
Kent farm, 12 years later 2001

"Claire wake up, it's time to go to school!"

Claire Kent woke up from a weird dream of flying without a plane, to her mothers yelling from downstairs.

'Flying without a plane, that's just stupid… though it did feel pretty awesome.'

Claire yawned while stretching, thinking about her friends Chloe and Pete, and what the following school day will bring.

"Claire, get your butt downstairs now, or you'll be late again."

Claire looked at the clock on her nightstand and seeing that the bus would be leaving in a couple of minutes, she dressed herself in her hoodie and pants, at speeds a human eye couldn't follow.

Jonathan sipped at his black coffee, while reading today's edition of the daily planet on his kitchen table. He was just reading about the billionaire Lionel Luthor sending his son Lex to the Luthorcorp plant, here in Smallville, when his newspaper was thrown in disarray by his daughter coming in the kitchen like the wind.

"Claire no using super-speed inside the house, I thought we talked about this already!"

"Come now Jonathan she didn't do it on purpose."

"Yeah, sorry dad."

Jonathan might have believed she was sorry, if she wasn't stuffing her face with pancakes Martha had made at an ungodly speed.

"Come on, at least try to act like a fine young lady."

Claire had the good sense to blush and started eating slower. Martha slapped him on his shoulder playfully.

"You're one to talk, from whom do you think she gets it from?"

Jonathan preferred not to answer, and continued reading the newspaper. Martha walked to the sink to wash the dishes by hand, while speaking to her daughter.

"So are you excited to start high school? "

"I don't know, besides everybody already knows each other, it won't be that different."

"I'm glad you found such good friends as Chloe and Pete."

"Such a good friend I am, I'm keeping secrets from them, is that what friends do?"

Jonathan and Martha looked at each other with frowns.

"You know that can't be helped, it's too big of a thing to tell them."

"That im a freak?"

"You are not a freak, you are a miracle that God blessed us with and don't you ever think otherwise."

Claire let out a small smile, while Jonathan and Martha mentally sighed in relief.

"By the way Claire, shouldn't you be hurrying to school?"

"Oh crap!"


Claire cleared out her plate and put it next to the sink, this time at a fast, but human speed and proceeded to the door while grabbing her backpack.

"See you later, mom and dad!"

"See you later kiddo!"

"Say hi to Chloe and Pete for me!"

After the door was slammed shut behind her Jonathan and Martha got back to what they were doing previously.

'Finally some peace and quiet to read and relax..'

"Jonathan, could you go to the store, we're running out of milk and bread?"


Once Claire got outside she saw her school bus in the distance having already passed her house.

'It's really embarrassing how I can be literally the fastest person in the world and still miss the school bus every time.'

Claire walked next to the road, once there she looked around for other people and once satisfied she was alone, she started running at super-speed in the direction of her school.

As much as she hated feeling different from others, she loved running, feeling the wind against her and seeing everything around her in slow-motion made her feel alive like nothing else. She ran next to the road among the cornfields seeing the familiar sights of Smallville, like the billboard and water tower.

Once she made it near her school, she hid close to the bus stop, waiting for her friend's bus to come.

Next chapter