
Chapter 13

Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto and some of the jutsu that may seem original probably aren't *shrugs*

Chapter 13 - Wave Finale

*Two days later*

"Volture in position" a voice said into a hidden device. "Hawk in position" came another voice. "Owl in position" said yet another voice. "Eagle in position, Squad 11 in position" Yūgao says into her mic. "Squad 8 in position" came Kurenai's voice over the device. "Squad 10 in position" Asuma said. "Squad 4 in position" Hamaki says. "Squad 7 in position" Anko said.

"Alright, everyone has thier orders wait for the signal and stay safe" Yūgao says over the mic to everyone. The plan was quite simple. First, Squad 11 would go in and just start destroying things, then the jōnin would swoop in for the more tactical part, and last the other genin would stay outside and take out any bandits that got away.

Squad 11 went in first without Yūgao who would follow with the jōnin. The 3 boys slowly walked up the road that led to the gate surrounding the large estate except for where the cliffs lay over looking the rocky shallows. As the boys got closer the guards in the two towers on both sides of the gate shined a light on them. Naruto quickly took care of this by throwing two kunai imbued with wind chakra hitting both lights at the same time. The guards were stunned as the two kunai flew through the spotlights and hit the two guards that were holding the lights killing them slowly as they bled out on the floor.

The guards broke out of their shock just as Naruto, Yūdai, and Katsu threw five kunai's each that embedded themselves into the gate and bottom of the towers. The guards looked puzzled before laughing calling out "baka's, where were you aiming? We're up here". One of them however kept his eyes on the boys and watched as Naruto held up his right hand and his fingers started closing into fist from 5 to 4 to 3 to 2 to 1 and then he closed his fist.


*With the others*

The genin watched as Team 11's trio with precision hit their targets as discussed earlier. The resulting boom and following chaos also caught their eyes, while Anko pouted about not getting to join in and blow stuff up.

They watched as there was nothing but rubble, blood, and limbs remaining from where the gate stood just a few moments ago. The guards were crushed beneath the rubble of the towers, but managed to sound the alarm after which all of the thugs ran out to engage the trespassers doing exactly what Team 11 wanted them to.

*With Gatō *

Gatō had just dispatched his men to confront the enemy and was scared. He knew that if the explosion was the work of those ninjas protecting the bridge builder then his time was up if he stayed any longer. He quickly turned to find himself staring at the massive form of Zabuza and quickly yelled at the man.

"What are you doing? Didn't you hear that explosion? Get out there and do the job I hired you for!" the little man shouted. "Fuck you Gatō. My crew and I are out of here before we die in your mess" Zabuza responded. Haku was happy that for once Zabuza didn't let money cloud his judgement and was already packed and ready to go. The demon brothers were right behind them as the group took off in hopes of not running into one of the Konoha teams.

Gatō wanted to cry as everything was falling down around him. He was losing his empire and greatest dream second by second. "No, it can't end like this. It won't end like this" the short man repeated to himself. He thought over his options as any good businessman knew there were always options. He came to a quick conclusion knowing only had one shot so moving Gatō got up and prepared for his uninvited guests.


Naruto, Yuudai, and Katsu quickly found themselves surrounded by over two hundred men holding whatever weapons they could find. "Give up and we'll make sure your death is as quick and painless as possible!" Shouted the supposed leader of the group.

The boys just looked at them then nodded to one another before jumping a ways apart making the circle of men move to avoid them. Naruto landed in front with Katsu and Yuudai a considerable distance behind him separate from one another forming a sort of triangle with the thugs divided up in places around them.

They each grinned as they gave a nod and then pulled a scroll from their pants pocket that was hidden in a seal Naruto put on their clothes shortly after their first C ranked mission. The thugs immediately took a step back and held their weapons in a more defensive position. A pulse of chakra from each squad 11 member and the scrolls were gone replaced by swords.

Katsu held dual katana one in each hand free of their sheaths. The one in his right hand had a red blade with a habaki made of pure onyx, a blood red moon design etched into the onyx colored tsuba with a dragon flying by it breathing fire on blackened earth, and the hilt was wrapped in red cloth. It held the ability to channel fire chakra and enchance katon based ninjutsu. The one in his left hand was standard issue with nothing really standing out about it except it seemed a little longer than the normal katana.

Yuudai held a buster sword with both hands as it was still a little heavy for him. The blade was made of a dark colored metal with brownish material centered in the middle a black dragon inscribed on it, and a dark brown leather covered handle. It only had two abilities one being to channel earth chakra and enchance doton based ninjutsu. The second involved the dragon inscribed on the brown metal in the middle.

Naruto held one sword in his right hand like it was nothing. The blade was pure white like it was carved from ivory, the habaki was pure gold, the tsuba was made of gold with clouds over an ocean adorned on it while a white dragon seemed to be flying towards the sun, and the tsuka was white with gold spiraling around it leading to the tsuba. It was a beautiful double edged great sword with a special power and Naruto was going to show just how powerful a weapon it was.

*With the others*

"What is that?" Sakura asked mesmerized by the beauty of Naruto's sword. No one answered her, because none of the gennin had a clue. They could all literally feel the power coming off of Naruto's sword and wondered where he got it. Sasuke couldn't believe this … this … dobe had such a powerful weapon and he didn't know about it. This would just add to the list of things he would take from the blond if he found the opportunity.

"Is that …" Hamaki started. "Yes, it is the 'Ten no Shiroi Hoshi – White Star of the Heavens' " Yūgao answered. "What? How?" Hamaki asked. Before Yūgao could answer though Kakashi butted in. "What's the big deal it just looks like some sword the little punk painted white" Kakashi says.

"The big deal as you put it is that that's a legendary sword said to be a weapon of the gods themselves" Hamaki said. "How would you know?" Kakashi asked refusing to believe the demon brat got his hands on such a powerful weapon. "I know because aside from Geko and Yūgao-san I happen to be one of the best swordsmen in the village and a sword expert. I have only heard whispered legends about that sword that speak of it's power, but it supposedly can only be wielded by someone with a high affinity to the wind element. It would take someone like the Shodai Kazekage, someone who was rumored to have an affinity for wind equal to the Nidiame Hokage's water affinity, to wield it" Hamaki responds.

"Have you ever seen him use it?" Asuma asked Yūgao. "Only once, and I got to say part of me wanted to take it from him and use it myself. He told me that it amplifies his already strong wind affinity and allows him to use a few jutsu he ordinarily would never be able to do" Yūgao says. The others nodded also finding themselves feeling like Yūgao did none more so than Hamaki.

*With Naruto*

Naruto started to channel his chakra into the sword causing it to glow giving off a white light bright enough to blind the thugs in front of him. "Kenjutsu: Chissoku Sasenasai – Sword Skill: Suffocation" Naruto called. The sword seemed to glow a little brighter if possible and then one by one the thugs nearest him begin to fall to their knees gasping for air.

The other thugs witnessing this jumped back immediately now very afraid of what these boys could do. Naruto just smiled as one the thugs bravely yelled at him … "monster!" "What did you do to them Monster!" A guy wielding an over sized hammer yelled at Naruto.

"Monster? You call me a monster?" Naruto questioned never letting up on his technique. A few more men dropped as it seemed like the air around them was thinning making it harder and harder to breath. "You and your master have been going around forcing the people of this poor country to give you everything and when they didn't you took it. Your group has stolen from these people, forced them into the streets, raped women and children, beaten and killed innocent people yet you have the nerve to call me a monster" Naruto said in barely restrained anger.

Suddenly 30 men dropped to their knees as it seemed to them like the air around them just vanished. "Let me show you one of my favorite jutsu, 'Fūton: Kazeryuudan no Jutsu – Wind Release: Wind Dragon" Naruto says sending chakra into the sword in large amounts. Almost immediately the sword began to glow again and most of the thugs suddenly felt the air return to their lungs and shakily stood up. All but six of the 30 and the 5 before them survived the technique the boy used however Naruto was going to rectify that.

Slowly a dragon's snout, face, head, shoulders, wings, body, and then tail emerged from the sword. It gave a deafening roar as the wind around it and Naruto picked up pushing the circle of thugs and dead bodies back. It's tail thrashed against the ground sending a few of the men who were to close flying into the air and into the wall still surrounding the estate. If the blood smears from where their heads hit the wall were in any indication then they wouldn't be hearing from them again.

The thugs turned screaming and shouting as their buddies lay either dead or dying, but quickly snapped their heads back around almost breaking their necks as the dragon let loose a deafening roar and the wind picked up swirling around it's mouth. Opening it's mouth it blasted a damaging stream of high pressured wind on a group of the thugs leaving behind a shallow trench with dead bodies mangled and misaligned in it's wake.

Some of the thugs started to run, but were too late as the dragon unfurled it's wings and flew up into the sky then descended plowing into a grouping of 20 thugs. The resulting explosion threw a few high into the air and unable to recover hit the ground hard surviving, but with broken limbs taking them out of the fight. The rest however had limbs sliced off sometimes having their heads cut clean off by the explosive winds, but all died or were dying from the attack. Similar things happened to the other grouping of thugs as an earthern dragon and a black fire breathing dragon tore through their ranks.

As the jutsus tore into their ranks the 3 boys descended on the confused and terrified thugs. Katsu got the first kill as one of the thugs turned his back on him trying to shield himself from the fierce winds and chunks of earth acting like shrapnel resulting from the explosions. Naruto caught one of the few samurai among the group turned around stabbing him in the back as his sword pierced the man's heart and came out of his chest.

Yuudai joined in as he caught his thug offguard with a quick jab step and stabbing him in the stomach with his sword then pulling back and delivered 5 quick stabs each to a different vital area finishing with a strong stab to the neck leaving the thug to bleed out clutching at his neck.

The thugs seeing their brother's fall quickly regrouped and now went on the attack fighting for their lives. Each boy was surrounded as thugs started coming in two's and three's attacking from the front, side, and back thinking their numbers would help them. However, this was what Squad 11 was waiting for as all 3 mentally intoned 'Kage Bunshin' and 2 replicas of Yuudai suddenly appeared as they each took a side facing away from him covering his back and sides from attack.

Katsu like wise produced two taking the same formation protecting him. Naruto however produced 20 that quickly ran into the mob of thugs helping to pick off some of those crowding Yuudai and Katsu. Knowing it wouldn't be enough Naruto decided it was time to unleash his new and improved Kage Bunshin techniques. He smiled as he knew the first one would piss off a certain one eyed, silver haired bastard.

"Raiton Kage Bunshin – Lightning Release Shadow Clone" Naruto called and 20 blueish white glowing versions of Naruto poofed into existence sword in hand as they tore threw a section of Gatō's men. "Doton Kage Bunshin – Earth Release Shadow Clones" Naruto called out as the earth rose up and 20 muddy versions of Naruto went in another direction tearing through another group of thugs.

Naruto dropped to his knees as while Kage Bunshin wasn't draining for him making elemental infused versions was. The Doton ones had about a fourth of his speed, but they made up for that with the resilience as you had to completely destroy it to stop the clone before Naruto released the technique or kill him disrupting the technique. The Raiton version was much faster, but less stable. They made up for it by shocking the hell out of the person who dispelled them making them very dangerous for anyone that couldn't use mid or long range techniques. The results could go from slightly debilitating to lethal depending on how much chakra was used in the clone's creation.

However, these two were basically stolen techniques Naruto was using, but he had made one for each element he could use during his elemental training with Kyūbi. The wind version was surprisingly easy, but the fire version took the longest. Deciding he could make one last group of 20 before he would endanger himself by making any more he called out "Katon Kage Bunshin – Fire Release Shadow Clone". These were just like the Lightning Release except an orangish red color and if you dispelled these they burnt if not incinerated anything near them and at their strongest made for violent explosions similar to a Diabukha Shadow Clone only with the added bonus of fires that consumed anything they touched.

Sweat dripped from Naruto's brow as he stood up and watched the carnage created by his clones as he looked in one direction and saw men lying on the ground violently convulsing where a few of the Lightning Shadows had been dispered. He looked in the other and thugs were pinned to the ground by mud covering their bodies and blood poured from holes where they had been stabbed. Where the Fire Shadows went nothing but pure destruction lay as the ground was burnt black and a few explosions could be heard as the earth shook slightly causing a few more explosions to go off.

Deciding he had spent enough time gawking at his handy work Naruto redrew his sword and took off in the direction opposite his clones to cut down more of Gatō's men. It was in this melee that the jōnin stepped in cutting down a few of Gatoō's thugs helping the boys as they ran into the mansion to take out any straglers or cowards and anyone else they encountered while going through the rooms to secure the property and deal with Gatō once and for all.

Sasuke wasn't happy to sit back and watch the dobe and his loser teammates (in his mind) get all the glory. He ran off much to the protest of the other genin that did not follow and jumped into the fray nearly getting stabbed in the gut before a Naruto clone rescued him by killing the thug. Sasuke grudgingly acknowledged the save with a grunt then quickly went through handseals horse, snake, ram, monkey, boar, horse, tiger and unleashed a "Katon: Gōkakyūno Jutsu – Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique" incinerating two thugs caught unaware as they were fighting a clone that unfortunately was also caught in the technique dispelling. The unfortunate part for Sasuke was that it was a Fire Shadow a fully powered one at that and it's dispelling caused a violent explosion that dispelled the clone that had saved him earlier that was a Lightning Shadow that shocked him into unconsciousness.

*Inside the Mansion*

Gatō was trembling with fear. He could hear the sounds of the battle outside and the slight occasional shaking of the house didn't help quell his worries. He knew his men were being slaughtered and that rat Zabuza and his goons fled leaving him defensless. He still had a chance though, but was broken from his thoughts when the door to the room he was hiding in was smashed in and thrown through the window on the opposite wall. Gatō thought about jumping through it for a moment, but decided that wouldn't work.

The short man watched as a main with black hair in a somewhat spiky fashion, dark eyes, slightly tanned skin, and dark blue shinobi gear came in the room and stared at him. "He's in here" he heard the man say and wondered who he was talking to. Then a group of people came in sporting what he recognized to be a Konoha headband.

"So what can I do for a bunch of Konoha ninja? Perhaps you're here to enlist in my forces instead of that pathetic old mans army? I can give you money more than you would ever see in your lifetime" Gatō tried to bribe them.

If anything his words had the exact opposite reaction he hoped for as the Konoha nin showed visible signs of anger. "Stuff it midget! The only thing we are here to do is making you pay for all the rotten crap you've pulled here in Nami and elsewhere!" Anko yelled.

They expected Gatō crying begging for another chance instead the little man was smirking as he pushed his chair back and stood up before addressing them. "Well, I'd hope you would see reason after all I'm not such a bad guy. I am only doing what was done to my home town and many other places, but if you won't see reason maybe this will change your attitude" Gatō says and with that rips off his suit jacket, shirt, and undershirt exposing his bare torso. To the jōnin's surprise he was covered in explosive notes.

Kakashi voiced everyone's thoughts, "What that's it?" This however got a laugh as Gatō put his left hand in his pants pocket and fished around for a second before bringing up a small remote. He pressed the button and the jōnin's heard some mechanical sounds as part of the wall to their right beside Gatō pushed outwards and slid to the side revealing 10 girls between the ages of 8 and 16 each with a single explosive note placed on their foreheads there hands and feet bound behind them as they lay on their sides.

The jōnin were bristling with anger. "What the hell is this?" Anko shouted. "HaHaHa … what did you expect. I know you wouldn't care if I threatened to blow myself up and you could probably get away from the blast even if I did, but these sweet, innocent, cute little girls … well, I doubted you would feel the same about them" Gatō said with a smirk as he stood close to the youngest of the girls touching her in a very inappropriate manner.

Gatō's plan was working as the jōnin backed up a bit unsure of what to do next. However, they didn't have to as the next second Gatō'seyes grew wide and his pupils constricted then he fell over face first hitting the floor. There was a kunai sticking out the back of his head embedded to the pommel. Looking around they found the culprit sitting on the windowsill with a big smile on his whiskered face.

Instead of the happy congradulations he was expecting he was met with scowls and anger. "Gaki! What the hell do you think you were doing?" Anko shouted. "I think … I was saving those kids over there from being blown to Tentou" Naruto says as he stands up and moves across the room to remove the tags from the girl's faces. "That's not the point. You could have gotten us all blown to Makai with that little stunt" Anko says loudly.

"Hey how about instead of shouting at me for something that could have happened you help me free these girls and comb the estate for any more captives" Naruto says as he continues to free the girls from their bindings ignoring the jōnin. The jōnin quickly moved to free the rest of the girl's anger leaving them as they did. The rest of the night was spent cleaning up and going through the rooms looking for anything of value that they of course would give to the citizens of wave … some of it at least. The genin were tasked with body removal and more than a few lost their lunch before they even got started. So it was no surprise that everyone decided to call it a night when they were finished leaving the debriefing and what not for the morning.

*Tazuna's House Next Morning*

The dinning room was once again packed with Tazuna, Inari, Tsunami, the jōnin, and Naruto sitting at the dining room table. The other genin were sitting around the room finding whatever space was available to sit. Tazuna was anxiously awaiting a report on what happened so he could share with the rest of the village especially those that had helped bring this moment about.

"Gatō and his forces were … destroyed in last night's assault. The missing-nin he hired are unaccounted for, but I believe they fled shortly before or during the melee leaving Gatō to his fate. We cleaned up the carnage and sealed away any documents, possessions, equity that we thought could be of interest to you and your people other wise leaving the place alone for you to decide what to do with it" Yūgao reports and sees the old man smile widely believing their troubles are over along with his daughter. Inari struggled with the news not believing the little tyrant was defeated, but chose not to say anything when seeing how happy his mom and grandpa were.

The rest of the room reflected on the night concluding things had gone much easier than they expected. They would acknowledge in some cases begrudgingly that Team 11 was the reason. Some were impressed with the boys performance, some were indifferent believing they and their squad could have done just as well, while a minority (read Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kiba) believed the demon and his team should have died leaving the true heros to be recognized. They all had questions thou and decided now was the time.

Tazuna left immediately to tell everyone the good news, while Tsunami went into the kitchen to fix a hero's breakfast for everyone, and Inari left to think about everything leaving the Konoha shinobi alone. "Okay everyone … while the primary threat has been take care of I think we all agree relaxing our guard will be a big mistake. In saying that I think we can all use this time productively and get some good training in while also keeping an eye on the client and his family just to be safe. To that measure Naruto will create a Kage Bunshin that will accompany Tazuna to the bridge with a team. We will switch each day giving everyone an equal chance to improve themselves before we head back to Konoha when the bridge is finished" Yūgao says.

"Does anyone have anything to add?" She asked. "Just that everyone should keep in touch and don't wander away without informing a jōnin" Hamaki says a bit worried at Zabuza and his follower's absence. The others nodded also wondering what happened to the nuke-nin.

"Actually I would like to know about those weapons and jutsu Yūgao-sans team used" Asuma said surprising those who were sure it would be the emo and his handler to ask such a question. The two mentioned just smirked thinking they would get their answers without having to dirty their hands. They were quickly disappointed thou when Naruto answered, "That Asuma-san is a secret".

This got shouts of outrage especially from Sasuke, his handler, and his ever loyal fan-girl. "What baka! You can't do that! Sasuke needs that power more than you. I demand you give him that sword and anything else he wants!" the pink menance shouts. "Yeah dobe, hand over that sword. I bet your not even using it right" Sasuke says hands out in an expectant manner.

Naruto just looked at them before responding, "And on whose authority are you demanding things of me?" Naruto asked. The pink wonder went to open her mouth and Naruto quickly stopped her by unleashing some killer intent on the girl. "I wouldn't open that damn mouth of yours again if I were you. I am really starting to lose my patience with the both of you spoiled brats. I only answer to two people in all of Konoha and you aren't either of them" Naruto says through clenched teeth.

"Look Naruto, I can see you don't like them but maybe you can see a way to help them. Afterall we are all Konoha ninja and brothers in arms helping each other get stronger to defend our village and country is what we do" Hamaki says hoping to avoid a big confrontation. The Uchiha smirked thinking he was going to get his way. Unfortunately his words had the exact opposite effect.

"Ha-Ha-ha-ha oh my god that is just priceless. Brothers in arms … help our village and country … hahaha" Naruto says laughing at them. This got different reactions his team hung their heads sadly as Yūgao said the same thing and similar things through out their time together only to get the same reaction. It got to the point that she just stopped and realized it was a waste of her time. Naruto would never forgive the village and she had to admit if their positons were flipped she would have gone off the deepend or worse.

Katsu and Yuudai held no allegiance to Konoha and were angered beyond belief when they learned of their teammates past, but they had grown to really like the blond and see him as a really good friend and person. To that point they were thinking of sticking around in Konoha instead of heading back to the capitol when their time was up if Naruto decided to forgive and stay. That wasn't going to happen and they knew it … still they could hope.

Everybody else in the room, except for a likewise saddened Hinata, grew angry. Sakura immediately ran up shouting "NARUTO!" as she raised her fist to try and strike him. She didn't even get close as she swung Naruto grabbed her hand yanked it downwards then kneed her in the forehead. She went sailing back unconscious only to be caught by Kakashi who angrily growled at Naruto. The genin and jōnin, minus Hinata, from the other teams quickly stood and got into their stances as if prepared for battle.

"You have done it now Naruto, striking a fellow Konoha ninja outside of a spar is grounds for expulsion from the shinobi ranks and jail time" Kakashi says. His team immediately went to his side and got into their stances to protect their teammate. Naruto's reacted in the only way he knew how … by laughing.

"Ha, ha, ha ohh so many laughs this morning. You're a joke Hatake-teme, but tell me this … exactly what do you call what she was trying to do huh? I guess hitting a 'fellow' Konoha ninja is okay as long as it's me" Naruto says. This had the immediate reaction of the rest of the teams standing down feeling a bit ashamed.

"Naruto she didn't mean anything by it you could have just let her hit you and be done with it" Ino says trying to stand up for her friend. "Oh really … well maybe next time I'll kwarimi with you and let you take the hit" Naruto says. Ino shrinked in on herself as she had seen how Sakura hit Naruto and it was nothing like what happened during their spats over Sasuke. It hadn't happened since they joined the academy mostly because the boy always dodged when she tried, but before then Sakura took great pleasure in making the boy cry. She always wondered how the blond boy survived and why he kept coming back for more.

"I didn't think so" Naruto says seeing her reaction. "Look we are not 'comrades in arms' I am merely serving out the term of my contract. I am … more of a mercenary than anything and I am certaintly not any of your friends. My team, sensei, and Hinata are the only ones here who can say that. The rest of you are just people I have to work with" Naruto says as he sat back down in his chair calmly followed by his team.

"What? How can you say that I thought we were friends" Chōji says. "Really now, well after I stood up for you that day against those bullies I thought so too so imagine my surprise when you ignored me the next time I saw you pretending as if I wasn't even there. I even went to your family's barbecque restraunt like you said I could only to be thrown out" Naruto says staring at Chōji with a look that gave away nothing. "Naruto look … I … we … this is so troublesome" Shikimaru says trying to explain when he saw the look his big boned friend shot him after what Naruto said.

"Save it Nara-san, we aren't friends and I learned we never were and that's okay. I mean honestly I prefer being ignored to the other things that were done to me" Naruto says glaring at Anko as he said this, which didn't go unnoticed … not that he was trying to hide it or anything. "I think I'll take my leave now" Naruto says and without another word left the room and house.

"Can he do that?" Sakura asked as Kakashi placed her in a chair. "He can and there is nothing any of you can do about it" Yuudai says as he and Katsu went off to find their teammate. "This has all gone so wrong. This mission was to build bonds and encourage friendship and instead it's only done the opposite so far. Where did it all go wrong" Hamaki says as he was one of the few who knew the Hokage set this up specifically to get Naruto to want to be a part of Konoha. The reasoning was if he made friends with the many clan heirs and important ninja among this group then he would have ties that would at least make him think twice about leaving.

The last part of his statement was rhetorical as he immediately along with some others in the room glared at Team 7, minus Anko and Ami. Those three had been nothing but a bur in everyones side. Kakashi and Sasuke had been going around demanding to learn jutsu from anyone they thought would listen, but weren't willing to help anyone else in return. Sakura was as much an eyesore as an earsore as she kept going on and on about how great her Sasuke-kun was and how they were destined to be together. Everyone shared the same opinion of getting the mission over with as fast possible, home, and away from the majority of team 7.

*Tazuna's Backyard – later that day*

Naruto was standing on the sea that surrounded Tazanua's back yard and all of Nami as he was practicing his kenjutsu with a Suiton Kage Bunshin while other clones were working on a new Suiton ninjutsu he picked up while raiding the rooms of Gatō's men. They both held standard issue katana's and were engaged in what might be considered a dance to others as they weren't trying to defeat one another just go through the motions of the different kata's that Naruto had learned and still trying to learn. Katsu and Yuudai were doing the same in other spots of the water.

There was one other thing to this scene that needed mentioning. All the Naruto's including the original were toppless and the surprisingly smooth unblemished tanned skin gave off a sheen as the sweat they had built up ran down his torso. In a tree near the coast line no one heard the silent 'eeps' and moans that were being emitted by a … near silent watcher.

Yūgao was watching all this from the shore. She had something she wanted to speak to Naruto about, but was admittedly nervous about doing so. She knew that what she was about to bring up may cause a rift between her and Naruto, but she knew he would still respect her as his sensei even if he didn't like what she was about to say and do.

"Naruto could you come here for a moment!" Yūgao shouted to the blond teen. Stopping what he was doing Naruto nodded toward his sensei then took back the sword from his clone and dispelled it. He calmly walked ashore and stood in front of his sensei. "What can I do for you sensei?" Naruto asked as the woman shifted slightly in front of him.

"I … need to ask something of you" she started. Naruto just listened intently waiting for her to say what she had to. "I just ask that you hear me out" she continues and Naruto nods. "I know it maybe difficult for you to do, but I ask that you find some way to forgive Anko" she paused expecting a loud shout of indignation of some kind. Instead Naruto just sat quietly waiting for her to finish thou if you looked deeply you could see embers burning in his eyes at the mention of that womans name.

After a few minutes Yūgao continued a little confused as to why she wasn't on the receiving end of a tirade by the blond. "Ughh … she's a good person and knows that she wronged you. She only asks that your able to forgive her and let her plead her case for five minutes after which she will leave you alone forever if that is your wish" Yūgao says and braced waiting for the verbal assault she knew was coming.

So it came with no small surprise when Naruto said, "okay". Everything seemed to quiet even the slight breeze stilled at his answer and Yūgao had to blink a few times before asking "Okay?". "Okay" Naruto said again.

Yūgao blinked then blinked again before a smile formed on her face. 'Maybe he's actually matured a little more than I thought' she thought. A few seconds later Anko slowly walked into the clearing until she stood beside her friend. "Thank you Yūgao-chan … I'll take it from here" Anko said. Yūgao nodded and walked away from the pair just enough to be out of view, but still able to view the proceedings.

Anko stood there shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot as she tried to find the words to express her regret. The silence was broken by Naruto who didn't want to be in this … woman's presence any longer than needed. "What can I do for you Mitarashi-san?" Naruto asked calmly.

Anko just stood there for a minute trying to think of the best way to go about this. In the end she decided to just be her. "You can cann the Mitarashi-san crap and just call me Anko, everyone else does" She says in dismissive manner.

"No thanks, I think I'll stick with Mitarashi-san Mitarashi-san" Naruto says in response. Anko frowned at this. The gaki wasn't going to make it easy on her, but that was okay in her books as she liked a challenge.

"Fine then gaki, but know this sooner or later you will call me Anko the hottest, sexiest, most awesome Kunoichi there ever was" Anko said grinning wildly as she assumed what she calls her 'super awesome sexy pose'.

Naruto just looked at her and shook his head. "Not likely" Naruto said in a flat even tone. This made Anko pout at the genins dismissive attitude. "You know you like me gaki and that I'm the most awesome person ever" Anko said with an ear splitting grin.

Naruto just looked at her. "I hate you … the only reason I agreed to talk to you was because Yūgao-sensei asked me to … thou I cannot forgive you like she also asked. That is beyond my current self … thou I believe if it wasn't for you I would have forgiven someone for nearly killing me and still proclaim them my best friend" Naruto says then pauses again. "I should probably thank you for that."

"Look gaki … Naruto, I'm sorry okay. I was desperate when I took that bastard councils offer. I didn't even get what they said they would give me. I've tried to make up for it by punishing those the Hokage would occasionally send to the IT department for harming you. I know it's not enough, but it's all I could do until now" Anko said as her tone steadily grew desperate during her speech. "I'll do anything you want … even … make you a man if you will just forgive me. I'll even be your wife if you want" Anko says just loud enough for him and only him to hear as she lowered her head.

"HaHaHaHaHa!" Naruto laughed so loud that Katsu, Yuudai, and everyone near including Yūgao stopped what they were doing and walked close to the pair. Anko was growing angry and beginning to forget her guilt. "What is so funny" Anko said in a low dangerous voice.

"HaHa … What I find so funny … HaHa … is that you think I would ever want to touch you let alone marry you … HaHaHa" Naruto says doubling over in laughter. Naruto sincerely found this funny as he hated the bitch. She was the catalyst for his change and one of his worst days ever. He couldn't say ever, because … well because so many bad things happened to him that a mere betrayal would never top them. Still to gain his trust and then betray him like she did … that would never be forgiven or forgotten.

"ENOUGH!" Anko had truly had it and was fed up with this gaki mocking her. Her outburst got Naruto's attention quieting him thou he still giggled a bit. This also brought out the rest of the Konoha teams as they watched the spectle. A few were hoping Naruto would get himself killed by the enraged kunoichi thus taking care of two problems.

"You would be lucky to lick the dirt from my sandles gaki. Kami knows no one except that stuttering, weak, pathetic Hyūga would ever want you. I was just trying to apologize to you and how do you thank me by laughing at me and insulting me like your any better. You act like I tried to kill you or something all I did was …" Anko froze before she could finish her rant.

Naruto unleashed all of his Ki on the wo … no bitch before him. "You mock me saying I would be lucky to have you then mock the only person my age I consider a friend and one of maybe two girls from Konoha I would even consider as anything more than that. Then you have the nerve … the nerve to suggest you did nothing to earn my hate" Naruto says to the woman before continuing after a pause to calm himself.

"I am not some emo avenger nor do I care about getting some petty revenge. I have definitely had worse things happen to me and by much more important people than you. However, you did something that few before you managed to do. You got me to trust you to see you like family. I listened to your stories about your past and your troubles with the village. I quickly came to think of you like a sister … I even had a small crush on you thou at the time I didn't know that" Naruto says pausing again. The gathering crowd desperately wanted him to continue some so they could get answers, some because they simply wanted to know more about the blond, and others to tease and mock him with it.

"That day you spent with me as we enjoyed the festival was the single best day of my life and happiest moment ever. I thought I had finally found someone like me that knew my pain and would help me. Then when I was tired and trusting you with my life you went and handed me over to the 'good' citizens of the leaf. I bet you enjoyed watching as they stabbed, cut, and burned me. How about when they tried to draw and quarter me without the horses even attaching a rope to my … private areas? Did you enjoy that? Did you enjoy watching my suffering?" Naruto says as Anko could only cry shaking her head.

"You say you got back at the villagers and shinobi who abused me as some form of payback to me, but in reality you did all of that because they didn't give you what they promised to give you. If they had held up their end of the bargain I'm sure you would feel a little guilt, but you would have been happy and not cared in the least what happened to the 7 year old child you left for dead on some street" Naruto says coldly. Anko wanted to protest and defend herself, but couldn't find the words to.

"Then you come to me with the gall to think it's some priveldge being with you? Your name is the feature of more public bathrooms than all the local whores combined. It's not just Konoha, but all of Fire Country … for godsakes lady I bet your name even adornes the wall of some shithole in Iwagakure. I wouldn't touch you let alone fuck you if you were the last woman alive. You simply disgust me and I'll never forgive what you did to me. I listened to you now never bother me again unless we are both unfortunate enough to have to do a mission together again" Naruto says as he walked away.

As soon as he started to walk away Kurenai raced over to her friend to comfort her while glaring at Naruto. The rest of the teams went back to doing what they were doing before as few of them liked Anko and none thought what he said was inaccurate. Naruto's teammates and Hinata were processing what they heard adding to what they knew of the blond and went back to what they were doing. Hinata glaring at Anko for her comments about her and thinking she was worthy of her Naruto. Yūgao was conflicted as on one hand she wanted to comfort her friend and berate Naruto for what he said and on the other she wanted to keep Naruto's trust and agreed with what he said, but still felt he shouldn't have said it. In the end she settled for speaking to him and would then go directly to where Kurenai and Anko were to try and help her friend.

"That was a bit too harsh don't you think Naruto?" Yūgao said as the teen passed her. "Maybe, but then again maybe not if she didn't insult Hinata or make her lewd offer I would have tried to be more … civil with my rejection" Naruto responds. Yūgao could only nod and moved to help Kurenai console Anko. Naruto went back to his spot on the river to get in more training.

*2 Days Later*

Naruto was out walking in the village alone. Tazuna and Team 8 were at the bridge, Team 10 was off somewhere supposedly training same with Team 4. Team 7 was becoming a major annoyance to Naruto. Anko just kept apologizing every time he saw her like it would change everything. Ami kept threatening him saying she would make him pay for how he was treating her sensei. Kakashi was just in general an ass, Sasuke kept trying to goad him into a fight, and Sakura kept screaming her insignificant banshee head off about him disrespecting the Uchiha.

All in all Naruto couldn't wait for this mission to end. He wished it was just his team sent on this mission so he could enjoy his time away from Konoha. Things were getting better in Konoha, but he still hated the majority of the village and being there just brought up bad memories. Then there were things he had to deal with like … his mother. He needed to resolve things with her one way or another and having this time away was allowing him to think on just how to do that.

Naruto was brought out of his thoughts when he sensed two people heading directly towards him. "Hello" one of them said. She was a couple of inches shorter than Naruto with skin the colour of some exotic beach a golden brown or maybe caramel colour, honey blonde hair, and light hazel coloured eyes. Her face was beautiful roundish in shape, with a cute nose, her bottom lips were lush while her upper lip was a little thin, and her smile flashed her pearly whites. She was maybe a year younger than him, but she had a nice body with clearly present curves.

Naruto looked to the other and his breath hitched as he saw an even more beautiful girl standing beside the other. Her hair was pure white like fresh snow, her eyes were grey with flecks of blue, skin as white as her hair. Her face mirrored her friends except her lips were pink while her friend's was a brown colour with the upper lip slightly darker than the bottom. Also like her friend she looked to be a little younger than him, but already had some nice curvature to her developing frame. She was also only a few inches shorter than him making them both about 5'4 in his estimation.

"H-H-Hi" Naruto stuttered a bit before regaining himself. "Ughh what can I do for you?" Naruto asked and smiled brightly at the two girls. Deep in the recesses of his mind Kyūbi smirked as he could tell things were about to become … interesting with his vessel.

"You probably don't recognize us, but you saved us from Gatō's mansion the other night and we wanted to thank you" the first girl said and the other nodded.

Naruto smiled at the two and replied, "That's alright you don't have to thank me. I might be from Konoha, but due to certain circumstances I had a hard life growing up. When I saw what Gatō was doing here I couldn't let that continue. Besides I can't take all the credit there were plenty of other people there helping to get rid of that disgusting little tyrant. If you want you can come to Tazuna's place and thank everyone" Naruto says.

"No … thank them for us thou when you go back. I just saw you walking and remembered you were the one that stopped him from blowing us up with him and wanted to thank you" said the blonde.

"Well, like I said your welcome but it's not necessary. I was just doing what I felt was right" Naruto says with a smile. "So … what are you going to do now? Are you going home?" Naruto asked. Naruto noticed both girls fidgeted and seemed to become sad at his question. "I'm sorry that's not any of my business. Just forget that I asked" He said hurriedly.

"No … it's alright … it's just … we can't … go back home" the white haired girl said sadly. "My dad was the one who sold me to Gatō about a year ago. I have no one or place to go back to" the blonde haired girl informed him.

"I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you. I myself never knew my parents growing up, but I can't imagine the pain of being betrayed by one of them like that … thou I know something about being abondoned by one of them. Nothing like you were … I'm sorry I didn't get your name" Naruto said to the girls who nodded sadly.

"My name is Akari and I came from Kiri although my mom originated from Kumo. She was from the Yotsuki clan, but was captured while she was on a hands mission in Kiri . My dad was from Kiri and was a guard where my mom was kept. They fell in love and he helped her escape. They were very happy together until my mother died in childbirth with me. My father did his best, but we were poor and he couldn't find a job. He sold me to Gatō a few months ago after he risked everything on a bet he lost and begged for forgivness as Gatō and his men took me away " Akari said sadly.

"I see … but why are you telling me all of this?" Naruto asks. He thought both girls were beautiful especially the one with grey eyes who also had the voice of an angel, but he could tell they wanted something.

"Yes … umm … you see …" Akari started only for the white haired girl to interrupt her and blurt it out. "We want you to take us to Konoha" She states. Akari looked at her friend in exasperation as she wanted to build up to their request not just blurt it out.

"Why would you want to come to Konoha and why ask me of all people?" Naruto asked.

"During the purges before my village was destroyed my father would tell me about Konoha. He said it was a place that welcomed and accepted kekkei genkai. In fact our clan was planning to leave Kiri and ask for citizenship in Konoha before the Mizukage destroyed our compound and killed all the adults then sold me and the other girls my age to slavers. I guess Konoha became a becon of hope to me and I would tell Akari about it. The other girls have family are grouping together and will head back to Kiri, but for us there's nothing there except danger and painful memories" The grey eyed girl says.

Naruto thought about what she said and immediately understood. He imagined a lot of people felt that way about Konoha even if he didn't. Still, that didn't explain why they asked him and not one of the jōnin. "Okay, I get why you want to go to Konoha, but why ask me and not one of the jōnin?" Naruto asked.

As soon as he asked he noticed both girls blushed especially Akari whose darker skin almost turned completely red. "U-u-umm-m … yo-u s-see w-we kinda thought you were hot and …" Akari started only to stop midway.

Seeing her best friend and sister in all but blood freeze up the white haired girl decided to finish for her. "We want to be with you" She says.

Naruto was at a loss for words, but as both of them starred at him waiting a response he could only ask "Why?"

Both girls blinked then smiled. "The reason is, because we were curious about you. I mean after you saved us and were so nice to us that night we wanted to know more about you. We asked some of the other Konoha nin about you and most of them said nice things about you. Only some pink haired girl, a man wearing a mask and one visible eye with silver hair, an emoish kid, and some smelly guy with a really cute puppy had anything bad to say. We've also seen how you've helped out around the village and even gave your money to some of the orphaned kids and actually spent time playing with them. We just … think you are really great and would like to be your girlfriends" The white haired girl says and Akari nods in agreement.

Naruto couldn't believe it … they wanted him … both of them. "But wait … there are two of you? I can't date both you of you" Naruto says with a confused look on his face. The 'can I?" he kept to himself thou both girls easily picked up on the unvoiced question.

"Well … you see Gatō was going to sell us to some disgusting man. This man already had six women though he never married any of them. The only part of that that didn't make us want to commit jisatsu (suicide) was that we would get to betogether even if it was with that pig" Akari says venomously at the last part.

"I knew from researching Kiri's past that before the civil war that's going on there now certain Ninja clans often practiced polygamy and or incest to keep their bloodlines active. Akari and I want to stay together with a man we could both like if not love and … then we saw you. You looked so cool and the way you saved us … when I saw your eyes I wanted to get closer to you and Akari says she feels the same way" The white haired girl says blushing the entire time.

"Okay … I think I understand and I find you both to be very attractive as well. This is just all a little sudden. Plus, I have this situation back in Konoha and I don't plan to be there for long. Plus I don't even know your name" Naruto says pointing at the white haired girl. He watched their reaction that morphed from happiness to sadness back to happy.

"That's okay … as long as your not going to Kiri we'll follow you anywhere and my name is Miyuki" The grey eyed girl says with a smile.

"Look it's not that simple there are a lot of things that make this a bad idea" Naruto says hoping they would give up.

"Well then tell us why it is and let us decide. If after hearing you out we still decide to go with you then you'll have to agree and take us with you" Akari says and Miyuki nods.

Naruto just sighs. 'This whole mission has just been so … so … troublesome' Naruto thinks. So he explains everything his mother, the council, the villagers, his childhood, and finally his living situation. Naruto had actually been living in the Four Leaf Inn with his teammates as his apartment building still wasn't inhabitable. It was close and he'd probably be done in another month or two, but with missions taking up most of his time and the cost of materials it just wasn't ready yet.

However, if he thought that dissuaded the girls he was sorely disappointed. Akari and Miyuki just smiled and said "We are still going with you and if you leave we'll leave". They left him no room for arguining when they turned away from him and started discussing all the things they needed to be ready to leave Nami. Naruto just sighed and gave up, but couldn't the little smile that crossed his lips. He wasn't superficial or anything, but he couldn't deny he found them both to be beautiful.

*Same time in Konoha (Hokage's Office)*

"Kushina, be reasonable here. Naruto should remain apart of the village and protect Konoha like Minato always wanted him to" Sarutobi was pleading with said red haired mother.

Since the genins left on their joint mission to Wave Sarutobi had been thinking of anything that could help turn Naruto back to his side. He couldn't let the boy leave and despite not agreeing with Danzo's methods or beliefs he knew Konoha wouldn't survive if they lost their jinchūriki. The fear they inspired generally kept the smaller villages in line. Like wise even thou Kumo, Iwa, and Kiri had two jinchūriki none of them could compare to a fully incontrol Kyūbi jinchūriki. Despite not knowing who it was or even if there was one the probability of one existing along with their myriad of kekkai genkai kept Konoha on top and feared.

It was with that thought he was currently asking Kushina for her help in the matter. He was sure with her help Naruto would forget this nonsense about leaving and become a strong ninja under his command. He would even go so far as to offer him his title and hat to keep him. The boy was powerful, but far from the level expected of a Hokage at the moment but in 3 years who knew how powerful he would become.

However, his plans seemed to have hit a snag. That snag was namely one Kushina Uzumaki who so far wasn't going along with what the old man's plans.

"Look … Sarutobi I can see what your doing here and I won't be apart of it. Naruto and I still haven't really talked as such my influence over him is zero. My only priority right now is in getting him to forgive me for abandoning him and honestly … I hope he leaves. After whats happened to him and how I was run off I just can't see staying in this village" Kushina says.

"Kushina be reasonable. I know I didn't help you or Naruto much, but I did the best I could …" Sarutobi started only to be interrupted.

"Did the best you could … please" Kushina states waving her hand dismissively. "You're the Hokage I hope you don't expect me to believe you didn't know what was going on. You knew and you sat on your ass twiddling your thumbs, because you believe it was … 'for the best of the village'. You know every time Minato used to say that it made me sick. I knew every time he said that to some one, and that someone was usually me, that they would have to sacrifice something they most likely couldn't get back all for the good of the village. Tell me Sarutobi what good is it to protect a village when you can't even protect your family and loved ones?" Kushina says.

"I know it may not seem fair to you Kushina, but could you really forsake thousands of people for a single individual?" Sarutobi asks seriously.

"I could if that one person was my family. I know Konoha has the 'will of fire', but in Whirpool we always believed family came before everything that without your family you are nothing. When I came to Konoha I left behind my family not for Konoha or Uzushio but to help my family survive what they knew was coming" Kushina says pausing for a moment as a sad look over came her. "Look how well that's turned out. I promised myself that my kids would never have to do that, and so far I've failed but no longer" Kushina says with conviction at the end.

The Sandiame just sighed. 'This is going no where fast' the old man thought. "Look Kushina despite what happened you and Naruto are a part of Konoha. I mean seriously where can he go that will provide him the safety and security Konoha can?" Hiruzen says.

"I don't know, but it will be his decision and I will follow him even to the frozen waste lands of Yuki no Kuni if it means he'll forgive me and let me be a part of his life. This is the end of our discussion Sandiame-san please don't call on me again" Kushina says as she gets up and walks out of the office.

Sarutobi could only sigh as he watched Kushina leave. He had no authority over her anymore as she had retired before giving birth to Naruto resigning her post. He actually resented her for that as he could sense she had only gotten stronger in her time away and was possibly stronger than him. As a citizen of Konoha he felt she should lend that strength to him and the village increasing their power and prestige, but she had so far spurned the old man stating Naruto was her top priority.

'I guess this means I have no choice, but to call on a favour' the old man thought. Signaling two of his hidden ANBU Sarutobi ordered, "Jackal get me Atsuko and Umiko Miyohara" Sarutobi ordered. The jackal masked ANBU nodded then bowed before sunshining away.

Ten minutes later the ANBU was back and after giving his leader a nod and jumped back and hid his presence to resume his original duty. The two young teens he called for stood waiting for the Sandiame to get to why he called for them.

Atsuko and Umiko were sisters who were apart of the class rookie 13 graduated with. However, like most of the others both of their teams failed at completing the task their potential sensei gave them. Instead of flunking out all together they were both given the choice to go into other services that the regular squads wouldn't have to go into. Namely they chose to be apart of the SIU or Seduction and Intelligence Unit. They really had little going on for themselves beyond their looks thanks primarily to the fact they had developed earlier than most of the girls in their class (I'm sure you can guess who out did them if not think big coat).

They both had dark chestnut brown hair, slim ovalish faces, 36B chest, slim waist, nice hips with heart shaped behinds, and lightly tanned skin. Where you could tell the difference is Atsuko had green eyes, while Umiko had chocolate colored eyes and at 5'2 was two inches taller than her sister. They were also orphans so they had some street and book smarts, but no one would confuse either for geniuses.

"Atsuko, Umiko I assume that you have completed your training?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asks the teens. Both girls held in the involountary shudder theyalmost gave. They knew what it would mean if they signed up for the Seduction Unit, but both were trying to put off the last step for as long as possible. It wasn't that they were prudes or anything of that sort, but they wanted their first time to be with someone they picked and not some mission.

"Not yet Sandiame-samma, there are still a few steps left before we are ready for field work" Umiko answers.

The Sandiame nodded. He knew the last step was usually the hardest for the girls that went down this path. Still, maybe this mission he wanted them to do would be a way to kill two birds with one stone so to speak. "I know that you say your not ready, but Madame Asutara assures me your two of her most promising girls and as such despite not completing your training I am in need of your services" Sarutobi tells them.

Both girls nodded for him to continue. They knew they had no real choice in the matter. If they were called upon it was their duty to answer no matter what was asked. They also knew he wasn't flattering them. In the wake of all the fan girls that just graduated many of them were fairly attractive, but most were neither smart enough or talented enough nor tough enough for a life as a shinobi of any trade. Almost all of them were civilians and just decided to go home and be good little girls transitioning to civilian school and trying to snag a husband.

For those that were orphans or from ninja families they finally got how stupid they had been in not taking their training seriously and chasing some boy that didn't even bat an eye lash at them. They left themselves with few choices, but the ones with ninja families had help and got placed as apprentices in other fields like code breakers or the courier service, etc. The orphans, like them, had nobody to get them such favours so they were stuck either restarting at the civilian school or become glorified whores in the SI unit. Neither choice was desirable and while they could have attempted civilian life , most of them didn't want to go back to the orphanages or stay in school for six more boring years.

Sarutobi handed them a scroll and then started up. "I need you to get close to the person in those files I just gave you. I think you will recognize him easily" The Sandiame says as he watches them open the scroll.

Both girls gasp. "Hokage-samma … Why would you want us to get close to him? I remember Naruto from class and he wasn't anything special and everyone seemed to hate him" Atsuko says.

"You are wrong young lady. Naruto … has a special power hidden inside of him. That power scares the villagers and even the ninja of this village, which is why he was treated the way he was for most of his life. I can't tell you any more than that, but let's just say his treatment has caused Naruto to turn away from me and the village no matter how hard we try to make amends. I fear we will lose him soon and that is something we can't afford" Sarutobi tells the girls.

"Okay … so you want us to seduce him so he'll stay in Konoha?" Umiko asks.

"Seduce, befriend, bribe, blackmail I don't care. I need you to help ensure he becomes attached to the village or at least some people in the village and wants to stay. This will be an extended mission that will last from now until two and a half years from now. You will be paid each month the equivalent of a B-ranked mission" Sarutobi says.

That was standard especially for extended missions. He could have made it higher ranked, but they guessed this was so it would fly under the radar. "When do we start?" Atsuko asked.

*A week later Wave*

The Konoha teams were finally heading back home. The bridge was completed a few days ago, but they stayed on a few days longer to ensure none of Gatō's men would suddenly show up to try and continue their tyranny. Thankfully for the citizens of Wave most of them had been caught in the raids on Gatō's businesses and camps by Anko, Hamaki, and the other jōnin. The few that were left ran as far away from Wave as they could looking for a new gang to join up with.

Team 11 and the rest of the Konoha teams made it to the site of the bridge just after sunrise to find a surprise waiting for them. The citizens of Wave had come out to send them off with great cheer and fanfare. Naruto's cheeks gained a pink tinge as he noticed a number of the females wearing different coloured shirts with his face on them. Tazuna and his family stepped away from the cheering crowd and walked up to the ninja that protected them and saved their country.

"We the super citizens of Wave would like to thank all of you super ninja and Konoha for protecting us and helping a down and out village when we could only offer you so little. We would also like to give you this" Tazuna said as he held out a scroll to Yūgao.

Taking the scroll Yūgao took it and examining the contents found enough money to pay each squad for a B ranked mission, which was more than fair seeing as all the missing-nin left without one skirmish between them or the Konoha contingent. She immediately tried to give it back, but Tazuna refused.

"Keep it, that money comes from what we were able to gather from the accounts Gatō had in Wave Countries bank. It's the only account left in the bank so he pretty much owned it as well, which is why he felt confindent in leaving most of his money there. His notes that you gave us indicated he wanted Wave to be his base in the Elemental Nations and with those notes we've managed to take over his accounts and much of his business" Tazuna says smiling.

The once poor country was now well off, but it would still take awhile before they were fully back on their feet.

Meanwhile, as Tazuna and the leaf jōnin conversed Inari and his mother walked up to Naruto. "I didn't really get a chance to say this before, but I'm sorry about how I acted and I want to thank you for helping us" Inari said bashfully.

"It's okay kid. We all could use a bit of a reminder from time to time, even me. Just don't let it happen again okay" Naruto said with a grin that Inari quickly adopted.

"You bet Naruto nii-san!" Inari yelled smiling as he gave Naruto a quick hug and then ran back to where a few kids were calling to him.

"Thank you Naruto, for all you said to Inari. He really took it to heart and has finally become the son I always knew he could be" Tsunami said with a smile.

"Again it's not a big deal. Thou I'm glad you are not upset … I was probably a little too rough on the little guy" Naruto says returning her smile.

"It's okay. It was probably something he needed to hear for some time, but we were always too afraid of hurting him to do anything" Tsunami says waving off whatever concerns he had.

"Your welcome … but I think you should probably go rescue your son from the emo and his stalker" Naruto says pointing to where Inari was.

Sasuke was trying to get Inari to see how much cooler he was than the blonde dobe and that as an Uchiha he deserved to be worshipped like the Kami among men he was. Sakura his ever devoted follower agreed shaking her fists at the boy when he refused. Tsunami quickly took off to save her little boy from the two idiots.

It was at that point Miyuki and Akari showed up. Akari was wearing black pants, a black top with gold flower designs on it and a large sun on the back, with black sandals that had gold straps. Miyuki was wearing a white sundress with white lycra shorts underneath. The dress had a floral design as well, but Naruto noticed more than a few were orange or black or orange and black with white sandles. "Naruto-kun we're ready to go" Akari says.

Naruto nodded only to be stopped by one person he didn't want to hear from. "Who are these two Naruto?" questioned a certain Cyclops.

Naruto noticed the group had reformed and that everyones eye was on him and the girls. Both girls shrinked a little at all of the attention, but stood their ground. "This is Miyuki and Akari two of the girls that we rescued from Gatō. They want to come back with us to Konoha and I have agreed to take them with us as … their escort" Naruto says hoping the matter would be dropped.

"Fine, but it will be up to you to make sure your little girlfriends can keep up as we won't be slowing down for them or you" Kakashi said with his face stuck in his little orange book.

"Hey! If she can keep up we can keep up" Akari defended them from the silver haired jōnin as she pointed at Sakura.

Sakura would have retored, but everyone including her noticed she didn't say anything about being called Naruto's girlfriend.

'Could they really be his girlfriends?' Yuudai wondered.

'Damn Naruto's so lucky … if only they were twins' Katsu thought adopting a perverted grin as his mind wandered elsewhere.

'Great there goes Katsu. He's probably thinking about those twins that were staying at the hotel last month again' Yūgao thought with a frown.

'I wonder what Sachi and Sachiko are doing now' Katsu thought as his visions of the two sisters began to get increasingly perverted a drop of blood was seen dripping from his nose.

Everyone else also wondered the same thing as Yuudai with the jōnin (not Kakashi/Kurenai) wondering if this would help Naruto open up and maybe want to stay apart of Konoha. The gennin for the most part were stunned, but some had different thoughts.

'Hah … so the baka finally realized he isn't the man my Sasuke-kun is and will leave me alone now. (Sigh) I guess he can't help, but to want me as I'm the most beautiful girl here (even her 2nd personality didn't back her up on this … not she noticed). Hopefully now he'll leave me alone and stay with those ugly sluts' some short sighted, self absorbed, delusional pink haired girl thought.

'Hn … must kill Itachi, must avenge my clan' was the only thought an a certain emo's mind.

'Troublesome' came from a certain lazy gennin.

'Damnit first Hinata and now these two' Kiba thought and started ogling the two new arrivals. 'Damn they're hotter than Hinata … especially that white haired girl. Damn Naruto and him getting all the hot girls. What does that loser have that I don't? That's okay once I beat that loser down Hinata and those two bitches will realize who the real top dog is and beg to be with me' Kiba thought smiling at his genius.

Hinata was having completely different thoughts. 'Who do these sluts think they are getting close to my Naruto-kun' she thought angrily. Kurenai frowned as she could sense Hinata's thoughts and had become increasingly of the opinion that she should give up her crush on the boy as she didn't like him. The fact that he was using his 'savior' status to curropt two innocent young girls definitely made him a pervert in her books and perverts were meant to be killed not loved.

Kakashi didn't say anything else chosing to walk away and continue reading … rereading his icha icha. The girls swarmed the two new girls, except for Hinata who chose this time to get closer to her love. It was Ino who still had flashes of her fan girlish ways that got in the first question.

"So, which one of you is the baka's girlfirned?" Ino asked. She had no idea what either of these girls would see in Naruto. She would admit that he's good looking and strong, but as far as she knew he was always so silent and seemed to be full of anger. She didn't realize she pretty much described Sasuke without the emo. There was also the fact that at least one of them … the pale white haired girl was even better looking than she is which she grudgingly admitted.

"We … both … are" Miyuki said slowly. She was getting really nervous with the looks everyone was giving them especially that blue haired girl who she just realized was standing awfully close to Naruto-kun while glaring at her like she stole something important from her. Akari was feeling the exact same way as her BF.

"What! Is that possible? Why him?" Ino yelled causing most people to turn from whatever they were doing and look at her.

The girls didn't say anything just pointed at Naruto. Ino and the others turned only to be confronted with Naruto who was comforting a shaken Inari after he got away from the cluthes of Sasuke and Sakura. They saw Inari immediately brighten up and then start talking and playing with Naruto who did all of this with a smile.

For most of them this was eye opening as they had never seen Naruto be anything but that of a closed off cold bastard. They heard about how he was helping with the bridge and around Wave, but had put those off as rumors. When a gaggle of orphans came up and surrounded Naruto and Inari and started hugging the blonde saying tearful goodbyes they realized this was the real Naruto.

'Wow … this is Naruto. Why doesn't he act like this around us or in Konoha?' They asked themselves. A few after asking it immediately got it either having seen part or some of how he was treated or were involved in some of it.

Of course the brooder and his banshee stalker were only thinking of themselves and what they could do to accomplish their individual goals, which not surprisingly involved using or sacrificing a certain blonde. Kakashi and Kiba were like wise unaffected and thinking of their own goals and how to do away with a certain 'demon'. Others thought they should get to know and get closer to the blonde with the others apathetic to the site though they filed it away for future reference.

The villagers of Wave thou cheered even louder for their hero and smiled as the last of the kids walked off after hugging the blonde and Tazuna and Tsunami walked infront of Naruto.

"Well, gaki I guess this is it. Thanks for all of your super help with the bridge and everything. Take care of yourself" Tazuna says after shaking Naruto's hand and walked back towards the crowd.

"Come and visit us some time Naruto-kun. I'm sure Inari and your fan club would love it … not to mention so would I" Tsunami says and then quickly leans up a little to give Naruto a peck on the lips. This produced a few catcalls and glares directed at the single mother as she stepped back and stood beside her father blushing.

Naruto after getting over the kiss from the beautiful older woman looked down and found Inari crying cluthing onto his pants. "What's with the tears Inari?" Naruto asked feeling a little uncomfortable with the situation.

"I-I'm n-not ccrying" Inari says as he turns away and tries to wipe away his tears.

Naruto just walked up behind the boy and placed a hand on his shoulders slowly turning him around. "It's okay to cry Inari … just remember to make them tears of happiness okay" Naruto says with a smile and gave the boy a thumbs up.

Inari returns the gesture and after another quick hug walks back beside his mom and grandfather. The group takes this time to leave with many thanks from the Wave villagers being called out.

The recovering town and it's citizens watched as their liberators and heroe's walked off into the distance. "So what are you going to name the bridge otousan?" Tsunami asked her father after the group was nearly out of eye sight.

"How about … Super Tazuna's Super Bridge!" the old man shouted with a huge smile as he made what in his mind was a super pose.

Everyone had the same thought at the same time and voiced it at the same time. "NO!" came a collective yell that the Konoha teams heard. They turned to see if anything was wrong, but found everyone and thing as they left it a few minutes ago so shrugged and continued on.

Naruto at this point created a clone that bent down in from of Miyuki who understood and climbed on his back carefully so as not to give anyone a free show. Naruto did the same for Akari and after securing her both Naruto's and Team 11 took off at speeds even the jōnin couldn't follow if they tried, but saddled with their gennin they had to go at a more sedate pace especially since Sakura kept complaining about being tired and needing to rest every ten minutes. It's safe to say the other teams wouldn't reach Konoha for another day or two.

This was Team 11's plan as they wanted to make sure they reached Konoha safely before the other teams so that they could deliver their report first. They wanted to make sure that certain individuals … okay individual wouldn't be able to make up crap and cause them any trouble or take credit for things to glorify himself and the Uchiha. It was a bit of a risk, because the other teams could sign on with Kakashi's report and make their efforts a waste but Yūgao assured them they could trust the other jōnin sensei's to be professional enough to deliver accurate reports. It didn't make Naruto any less weary, but there was nothing he could do except hope his sensei was right.

Meanwhile, back at the bridge most of the people had walked away while the rest were still trying to think of a good name. It really wasn't all that long it's just most didn't care and only wanted to see their hero's off and get back to rebuilding their lives. Of course it was Inari who finally came up with the name and the others quickly agreed vetoing Tazuna who still wanted to call it 'Tazuna's Super Bridge'.

So it was in that vein the others left leaving the bridge builder, his daughter, and grandson to stare at their accomplishment.

"The Great Naruto Bridge huh?" Tazuna asked his family. Tsunami and Inari just nodded and smiled thinking of the blonde teen that did so much in such a short amount of time.

"I like it … but I still think it should at least be called 'The Super Naruto Bridge' … yeah that sounds much better" Tazuna says out lould to the shagrin of his daughter and grandson.

"Dad how many times do I have to tell you how lame you sound when say that word" Tsunami says admonishing her dad.

"Yeah sofu (grandfather), it sounds like Naruto is some weird comic book super hero or something" Inari says adding his thoughts.

"I don't know kiddo (kid), with all him and his team did and those jutsu thingies they used … I'm not sure that isn't far off from the truth" Tazuna says with a smile.

Both Tsunami and Inari looked at each other, then Tazuna, then off in the distance where they last saw Team 11. "Yeah your probably right, but the name stays the way it is" Tsunami says sternly to her father.

Tazuna just threw his hands up exaxperated at everyone downing his super ideas. "Fine, 'The Great Naruto Bridge' is what it will be called. They'll get to work on the plague and sign soon so it will be official" He says turning and walking towards their home. Inari and Tsunami quickly flashed a smile of victory before rushing to catch up with the old man.

Tazuna who noticed they were beside him decided to finally ask something he'd been dying to ask for the last twenty minutes.

"So Tsunami-chan … exactly what was with that kiss you planted on the gaki before he left?" Tazuna asked.

Tsunami of course instantly turned a bright red colour. Instead of answering she started to walk faster, and faster before sprinting away leaving Tazuna and Inari to gape at how fast the motherly woman ran away.

Inari was left gaping at how fast his mother ran away and wondered if he would ever be that fast not noticing the look Tazuna was giving him until it was too late. "You know Inari … from her reaction I think it's safe to say at some point in the near future you'll have a new daifu (father) and possibly nii-chan (brother) or nee-chan (sister) soon" Tazuna teases his magomusuko (grandson).

However, if he was expecting Inari to shout in disagreement or be embarrassed or angry he was very disappointed. Instead Inari turned his head to look behind him once more before facing forward placing his hands behind his head and adopting a big smile. "I think … that would be super grandpa" Inari says as the duo continue to walk home at a sedate pace one deciding to encourage his mother to go for it.

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