
Chapter 14

Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto and some of the jutsu that may seem original probably aren't *shrugs*

Chapter 14 - Meetings

*Hokage's Office*

Team 7 arrived in Konoha six hours after breaking away from the other teams in order to get the jump on them in reporting to the Hokage and making it apart of the official record. The Sandiame was going over the report and asked a few questions.

He wasn't very happy about what he was reading. 'Damn that Kakashi and his arrogant bastard of a pupil. Why Kami did Itachi spare that little prick? Did he do it just to spite me for ordering him to execute his clan? *Mental sigh* It's too late to do anything about them unfortunately, but they've basically ruined any hope of this mission turning out as I had hoped it would. It seems like Naruto is slowly moving further and further away from anyone that he could build ties with among his peers. Well, except for the Hyūga heiress but she's to weak willed to count on thanks to her stupid prick of a father. *Mental sigh* Why can't anything with this kid just be simple' Hiruzen thought.

"So I take it these two young ladies with you are the Miyuki and Akari that Uzuki-san mentions in the report?" The Sandiame asks in a business like manner.

"Hai Hokage-samma" Both girls answered.

"That's fine. It says here that you both have bloodlines?" He asked.

"Hai" Both girls said again.

"Would you be willing to give me a simple demonstration of your bloodlines?" He asked.

Both girls nodded with Miyuki going first. "I came from the Yuki clan before it was destroyed by the Mizukage. I will need a glass of water to give you a demonstration of my bloodline" Miyuki says.

The Hokage nods and calls for his secretary to bring him a glass of water. A few minutes later the secretary came in placed the glass of water down in front of the Hokage and then left the room. "If you would please give us that demonstration now?" The old Hokage asked.

Miyuki nodded before taking the glass it was small enough so that she could palm it covering the rim. She concentrated for a few seconds before the glass seemed to get foggy and then the water started shrinking before slowly turning into a tiny cube that expanded as Miyuki directed more chakra into the technique. A minute later the entire glass was frosted over with the water a cylindrical ice cube about three fourths it's size.

The Hokage nodded pleased with the display. 'This new bloodline will greatly aid Konoha' the elderly leader thought. He then motioned for Hikari to step up and demonstrate her ability.

"My ability like Miyuki's needs a prop for you to properly see what I can do. You see those in the Yotsuki clan are said to have amazing control over or ability with a particular element usually lightening similar to your Nidiame Hokage. However, my mother was part of a special branch within the clan called The Raito no Kodomo (Children of the Light) before she was captured by Kirigakure ninja. You see we are born being able to tap into our ability, but we lose it as we grow older. When we reach the age of 20 it disappears all together, however there have been a few reported instances of members keeping the ability well into adulthood even strengthening it. Sadly my ability is already starting to diminish, but if you get me a dead plant or someone who was recently injured I'll show you what I can do" Akari says.

The Sandiame quickly called on his secretary to fetch the necessary item(s). The woman was really put off by all the work she had recently had to do since usually all she had to do was sit and be pretty while handing the old man some papers and put up with his ogling. She returned ten minutes later with a potted sunflower that was dropping down almost touching the floor.

Taking the pot from the woman Akari walked until she was standing right in front of the open window in the Hokage's office. Placing the plant down in the center where the light reached it she stood in front of the plant with her arms down by her side. As she stood there everyone in the room stared with curiosity even Miyuki who had never seen Akari actually demonstrate her bloodline. It took five minutes but slowly light started to gather around her feet slowly traveling up her body until she was engulfed by a blinding light.

When everyone was able to open their eyes they found her kneeling in front of the plant with her hands and body still glowing thou it was more subdued so everyone could see what she was doing. Suddenly the glow left her feet as what seemed to be particles of light seemed to float down from her hand and being absorbed by the plant and the soil in the pot. A few minutes was all it took before the glow that had encompassed Akari left her and was absorbed into the soil and potted plant. As she stood up the plant lifted itself off the ground standing tall and basking in the sunlight once Akari stepped to the side.

To say everyone in the room was stunned … well that's just an understatement. The girl blushed as she realized everyone was just staring at her and moved to hide behind Naruto who snapped out of his daze quickly and shielded the girl. Her bloodline amazed him greatly, but he knew if this got out it would make her a target by everyone. Sure it was just a plant, but she hinted at being able to use it on people as well and despite the drawback of it disappearing after a certain age he could see what would happen.

The council without the meddling of the civilian council had gotten better and was definitely making things better for everyone, but the greed and arrogance that permeated the civilians were replaced with thoughts of military domination and blood lust. The only difference between the two was the mostly shinobi council was better at concealing things and getting things done. The one thing that didn't change was the lust for bloodlines and once they were told about what Akari could do it would take everything he had just to keep her from ending up strapped to a bed and raped endlessly as she popped out one child after another.

As it was he also had to watch out for Miyuki whose Hyōton would be sought after as well, but nothing like Akari's. 'I've been hiding my own bloodlines and abilities for so long I forgot what evils lurk in the shadows in this hell hole masquerading as an oasis. Once the old man blabs about this it won't matter what I say they'll have her strapped down before either off us can blink' Naruto thought bitterly. He could already see the wheels turning in the old man's head.

"Wow … that was amazing Akari. I didn't know you could do that" Miyuki says to her friend giving her a quick hug.

"Unbelievable" muttered Yūgao.

'Awesome' both Yuudai and Katsu thought looks of shock still on their faces.

'It's a good thing none of the other teams are here or this would turn really ugly and there would be no way to keep this secret' Naruto thought.

The old man clapped. "What wonderful abilities. I am sure both of you ladies will make wonderful additions to our forces" Sarutobi says not even thinking about what they may have wanted.

"What makes you think they are going to be a part of your forces Hokage-dono?" Naruto asked drawing the attention back to him.

The Hokage was confused and showed it. "Didn't they come here to become ninja for Konoha and restart their clans?" the old Hokage asked.

"We came here to be with Naruto-kun. We have seen enough bloodshed Hokage-samma and just want to be civilians for now" Akari says.

Hearing this made the old man throw a fit mentally although all anyone in the room saw was a frown. Deciding to try and persuade them against their decision he started in on them.

"Why? You girls would be treated like royalty and your clans would gain a seat on the council having a say on how things are run. We would also give you both a compound in which hopefully your clans would grow and call home. What are you going to do for money? We would fully fund your clans and make sure you were able to support yourselves. What could possibly make you turn all that down?" The Hokage asked a bit exasperated at having to convince another couple of kids to do the right thing.

"We came here to be with Naruto-kun. When he leaves we leave and we will become a branch of his clan. As for money we're not worried Naruto-kun has assured us he will be able to provide for us and we trust him. We plan to live with him and stay by his side everything else isn't important" Akari says with Miyuki nodding.

The old man sighed and turned his attention to the boy that was becoming a real thorn in his side. "Naruto, surely you've told them just how dangerous it will be to be with you? I know you wouldn't want anything to happen to them because of you? Especially if you still plan on leaving the safety and protection of Konoha Naruto. It's very irresponsible of you to drag these poor girls into your situation" Sarutobi says berating the teen.

Naruto just laughed. "Don't you think I told them everything … and I mean everything before bringing them here. They basically told me to stuff it and that they were coming with me regardless" Naruto says with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face thinking of the situation.

Akari and Miyuki smiled brightly even having a bit of the glow return to Akari. "He told us and we don't care. We even know he'll probably end up with more women in the future, but we don't care as long as he promises to love us and respect us as equals we will be faithful to him and give ourselves fully to him mind, body, and soul for as long as we live" Miyuki says this time.

Akari sighed, 'she has always been the romantic type despite what happened to us' Akari thinks.

"I-Is that true Naruto? Do you plan to take more women?" Sarutobi asks in disbelief.

"Well, I'm not Sasuke. If attractive women come on to me I won't say yes to all of them, but I can't say I'll say no to all of them either. As long as my girls agree … I can't see any reason not to. Plus, I've always wanted a big family" Naruto says surprising the old man and his sensei.

"You … want a family Naruto-kun?" Yūgao asked her student.

"Of course I do sensei. I hate to be cliché about it, but we always want what we figure we can't or will never have. For me that just happens to be a family and I want a lot of kids" Naruto says with a smile.

Both girls and Yūgao blushed lightly at that. Of course Yūgao was thinking about having kids with Hayate not Naruto … definitely not Naruto.

Seeing as things were getting out of his control the old man coughed a few times to get everyone's attention. "*Cough* *Cough* Ahem … Naruto be that as it may you you know what will happen once the council finds out about their kekkei genkai. All of the clans will try to make them join their clan. The lesser ones to increase their power, the major ones to keep their power, and don't get me started on what the civilian clans will do to regain what they lost when you helped me disband the civilian council" Sarutobi says.

Naruto just shrugged and says, "So let them try. As long as they do nothing to physically harm or try to control them in any way I don't care. The moment they do thou they forfeit their lives" Naruto says. He didn't want to escalate things, but he would if he had to to protect his girls. 'My girls? When did I start thinking of them like that?' Naruto wondered.

The Sandiame frowned, "Naruto I thought we agreed you wouldn't harm any citizens unless your life was in danger and you had no other choice?" Hiruzen says with some edge to his voice.

"That was not our agreement. The agreement was that I wouldn't do it unless I deemed it necessary and if they try to harm my girls or try to force them to do something against their will I am well within my rights … without penalty might I add. As is they came here to be with me and are under my protection, which it states in my contract, I am allowed to do. You can inform the clans about them, but remind them they are only allowed to make their offer and will abide by the girls decisions. I am not their master they are here voluntarily and if they choose to be with someone else or stay in the village I wont stop them, but until then they are my girlfriends and I will protect them with my life" Naruto says firmly.

Hiruzen sighed lowering his head. 'Why does everything with this kid have to be such a struggle? Why can't he be a good boy and do what's right for the good of Konoha and learn to be a hero willing to sacrifice everything for the village like his father … Kami rest his soul. You would be so ashamed of him Minato' the old man thought.

"Fine, fine I have your report and under the terms of our contract Naruto they are your responsibility. Now get out and leave me to my paperwork" the old man says sourly.

Team 11, Miyuki, and Akari were just about out the door when Naruto heard the old man call for him. The others stopped, but Naruto just told them to wait for him and he'll be right back.

"What can I do for you Hokage-san?" Naruto asked.

"There will be a mission coming through in two days and I need you to complete it" The Hokage states.

"Me? What is it and when should Team 11 report to receive it?" Naruto asked.

"No, not Team 11 just you. It's a simple D-rank and really doesn't require a whole team to accomplish. I am offering it to you, because the other teams are out on missions and I figured you would like to earn the extra cash" the Sandiame says looking at Naruto speculatively.

Naruto thought about it for a minute. 'There is obviously more to it than he's willing to tell me still … it is easy cash' Naruto thought.

"Okay Hokage-dono, I will take it. When do I need to be here to receive the mission?" Naruto asked.

"Two days from now at noon. Your dismissed" The old man says quickly returning to his paper work ignoring the young shinobi.

Naruto hated being dismissed in such a manner and he knew the old man did it on purpose, but Naruto took a breath, turned, and left the office without another word missing the old leaders smirk.

*Next Day*

Naruto yawned as he awoke fresh from his slumber. Yesterday had been a long day. After leaving the old man's office his team chose to show the girls to the hotel they would be staying at for a while. It didn't take long before the girls were off to explore the hotel and its amenities … namely the hot springs it held and Yūgao went with them. Naruto had taken this time to train, but it wasn't long before the girls came and forced him to take them shopping.

'Shopping' Naruto thought. Who knew something he always wished to be able to do freely as a child could be so … troublesome. 'Damn, I really need to stop using that word' Naruto thought. 'Still it was fun to see them try on different clothes … especially their swimsuits and lingerie' Naruto thought with a perverted giggle.

Naruto shook his head freeing him of those thoughts. 'There is no time for this. We need to prepare' Naruto thought. In truth the real drain took place later when an ANBU intercepted Naruto and the girls and informed them that a council meeting had been called for tomorrow evening and their presence was mandatory. The girls were scared as Naruto told them what it was about and what could happen if things didn't go well. He tried to calm them by promising once again he would do everything in his power to ensure their safety, but they were still nervous.

*Council Chambers – later that evening*

Naruto looked around and saw much had changed with the council. First there were only 5 civilians with one of them being the owner of the Higuarashi weapons store. He shopped there from time to time and became acquainted with the man's adopted daughter TenTen. They weren't friends or even acquaintances really … mostly because both were generally busy with their own training, but Naruto knew enough to say she was an okay person if only a little too obsessed with pointy things for his liking.

Then there were the clan heads. It seemed that with the disbanding of the civilian council more of of the lesser shinobi clans received seats. He didn't recognize anyone, but he didn't care so long as they did things fairly. Of course there were also the clan heads from the major shinobi families there that he recognized. He really didn't care for any of them as some of them sided with the haters, while the rest were indifferent only caring about themselves or their clans. He couldn't say he blamed them, because in his opinion family came first as well.

Then there were the advisory or elder committee, which seemed to have grown by two making it 5 advisers to the Hokage. Naruto recognized two of them as the old advisers that never liked him and often sided with the civilians and Danzo on anything having to do with him. Last, but not least sat the Hokage sitting at the forefront of everyone.

Naruto was standing with the girls in the middle of the room facing the Hokage. It was standard practice in meetings like these so they waited for the old man to speak.

"Young ladies we are here to make you an offer we ask that you please hear us out and make your decision known after we have finished speaking that includes you as well Naruto" The Hokage says starting things off.

Both girls nod and give a 'Hai'. Naruto does the same thou he folds his arms across his chest clearly giving a look that said he didn't like it or wanted to be there.

"Okay, first I would like to offer the both of you the chance to restart your clans here in Konoha. You of course will be the clan head until such time as you feel a successor is ready. You will each be given a clan compound that includes training grounds, shops, and separate utilities for your clan. You will be able to set and enforce your own laws inside of your compound, but must follow Konoha laws when outside of them. We will also fund you and your clans until you are able to stand on your own" Sarutobi says.

"All we ask is that your clans find an area in which you can reasonably contribute to Konoha either financially or through a service. Hikari for example it seems like your clan will be good healers so we would ask you clan to provide the village with a group of healers that can work in your compound or in one of the hospitals. Also, we ask that you marry someone from Konoha to create ties with your clans and produce an heir by your 21st birthday" Sarutobi says laying out the basics of the deal.

Then the individual clans stood up and made their offers. The Hyūga's offered Hikari a marriage contract to a main branch member of the clan and Miyuki a marriage contract to Neji and although they did promise not to mark her with caged bird seal, because of her age they did admit her kids would be branded. The Akimichi's and Nara's offered the girls a joint marriage contract to Chōji and Shikamaru as the clans were friends, obviously Hikari's bloodline went against the Nara's so Shikamaru got Miyuki while Akari was to be betrothed to Chōji. The Inuzuka's offered a contract to either girl with Kiba and the elders (Koharu & Homura) offered both the special opportunity to revive the Uchiha clan. The rest offered marriage contracts or special status within their own clans as well as inducements like money and decision making ability.

*5 hours later*

Obviously it took awhile before everyone got their turn to speak amidst some squabbles and a lot of braggadocio about whose clan or offer was the best. There were more than a few breaks to calm everything down or give everyone time to think. A few of the clan heads (the important ones) even upped their previous offers.

Finally the Hokage stood up and everyone quieted down. "So … young ladies what is your decision?" the Sandiame asks.

Both girls turned to the other and silently discussed things. Naruto stood where he was and stayed out of the discussion to be fair about things. Soon the girls turned to face the council each with a smile on their faces.

"We would like to thank the council and clans for your generous offers, but …" Miyuki started.

"We came to Konoha to be with Naruto-kun and help him restart the Uzumaki clan wherever that may be" Hikari finished.

Of course as soon as she finished there was a great uproar. "What!" "You can't do that!" "You both can't marry him only a clan head under the C.R.A. can marry multiple women!" "Why would you choose a dead clan over ours?" "Why would you choose that boy over Uchiha-samma!" were some of the many shouts.

Naruto unleashed an ungodly amount of KI that silenced everyone knocking out and nearly killed some of the civilians. "They listened to your offers and have said no. That is the end of this they have made their decision and like it was agreed upon before this meeting started you will abide by their decisions or … I will visit each and everyone that accosts them and see to it Shinigami-samma has some new souls to dine on" Naruto says using a bit of Kyūbi's chakra to demonically enhance his voice at the end.

"You can't threaten us boy! Who do you think you are? We can do whatever we like!" shouted Koharu.

"How quick you all forget *sigh* I guess I should expect no less from the idiots who treated a kid like he was a 50 foot tall chakra demon" Naruto says calmly.

Obviously this elicited a few shouts and nasty words from 4 out of the 5 civilians, Homura, Koharu, some of the lesser clan heads, Hiashi, Tsume, and Inoichi.

"You are the one who forgets yourself boy. You have no standing in this village or with this council so I suggest you take your empty threats with you and leave before we make you" Hiashi says coldly to the young blond.

"Shut up Hyūga, despite your numbers your clan is one of the most pathetic here. I was running circles around your precious Byakugan when I was 5 … or do you not remember all those expensive garments your clan had to throw out because they suddenly turned safety orange in color. Personally I think I did your clan a favor by adding a bit of color to your lives" Naruto said ending with a smirk.

Hiashi was seeing red. 'How dare this … this … bastard child think he can talk down to me and insult my clan. I'll kill him!' He mentally ranted.

Hiashi moved so fast none of the other council members could stop him. He was quickly closing the already short distance between him and Naruto as he leaped out of his seat Jūken palm strike extended for a killing blow.

Naruto didn't even move simply clapped his hands together gathering wind chakra and compressing it before moving his hands outwards in the direction of the falling Hiashi and intoning "Fūton: Reppūshō – Wind Release: Violent Wind Palm". The attack instantly stopped Hiashi's forward momentum and before he could even blink he was pushed back by the gale of wind and into one of the walls of the council room.

Instantly the entire council was on its feet ready to attack, but it was Sarutobi that got everything back in order. "Sit Down!" He shouted with enough KI to make everyone sit back down and tremble a bit.

It wasn't until one of the stronger clan heads got a hold of themselves enough to speak that anything was heard in the room. "B-b-but Hokage-samma he attacked a clan head" Tsume Inuzuka shouted.

"I merely defended myself. You all saw him coming at me and I am well within my rights to defend myself … even from you" Naruto says calmly after comforting the girls who were also caught in Sarutobi's wave of KI. He did note that no one was making a move to help Hiashi up as he had slid down the wall unable to get up, but not unconscious.

"*Sigh* He's right Tsume now everyone calm down. This meeting is going no where fast let's just call it a day and meet again when cooler heads can prevail. Oh and someone call a medic for Hiashi-san before you all leave okay" Sarutobi says getting up and leaving so that he can have a nice quiet smoke.

Naruto took a hold of both girls' hands and calmly walked out not even bothering to give those councilors glaring at him so much as a look. As he and the girls reached the outside a certain redhead appeared in front of them. "I think it's time we talked, don't you?" asked the redhead.

*Barbecue Pit*

Naruto was sitting at booth in the back of one of the Akimichi's restraunts. Despite what Naruto said to Chōji he didn't hate the Akimichi. They merely left him alone and even before the council was dealt with they would let him by food but would bring it to him out the back door away from where anyone could see him. They didn't do it out of the kindness of their hearts, but the Akimichi's merely accepted his business plus they had some thing against anyone going hungry. Naruto frequented the back door at their many restraunts after his change in attitude. Ramen was good, but as they say too much of a good thing can be just as bad and ramen was unhealthy to begin with.

Naruto didn't like that he had to lessen his visits to Ichiraku's and the kind father daughter duo that was always so nice to him, but he needed to do it in order to get stronger. He would secretly give Ayame money in order to help them stay in business as Teuchi was too stubborn and prideful to take charity from the boy. He knew he owed the Ichiraku's more than he could repay monetarily, but at least with the council gone and his status no longer being persona non grata business had been picking up for them.

"Something on your mind Naruto?" asked the red haired woman that met him outside of the council chambers noticing his far off look.

"You can say that" Naruto says trying to play it cool with the woman thou on the inside he was anything but.

"What were you thinking about?" she asked taking a sip of the tea she ordered.

"Oh you know … just thinking about the old days and how I struggled just to find food, because no one was there to really help me" Naruto says coolly not even bothering to look at the woman or notice the hurt in here eyes.

"C-c-can you tell me a-about your youth?" she asked quietly making it hard for him to hear, but he did.

"Honestly there isn't much to tell before my 7th birthday" Naruto says in response.

"Please, Naruto tell me what happened to you?" she asked.

"*Sigh* Fine. Let's see where to start, where to start … I guess after you left the old man decided that I wasn't to be adopted or cared for by anyone so he put me in the orphanage. I really don't have too many memories of that place, but they were mostly bad. Half the time I went hungry, unwashed, and isolated from everyone else forced to wear tattered clothing. It didn't matter if I was bad or the best behaved boy in the world they would always find some reason to punish me or take something away from or just to not give me anything they gave the other kids. When I was 2 they started giving me spankings then slowly upgraded to whipping me with belts, and it wasn't long before they and the other kids would start beating me. They would also attempt to poison, drown, and starve me" Naruto starts.

Kushina couldn't believe it. 'That was the first few years of his life? I'm a terrible mother. I can't believe I left him here to fend for himself … but if I didn't one or both of us would be dead and we couldn't sit here like this' she thought.

"At the age of three they kicked me out of the orphanage and I was forced to live in the streets. That's when the villagers and shinobi started attacking me. It wasn't until my fourth birthday after a mob had nearly killed me that I experienced my first real stay that the hospital. Before that they would just patch me up and kick me out" Naruto informs her.

Kushina couldn't believe what she was hearing. She knew that he would have a crappy life when she left, but to actually attack a child and to refuse him proper medical care? '*Sigh* Why am I so surprised? It's not like they didn't try to kill him before I left" Kushina thought slowly becoming more depressed as Naruto kept going.

"That was when the Hokage decided to visit me and gave me some shitty rat & bug infested apartment. Of course I wasn't safe there. The landlord would actually give away copies of my keys and even when I managed to change the locks they just broke the door down or the shinobi would come in through the windows. The landlord never fixed the door or windows of course and he would often shut off the utilities leaving me with no hot water to bathe or cook with and no electricity. Lucky for me he died so now I own the place as the old bastard had no will or family or friends, not that I'm surprised, and I am currently trying to turn it into something livable" Naruto says.

"I'm sorry to hear things were so bad for you segare (my son). I know it isn't an excuse, but I left you in this … place because if I didn't we both would have been killed. I was strong, strong enough to even give your father a run for his money, but I wasn't that strong back them and my so called friends abandoned us not wanting to get involved" Kushina informs him.

"I know" Naruto says shocking her.

"You … know?" Kushina questioned cautiously.

"Yes, the daimyo informed me of your situation and your request. He tried to help me, but the oh so wonderful council blocked his attempts and told him lies to cover themselves and as I'm sure you know Sarutobi is more interested in his village than even his own family so he just chose to sit back and watch everything play out" Naruto says.

"Yes I'm aware of the role that furui orokamono (supposed to mean old fool) plays in all of this. He actually tried to get me to use the fact I'm your mother to keep you here and loyal to him and his village. If he wasn't the Hokage and if I would not be marked as criminal I'd kill the bastard" Kushina says with some of anger in her voice.

Naruto smiled at her, which in turn made her smile forgetting her anger for a moment. "Well, as much as I'd like that I want him alive" Naruto says shocking her once more.

"What why?" Kushina asked.

"So that he can watch me as I walk away from his and my fathers village leaving them to their fate" Naruto says smirking as he imagined what would happen after he left.

"So you really are leaving?" Kushina asked a bit of hope leaking through.

"That was my agreement with the Daimyo and Hokage. I'm sure the old man has something planned to keep me here, but too much has happened. I used to dream about being Hokage one day, but now I just want to leave and hope that someone else burns this place to the ground once I'm gone" Naruto informs her.

Kushina smiled, but she had to ask. "Do you think … that in time you can forgive me for leaving you unprotected sochi (son)?" Kushina asked.

"*Sigh* I've been thinking a lot about that since I first saw you. Before I met the Daimyo I was so angry at you. I wanted to find you and make you pay for leaving me behind and not caring about what happened to me …" Naruto says anger evident in his voice.

"Sochi, please I …" Kushina started only to be interrupted.

"I know, okay I know. I know you didn't want to leave me and I know you did what you thought was best for our survival. Still, it hurts that you left me. I didn't know who you were for the longest time as the Hokage refused to tell me and everyone else either hated me or didn't care. The meaner ones would taunt me saying my parents hated me and left me here to die. I actually believed them for a while and played the idiot trying to get their attention and to stop them from hurting me" Naruto says.

"Then how did you find out about me?" Kushina asked.

"Your old prisoner told me" Naruto says laughing a bit at the look of understanding that passed across her face.

"How is the old fuzz bucket by the way?" Kushina asked good naturedly.

"He's okay, complains a lot, but without him I would have been killed a long time ago or end up too broken to care about living. He even helped me get stronger a long with a few others who … took an interest in me" Naruto says.

"Who were they?" Kushina asked curiously.

"No one here I assure you, but I think we've gotten off topic. You asked if I could forgive you didn't you?" Naruto says more than asks.

Kushina blushed at forgetting her purpose. Of course she couldn't help it. She just wanted to learn more about her son. "Can you?" Kushina asked while filing the previous bit of information away to ask another day.

"Not immediately …" Naruto answered with a pause causing Kushina to become depressed.

"But in time … as we get to know one another again. I think I'd like to have my mother back" Naruto says with a small smile.

Kushina couldn't believe it. It felt too good to be true. Her sochi forgave her … he actually forgave her and called her mother.

"I do have a request thou" Naruto says gaining her attention.

"Anything sochi" Kushina says eagerly.

"I would like for you to train me" Naruto says.

"What about your sensei? Are they training you? You seem pretty strong to me" Kushina says curiously.

"Thank you for saying that, but I know I can get stronger with your help. As for my sensei Yūgao has done a good job and helped me more than I could have asked for. However, there is only so much she can do as most of my skills are actually above hers and the only real areas she's been helping me with is my kenjutsu and gaining experience. She mostly trains my two teammates while I help or work on my own" Naruto informs his potential new sensei.

"Okay I'll help you whenever you aren't on missions or are done with your team" Kushina says. After that mother and son spent some time together eating and drinking while sharing stories about what they had been up to. They kept it on a more positive note forgoing the more negative aspects of the life they led.

*The next Day*

Naruto was actually smiling. He actually had a nice time with his mother. She even took him to the training fields and started to help him improve his already improving kenjutsu. He liked his sensei and she was obviously strong, but Kushina made her look like an amateur.

Right now he was walking towards some shop in the civilian district. The Hokage said he was to pickup an important package and bring it back to him, but something seemed … fishy about this. Then again maybe he was being paranoid after all this was definitely a D-rank mission and a good easy one at that. Still, he couldn't shake the feeling he had been chosen for this for a reason he couldn't think of right now.

Finding the store Naruto walked inside without fear of being kicked out. There were still pockets of 'demon' haters, but for the most part he could go where he wanted in the village and people left him alone. The shop turned out to be a clothing shop in the civilian district and didn't seem to be special, but a mission was a mission so he walked in and went up to the clerk and handed them the scroll. The guy walked off supposedly to get what the scroll asked for and asked Naruto to guard the register while he was gone.

Standing there a few minutes he noticed two girls come into the store. He frowned a bit recognizing them from his days at the orphanage and his clones' days at the academy. They would join in with the other kids at the orphanage bullying him and stealing his food and any toy he managed to get a hold of. In the academy they would taunt and glare at his clones and like the other fan girls chose to pursue the Uchiha over training.

One of them started looking through the shop while the other came straight towards him. Naruto without hand seals had a Kage Bunshin pop into existence and stand watch. The taller of the duo with brown eyes came to stand in front of him and tried to play coy with him. They were both wearing low cut white tops without bras and skin tight blue jeans with brown sandals.

"Hello handsome do you work here?" She asked.

"No. The guy that does stepped out for a moment and will be back soon" Naruto replied.

The girl frowned at the response. She was sure most men, but especially an inexperienced boy like Naruto should be with women would have at least blushed when she called him handsome yet all he did was give her a blank look before responding. 'I guess I'll have to play like I just remembered who he is and want to catch up' Umiko thought.

"Hey … didn't you attend the academy?" She asked like she was trying to remember who he was. Naruto didn't respond to her he just nodded, while looking at the door the clerk who ran the shop went out of.

"Oh … yeah I remember you now. Your name is Naruto right?" She asked hoping to get a verbal response from him. All she got was another nod.

"You are on Team 11 right?" She asked and received another nod.

"Do you like being a shinobi?" She asked. Naruto just nodded again.

"My team didn't make it. I swear that man had it out for us and just didn't want to pass us for some reason. I'm back at the academy giving it another shot, but I think I could use a little help. Would you be willing to help me train?" She asked batting her eyelashes at him, while positioning herself so her cleavage would show.

"I apologize, but I am busy" Naruto says curtly.

"Oh come on now surely you have a little spare time to help a former classmate out?" She asked leaning over the counter and exposing a bit of her nipples and the top half of her breasts to the blond.

Naruto just shook his head and once more looked to the door where the guy went. Since his head was turned he didn't see the infuriated look the girl was giving him. She quickly dropped it settling on a smile before talking to him once more.

"I understand I guess, but I really would have appreciated the help" she says emphasizing the really and appreciated while placing her right hand in her cleavage while pushing her chest out a bit. Naruto however wasn't even looking at her, but Umiko didn't let that phase her.

"I guess I'll go try to find my sister and see what she found" the girl said as she started to walk away swaying her hips from side to side. She turned her head to look back and see if he was checking out her butt and was disappointed to find he wasn't.

She quickly located her sister since it wasn't a big store. "So how did it go?" Atsuko asked.

"He barely even talked to me" Umiko says.

"Did he at least check you out?" Atsuko asked.

"No, not even when I practically had his face in between the girls" Umiko says slightly exasperated.

"You think he's gay?" Atsuko asked.

Umiko was about to answer, but just then Akari and Miyuki walked in went up to Naruto who smiled at them. The sisters tried to inconspicuously get closer to hear what they were saying.

"Hey Naruto-kun what are you doing?" Miyuki asked.

"I'm doing a mission for the Sandiame" Naruto says.

"Where is your team?" Akari asked.

"Probably training the Hokage said this didn't require a team so he gave it to me" Naruto answered.

"Are you almost finished?" Miyuki asked.

"Almost, as soon as the guy gets back with whatever it is I'm supposed to give to the old man" Naruto says making both girls giggle a bit.

"Well then, how about when you are done we grab a late lunch?" Akari asked.

"Sure, just let me find the guy who works here. He has been gone awhile" Naruto says and creates a clone that quickly finds the guy in the back doing some paperwork. The guy hands the clone a box and comes out and signs Naruto's scroll acknowledging that the mission was done.

Naruto put the scroll and box away in a pocket and then walked around the counter to his girls. "So where are we headed?" Naruto asked them with a smile.

"How about that bar & grill the Akimichi's operate over on 4th street?" Miyuki asked and Akari agreed.

Naruto just smiled and kissed them both before wrapping an arm around their waists and steering them out of the shop.

As the trio walked out the two forgotten girls came up to the counter. "Who are those two?" Umiko asked aloud.

"They … seem to be his … girlfriends?" Atsuko says skeptically.

"Really? I find that hard to believe I mean when he was at the academy he seemed so cold and distant and before that no one wanted to be around him. So how would he get two hot girlfriends?" Umiko asked.

"I don't know, but I don't remember ever seeing them. Maybe they aren't from around here" Atsuko says.

"Maybe, either way this mission just got a lot more difficult" Umiko says and Atsuko nods before the sisters also left the shop leaving the clerk all alone.

*A week later*

Naruto and his team were once again in the Sandiame's office, but this time they came for a B-rank. The Sandiame was going over their mission records and seemed to not want to give it to them even thou Yūgao said it was okay and they had already done a few B-ranks and had a few more missions turn into B & A ranks in the past.

"Alright it seems like everything is in order. Has your team been able to complete the necessary amount of D-ranks Uzuki-san?" The Hokage asked Team 11's leader.

"Not quite … we still need about five more before we have the minimum D-ranks required to have them entered into the exams" Yūgao replies.

"Actually sensei I completed one on my own last week, but that adds to the teams total making it only four we need" Naruto says.

"What? When did you do a D-rank and why wasn't the team informed of it?" Yūgao asked.

Before Naruto could reply the Hokage stepped in intercepting the line of question he was sure might reveal his plans for the blond. "It doesn't matter Uzuki-san the fact of the matter is you need to complete four more before the exams for you team to be eligible. I trust that 2 months is enough time to do this while you take other tougher missions as well?" The Sandiame asked.

"Hai Hokage-samma" Yūgao replies. She didn't like the feeling of being left out, but there wasn't much she could do about it anyway. Also, there was the fact it was one less D-rank she would be forced to suffer through so really there was nothing to complain about.

"Okay then as for B-ranks I feel your team can handle you have a choice. You can do border patrol for two weeks, wipe out a large camp of bandits that may have a few missing-nin leading it near the border, or you can work for a week at Konoha's Strict Correctional Facility" The Sandiame says giving the team a choice.

Team 11 gathered in a tight circle and discussed their options for a moment, but their choice was clear. They didn't want guard duty at the Facility for a week nor guard the border for two weeks. One was dangerous the other was dangerous and boring. Plus, both jobs would cut into their training time and potentially have them just end up with blisters from walking around all day and night.

Yūgao stepped away from the huddle as the boys stood behind her. "Hokage-samma we will take the bandit elimination mission" she says.

"Very well, like usual there is no time limit but I expect you all back within the week. This will be a joint mission with Team 9 I will inform Gai's team and they will meet you at the northern gates tomorrow at first light. Also, Naruto there will be another council meeting when you return and I'm sure the girls will want you to be there" The Hokage says.

Naruto nods and after Yūgao gathers the mission scroll they leave the old man's office to gather their supplies and at least for Naruto say some goodbye's.

'Hopefully you will bond with someone on Gai's team and forget about wanting to leave the village' the old Hokage thought.

*The Next Day Village Gates*

Naruto was walking down the streets toward the main gate. He was a bit sad about having to leave so early as he didn't get to say a proper goodbye to the girls, but he explained everything to them last night so he wasn't worried about them being angry over him leaving so suddenly. As is he did leave them a note and his mother was going to be staying in his hotel room so that the girls would have someone they can trust nearby.

Thinking of his mother did make him smile a bit. They had spent a lot of time together during the week and made some progress on their relationship. It wasn't mother-son more like long lost friends, but things were getting better and with his mothers additional training he knew he would be ready for what was coming. That being said it was a little frustrating getting beat down by his mother every day, but it did give him a more tangible goal to strive after namely to reach her level sooner than later and win one of their spars.

Approaching the main gates Naruto saw his team and what must be Team Gai already waiting for him. He approached his team with a smile and a friendly wave. "Sorry I'm late, but I had to make sure the girls were okay" Naruto says to his team for the most part ignoring Team Gai.

Yūgao smiled and replied, "Its okay Naruto we've just been getting to know Team Gai here, but now that you're here we can begin with the equipment check let me see your scrolls" Yūgao orders.

One by one the three boys present their scrolls and as always they more than met the requirements for their current mission.

Standing to the side Gai decided to follow suit. "Yosh! My youthful charges we must set an example for our youthful comrades and guide them in this most difficult mission!" Gai shouts and then gives his good guy pose with a blinding smile.

"Yosh Gai-sensei! I shall do my best so that our youthful friends will learn how to become a splendid ninja just like us!" Gai's mini me says excitedly jumping about also stopping to give his own good guy pose with similarly blinding smile.

The other two members of Team Gai just stood and shook their heads at the antics of their sensei and teammate. After going through their promises of training rant the two leaders stepped away and conversed while their gennin talked amongst themselves.

"Hi my name is Uzumaki Naruto and these are my teammates Yasuoto Yuudai and Osegowa Katsu" Naruto says pointing to them when he said their name.

"It's nice see you again Naruto, my name is Tenten and these are my teammates Hyūga Neji and Rock Lee" the bun haired girl says pointing to her teammates after giving their names.

From there it was mostly silence after the Lee character made some proclamations about youth, which really disturbed Naruto. He wasn't exactly sure what to make of the self named Konoha no Kedakaki Aoi Mōjū (Konoha's Sublime Green Beast of Prey) or the equally weird and self titled Konoha no Utsujushiki Aoi Yajū (Konoha's Beautiful Green Wild Beast). They were probably nice people, but he seriously hoped to never be stuck on a mission with them again. In only a matter of minutes they made him feel something he hadn't felt in years … fear.

Why was he afraid might you ask? Well, after introductions and shaking of hands the duo got really excited started to jump around, make wild claims of feats of strength and training, and then … that genjutsu. Naruto was no genius with the art of genjutsu, but he could do some and when he used his dōjutsu he could do things with genjutsu he was sure that Yūhi woman would have sold herself for. Yet that thing these two … clowns produced when they hugged was something even the Kyūbi was disturbed by. Naruto wasn't sure if it was the fact that an old man and a young boy were openly hugging or the sunset on a beach back drop that suddenly sprung up from nowhere like they were lovers or the fact that they looked so much alike or all three combined, either way he knew it wasn't something he wanted to see again although Kyūbi thought he should learn it so he could inflict the same mental damage on his future opponents.

Naruto himself wasn't sure anything that … horrible could ever be reproduced let alone should. 'It's probably best if I just lock the image away in a very very dark corner of my mind, but I think those are filled and I really don't want them co-mingling with one another. That's just asking for disaster' Naruto thought with a shudder.

*Two days later*

Team's 9 and 11 managed to make it to the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Hot Water. It seemed like they were heading towards Chiri again. 'What is it with this town and bandits' Naruto thought.

However, before they got there they went south. Naruto wasn't sure anything was out here. This direction was taking them towards the coast. 'Maybe its pirates this time and not bandits' Naruto thought.

Naruto was brought out of his thoughts by Yūgao. "Naruto we are getting close to the reported bandit sight could you take a look for us" She asked him.

Naruto nodded rolled up his left sleeve exposing his summon tattoo, pricked his finger with a kunai and rubbed the blood on the tattoo while channeling chakra into it. A puff of smoke erupted and dissipated revealing another vulture. This one thou not only had red eyes, but its beak was red as well.

"Hello Naruto what can I do for you?" The vulture asked. "Akai Kuchibashi I need you to do some scouting for me. There should be a bandit camp around here some where can you lend me your eyes?" Naruto asked.

"Shua (sure)" the bird replies and takes to the skies. Going through the hand seals and ending with vulture Naruto's eyes once again took on that milky white look reminiscent of the Hyūga's.

While Naruto was concentrating on what he was viewing the others were talking. "Is that a summons?" Gai asked incredulously.

"Naruto is actually the holder of two contracts the vulture as you just saw and the tiger contract" Yūgao says

"What two contracts! How did he get them? When did he get them?" Gai asked in rapid fire succession dropping the youth bit for a moment.

Yūgao sighed, "I know being a contract wielder yourself Gai-san that it must surprise you to see anyone have more than one summons, and honest I'm not sure Naruto even knows exactly how he came to be in possession of the two contracts, but he's had them from what he says for a while now" Yūgao responds.

"What! That's impossible to not only have more than one contract, but have them from what must have been a young age is impossible. I mean the sheer amount of chakra needed to summon even a young or weak summon creature is something most gennin would struggle with if not be incapable of and from what you said he was much younger when he did this" Gai rambles on.

While Gai was rambling and Yūgao ignoring his rambles the gennin were doing something else. Yuudai and Katsu were going over their training and what they had been learning. They were used to Naruto doing this and knew it would take a little while before he was finished.

Rock Lee meanwhile was studying Naruto closely. For someone to impress Gai sensei the way the blond obviously had must mean he's strong and someone worth fighting. Lee took out his notebook and started a new section and wrote what he knew about Naruto so far denoting him as another possible rival. He also made a note to find out more about these summons and find a way to acquire one.

Tenten was paying Naruto no attention. She didn't care about his ability to use summons as that wouldn't help her with her skills as a weapons mistress. What she was doing was staring at Yūgao at every opportunity she had. Yūgao was one of her idols having been good enough to be in ANBU at a young age. As far as she was concerned the woman was the best especially when she saw Yūgao's sword, which meant she was into weapons as well. To her Yūgao was someone she wanted to be like right up there with Tsunade Senju and Kushina Uzumaki.

Neji meanwhile was unconcerned with anything except thinking of his own superiority. To him nothing mattered as it was his fate to be victorious in this mission standing out among the rabble.

It was only a few minutes later that Naruto's summon returned and landed on his out stretched arm. After paying the price of two rabbits the summons puffed back to its realm. As soon as the vulture left Yūgao noticed Naruto seemed to be tense more so than usual when on a mission.

"What did you see Naruto?" Yūgao asked him having sensed whatever he saw caused his reaction.

"There is a clearing five miles from here in a south east direction over the boarder. I think that is where the bandits and missing-nin we were hired to take care of were" Naruto answers.

"What do you mean by were Naruto?" Yūgao asked.

"I think it's best if you just follow me and see for yourself" Naruto says and immediately takes off into the trees in the direction he saw the camp.

"That was a bit … unyouthful do you know what that was about?" Gai asked. However, when he turned to his fellow seinen no ri^da^ (supposed to mean 'leader of youths') he found her and the rest of Team 11 already tree hopping to catch up with Naruto. Team Gai merely looked at one another before they raced to catch up with the rookie team.

It only took 3 minutes for Naruto to cross the 5mile distance and another minute for his team to jump to his side in the trees. Team Gai jumped into nearby tries a few seconds later. Gai and Lee would have shouted about such a youthful run, but stopped when they noticed Naruto pointing ahead. Everyone looked at the newly made clearing and their eyes hardened at what they saw.

In the clearing the trees had been uprooted like a raging river had suddenly changed course and tore through the forest. Of course that wouldn't have been weird except it was only in one area and not in a straight path like a river nor was the ground wet in fact from what they could see the trees were covered in sand … and blood. There were bodies twisted, mangles, some looking like they were compressed into balls of flesh and bone while their blood literally saturated the landscape. The smell of blood was rich and already Naruto could see animals coming into the clearing to scavenge on the dead bodies.

"Who or what could do this?" Neji asked in disbelief at the sheer amount of carnage on display.

"It looks like that one time when Naruto found a bandit camp and they were raping children and women from a nearby town. After he single handedly rescued them without alerting the bandits he made a rain of explosive kunai on those unlucky bastards and nearly blew the whole area to Tentou. Still, even that didn't resemble this" Yuudai says as his teammates nod.

Before anything more could be said thou Naruto caught a scent on the wind that wasn't blood. Getting his teams' attention Naruto discreetly made a few hand signals. A second later a wave of sand came at the two Konoha teams' backs. Naruto instantly did the tiger hand seal and built up a large amount of chakra before blowing out a fireball in the shape of a dragons head calling out "Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique)".

The fire jutsu instantly overwhelms the sand wave incinerating everything leaving nothing behind. Naruto instantly dashes through the smoke cloud created by the fire technique ignoring the heat and planting his feet onto the head of their would be assassin. He instantly had to jump back pushing off the persons head as another wave of sand came at him.

Naruto landed in a crouch and looks up to see more sand come at him as launches himself to the side as the sand follows him forcing him to dodge again. Tired of dancing Naruto went through the hand seals 'Tiger – Ox – Dog – Rabbit –Snake' unleashing a "Fūton: Daitoppa (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)" using enough chakra to upgrade it to a B ranked technique. The winds tore through the sand and hit the caster of the sand wave dead on lifting him and sending him through several trees.

Naruto stood up and quickly retrieved his weapons' scroll from a pocket in his pants. He unraveled it poured a little chakra into it and instantly in his hand was the Ten no Shiroi Hoshi glowing brilliantly as Naruto in his anger at being attacked from behind unconsciously poured chakra into it.

Teams' 11 and 9 were by his side as the attacks seemed to have halted for the moment. Neji activated his Byakugan to search the surroundings only to be forced to cut off his bloodline due to the blinding light Naruto's sword was producing. However, he was skilled enough in his bloodline to be able to see something just ahead of them.

"There are 4 of them just ahead of us. One of them seems to be trying to restrain the one Uzumaki sent through the trees" Neji says.

Naruto didn't wait to hear anything else as soon as Neji said just ahead he took off at full speed releasing half of the restriction and resistance seals he had on his body. He would have released more, but even in his current enraged mindset he was aware of Team 9 and cautious of revealing his full power and abilities. Besides, who ever that was couldn't even beat him with the seals on so going full out would just be overkill.

Yūgao and Gai instantly followed, but even they found his speed hard to keep up with. The remainder of Team 11 quickly followed their sensei as did Team Gai although both gennin teams found they couldn't keep up so took a more sedate pace. It was only thanks to the fact Naruto didn't have far to go that the sensei's and team's caught up with him rather quickly.

Naruto had his sword out in front raised at a team of Suna shinobi. "What are a team of Suna-nin doing here?" Naruto asked not dropping his sword for a moment as Team 11 and 9 dropped in around him.

"We are on a mission to wipe out a bandit camp. I take it you received the same mission" a tall man says.

"Yes we did" Yūgao says speaking up.

"Why did you attack us?" Naruto questioned with a bit of anger in his voice.

"I apologize the one who attacked you" the tall man close to 6 feet 2 inches in height with bandages wrapped around his head and half of his face says then points behind him to a redhead with a large gourd strapped to his back being held back by a blond with a giant fan strapped to her back and a kid dressed in what looked to be cat pajamas with make up on his face "is a bit … disturbed and did not recognize the hitai-ate of our allies before attacking" the tall man says some what convincingly .

"My name is Baki Jōnin-sensei to these three" he once again points in the direction of the red head, blond, and pajama wearing nin.

"I am Yūgao also a sensei to the blond and the two boys beside him" Yūgao says.

"And I my youthful friend am Might Guy and this is my team" he says pointing towards Tenten, Lee, and Neji.

While the sensei's were talking Naruto was holding his own internal conversation.

'So your saying that he's a demon vessel?' Naruto asked Kaen (the Kyūbi).

"The Ichibi to be more precise" Kaen replies.

'So what should I do?' Naruto asked.

"You are my container and I have spent far too much time making you strong for some weak minded fool like the Ichibi's container to challenge you. If he comes at you don't kill him, but prove your superiority. I leave the method to you Naruto" Kaen says then cuts their link.

However it seemed upon the end of their conversation that the other demon vessel had calmed down and settled for glaring at him.

"Mother wants your blood" the redheaded boy says in a dark, but oddly still monotone voice. His glare left no doubt who he was talking to.

"Gaara that's enough back down now!" Baki yelled. The other two just stood as away as they could knowing only Baki could some what control Gaara when he gets like this. Gaara ignored the jōnin and continued to stare at Naruto.

Naruto just looked at the crazy redhead passively. "Let the Ichibi know that Kyūbi will not tolerate his insolence and if I have to kill you I can and will" Naruto replies glaring at his fellow demon container.

Inside Gaara's head the Ichibi was screaming 'Kill him, kill him your mother demands his blood!'

The blond girl with the fan and the cats pajama wearing teen couldn't believe what the blond boy said to Gaara.

'Is he nuts Gaara will kill him' the cats pajama wearing boy thought.

'He's hot … it's a shame he's going to die' the blond with the fan strapped to her back thinks while ogling her fellow blond.

The gennin of Team Gai just wondered what the hell was going on and what was with the talk of Ichibi and Kyūbi. Team 11 was more shocked to find out the red head was a demon container.

"I'll kill you" Gaara says.

"You can try little tanuki" Naruto says and then channels his KI directly on Gaara. Gaara takes a step back instinctively, but nothing more showing he wouldn't back down.

"Gaara that's enough! The mission is over Team Baki move out!" the Suna jōnin shouts. Gaara continued to try and stare Naruto down, but soon enough turns and heads back in the direction of Suna thou as he's leaving he turns and levels another heated glare at Naruto. The rest of Team Baki quickly follows suit thou Temari gives a wink to the blond demon container before she leaves.

Now that the tension was gone Yūgao turned to Gai. "I guess this mission is a bust since the bandits were all killed by that team from Suna. We should head back to Konoha" Yūgao says.

As the teams headed out a dark figure emerged from the shadows. 'Kuku the boy is even more interesting that what I have heard. I'll need to have Kabuto keep a closer eye on him' it thought before leaving as well.

*Meanwhile in Konoha*

Kushina decided to take the girls out and get to know them better. After all Naruto may not consider her his mother yet, but she was and she wanted to make sure these girls interest in her son was real. They actually had a nice chat during lunch and Kushina was satisfied that they really did like Naruto and that their feelings were deepening as they got to know each other.

They were now walking in the shinobi section looking for a good weapon shop. Of course there was only one shop Kushina was considering and that was Higourashi's. They were old friends of hers and she was certain a shop of their caliber would have everything she would need to begin training them. Kushina wanted the girls to learn how to wield a weapon. It would surely benefit Naruto if these girls could protect themselves and she wouldn't always be around to look after them.

Unfortunately something Kushina had been avoiding decided it would wait no longer.

"Kushina is that you?" said a spike brown haired feral looking woman with vertical slits for eyes.

"Hello Inuzuka-san" Kushina says neutrally as she turns to address the woman.

"What? Inuzuka-san? Come on Kushina it's me Tsume we're friends don't tell me your still upset that I couldn't help you and your pup when that old one eye one armed freak threatened you?" said Tsume Inuzuka.

Kushina didn't forget how her so called friends had turned their back on her when she went to them for help against Danzō. Even before then they all seemed to have disappeared the night after the Kyūbi attack none of them even visiting her in the hospital. She also knew what went on at the council meeting and how certain people still treated her son.

"I'm sorry Inuzuka-san, but I have some where to go. Come on girls we need to hurry up so I start your weapon training" Kushina says as she ushers the girls quickly down the street.

Tsume could only watch as friend walked away from her. 'Why can't she understand that I don't want to harm her or her pup? That I want to help her, but if I do help him then my own pups will be in danger' Tsume thought sadly.

*Two Day's Later Hokage's Office*

Yūgao just finished giving the Sandiame her report on the mission. "So this team from Suna had the same mission and got there before you taking out the bandits and missing-nin before you got there?" He questioned and received a nod.

"And they attacked your teams?" He questioned again.

"It was a most unyouthful thing for our comrades to do Hokage-samma, but young Naruto proved to be most youthful in his defense of our teams and the jōnin responsible apologized for the unyouthful actions of his gennin" Gai says.

The old Hokage nods and asks, "Anything else?"

"Well, Hokage-samma we were wondering if you knew who sent that mission in?" Yūgao asked

"No, but I'll look into it" The Hokage says. 'It is odd that two different villages would get the same mission request, but it's not unheard of. Still I should look into it' He thought.

"Is there anything else?" Sarutobi asks.

The two sensei's shake their head. "Okay then I won't mark this down as a failure on your records given the circumstances. You are dismissed" The Sandiame says.

Team Gai and the gennin of Team 11 file out and head home or to a training ground to get some extra training in, but one stayed behind. "Is there something I can do for you Uzuki-san?" the old man asked.

"I thought it best to inform you that Naruto called the red headed boy the Ichibi and from the looks we received I'm willing to bet he's the Ichibi's demon container. He also seems highly unstable and violent" Yūgao replies.

"What rank would you give him?" the Sandiame asks.

"I don't know Hokage-samma. All he did was send his sand he kept in a gourd at us and Naruto was beating him pretty easily, but the level of destruction that he obviously caused would lead me to say mid to high chūnin possibly low jōnin" Yūgao says after taking a moment to think.

"And if he uses his demon?" the Hokage asks.

"Low jōnin to high jōnin in level" she says.

"Could Naruto beat him?" Sarutobi asks.

"I believe so Hokage-samma. There is still a lot Naruto doesn't show me so I have no idea of what level he is at currently. Thou he has shown even without the beasts chakra in his spar with Kakashi in Nami and on other missions that he's at least a mid level jōnin in ability if not slightly above high level jōnin" Yūgao says.

The Sandiame just nods. "Has he changed his mind recently about wanting to stay in the Leaf?" He asks a moment later.

"No Hokage-samma, if anything he seems to be more determined lately to leave" she says sadly.

The Sandiame sighs, but nods at the response. "Thank you for letting me know Yūgao and please remember to take care of those D-ranks your team still has to do. I want Naruto in the chūnin exams with the other rookies" the old man says.

"Hai Hokage-samma, we'll have them done in time" Yūgao says.

"Good in a week I'll have another B-rank available that your team can take in the place of this one. Your dismissed" the Sandiame says.

Yūgao bows and leaves the office. The old man once again heaves a weary sigh as lights his pipe while fetching a little orange book from its hiding place trying to forget all of his troubles.

Next chapter