the sofa, having a staring contest with the toddler sitting in front of him, on the floor, which she lost by starting to giggle. She was wearing Jonathan's old baby clothes found in a closet and sucking on a recently bought baby bottle. Jonathan was glad that they lived in his childhood home, so there was still his old baby equipment, because it was certainly suspicious enough when they bought baby food and diapers.

Jonathan turned his head to the kitchen where he saw his wife was making a phone call. After having discussed it repeatedly, they decided to have a fake adoption to make an excuse for why they suddenly have a baby. Martha's relative is fortunately a director at an adoption agency, who at this moment Martha is on the phone with and trying to convince to help them.

'Martha can't say she came from the sky, i don't know how she'll be able to convince her, but if there's anything i know about Martha she'll do anything to make it happen.'

Jonathan woke up from his thoughts after Martha stopped the call. Martha's shoulders sagged and Jonathan didn't know if it was in disappointment or relief, but that was answered when she turned to him with a bright smile, with tears in the corner of her eyes.

'Well looks like you're stuck with us kiddo.'

Jonathan smiled back at his wife, and turned to look at their new daughter, just in time to see her lift their metal and glass constructed sofa table with her small dainty arm. As Jonathan watched his wife fussing over their daughter, he thought to himself that life will certainly never be the same, which he was surprisingly looking forward to.

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