
Chapter 16

Ainz was getting ready to meet with this Dragon Lord that has come into his territories. There was another Dragon Lord that showed up in his kingdom one year ago. He was known as the Brightness Dragon Lord. When he saw Zesshi, he wanted to take her with him for an unknown reason. That made Ainz angry because nobody would dare to touch his waifu.

When Ainz showed his power, the Brightness Dragon Lord started to call him "the filth of the Dragon Emperor". The battle ended quickly, Ainz cut the limbs of the Dragon Lord, that made him scream in agony and beg for mercy, he understood that he was trying to fuck with the wrong skeleton. The dragon was tortured for a whole month and later the servants of Ainz took everything from the Dragon Lord. They harvest the skin, meat, blood, fangs, claws, eyeballs, scales, and other body parts for various uses.

Ainz went down the stairs to a grand room that was more beautiful than the entire palace of the Re Estize Kingdom. The floor was shiny and the ceiling was more magnificent with many painted arts of the Sorcerer King that had a shining sun behind his skull and other undead beings that had their hands into a gesture of prayer.

When Ainz stared at the ceiling, he thought that this is just too much. The way they had painted him, made him look like freaking Jesus.

Down the stairs, there was a woman waiting. She had silver hair, pale skin, crimson eyes and she was wearing a black victorian dress. Her name was Vrakulina Marxus Leka. When Ainz saw her for the first time when she arrived with her vampire clan to his kingdom, he mistook her with the floor guardian of The Great Tomb of Nazarick, Shalltear Bloodfallen but Vrakulina was a bit more mature and taller than her.

Vrakulina bowed her head and lifted it again, looking at Ainz with a flushed face.

"Your Majesty~." she spoke with a sweet and seductive voice.

"Oh Vrakulina, have you been staying here for long?"

"No your Majesty, I just arrived here to see you."

"I see, so how are my citizens, is something troubling them?"

Vrakulina raised her hand at her chest." You are very caring, your Majesty! The citizens are very happy and praise your mighty name every day for the paradise that you have created, your Majesty."

"That makes me happy. You see Vrakulina, we soon will start to conquer, and I will have more citizens to take care of. It is the duty of the king, to make the lives of his citizens better."

The crimson eyes of Vrakulina glittered like gemstones when she heard her king speak like that. How can someone not follow this almighty Supreme Being?

"Wonderful, your Majesty. I Vrakulina Marxus Leka will do everything in my power to help you achieve your goal."

"Thank you, Vrakulina."

"Your Majesty, how about us…" Vrakulina turned her gaze at the grand door.

Suddenly someone entered the grand room. He was massive, every step he took made noise on the floor. His body was covered in scales and had sharp claws. Behind the back, he had flaming wings and a snake-like tail. This terrifying creature was a demon called, Evil Lord Wrath. Ainz had used YGGDRASIL gold to summon this demon.

"Lord Ainz!" the demon respectfully bowed his head. "My Lord, it worked! It worked!"

"Calm down Wrath, you are scaring her."

Vrakulina had embraced Ainz because she feared the sudden appearance of the demon. Not just her, many others feared him when he walked in the streets of the city. They had never seen a creature like him before. Some of the citizens called him a Demon God that has come from hell to serve their king.

But for Vrakulina, this moment was somehow perfect. Because of the demon, she was able to hug Ainz tight and she was enjoying this moment. Her face blushed when she saw his mighty skeletal chest. He had put his hand on her back and it looked to her like he was protecting her from the evil demon lord.

"Oh, sorry my lady! Lord Ainz, the experiment was a success."

Vrakulina was gritting her teeth because it was unpleasant when he called her beloved king by his name.

"The experiment… oh, that experiment! So it worked, Wrath?

"Yes, my lord! I summoned a War Devil. It's been two days and he hasn't vanished!"

"Oh, I'm excited to try it! Let's go then."

[Greater Teleportation]

Ainz, the two Death Cavaliers, and Wrath vanished, leaving Vrakulina and the vampire maid in the grand room.

"That damn creature took my beloved king from me!"

Now, Ainz and Wrath were in a large chamber. Somewhere, the walls and the floor were covered with blood and there were plenty of corpses around that belonged to the imperial knight of the Empire. The War Devil that wore full plate armor and had two bat wings on his back, kneeled before Ainz and Wrath.

"Now Wrath, show me, what did you do?"

"Yes my Lord! Give me five minutes."

Wrath got into work. First, he put his hand in a bucket that was filled with blood, next he started to draw a pentagram and write some words around it that were in a demonic language, then he put some corpses and candles around the bloody pentagram.

"Done, my Lord." said Wrath.

"Interesting, but will this work with a Succubus?" asked Ainz while putting his hand on his chin.

"I hope it does, my Lord."

Ainz steps forward and raised his bony arm.

[Summon High Tier Demon - Succubus]

A red smoke began to come out from the bloody pentagram and it covered the corpses of the knights. A red aura spread around that caused to turn off the candles. That was an aura of level 100 demon and Ainz know that. Wrath, the War Devil, and the Death Cavaliers had come forward to protect Ainz in case if the demon that was about to show up, rampaged because demons were really hard to control.

The red smoke now was fading slowly. The corpses of the knights were not there anymore, and then it appeared. Ainz and Wrath's jaw dropped in surprise, In the middle of the bloody pentagram, a woman was standing. Her skin color was tan, her hairs were short and white and she had golden eyes. She was wearing a black bikini armor and on her right hand, she was holding a black cruel-looking halberd. On her back she had two bat wings and on her head, two black horns protruding crookedly.

This was a level 100 demon, Succubus.

Ainz observed her for a moment and moved closer. The Succubus kneeled immediately in front of her master.

"This one has come to serve the master for eternity. My weapon, my body, my soul belongs to Lord Ainz Ooal Gown."

"So it worked! Nice… dammit, her melons are very seductive!"

Ainz thought that her chest was out of this world. It reminded him of the two guardians of the throne room in The Great Tomb of Nazarick, Albedo, and Artoria.

"Do you have a name?" asked Ainz.

"No, my lord."

Ainz thought for a moment a suitable name for her.

"All right, from now on, your name will be… Kuro."

"Thank you for bestowing me with a name, my Lord."

Ainz turned his skull to Wrath that was standing behind him.

"You have done a great discovery, Wrath, a splendid work."

Wrath kneeled fast, the War Devil too.

"I am not worthy of such praise. This one just wants to serve Lord Ainz."

"Mh, so now we can summon demons permanently… now remain the angels."

The people of this world, think that angels are beings of the divine. If Ainz is able to summon them permanently, others might not think of him as a simply powerful undead, but as a divine being that has come to rule them. When he continues to build his churches around Re Estize and Baharuth, he will use the angels to heal the people for free. The old gods will be forgotten and the true God of the new world will be Ainz Ooal Gown. This was the grand plan to put the population under control.

"Hold on a second…

Ainz put his hand inside his inventory and took out a crystal. It was one of the Sealing Crystal that he took from the Black Scripture. He was observing the crystal and was thinking to transform the Dominion Authority into a Seraph Empyrean.

"Could this work?"

He had never thought to try something like this before and he didn't know if it works. Ainz looked around and thought that this bloody place will not be suitable to summon an angel that has positive karma. He used [Greater Teleportation] again and now they were outside in the yard of the castle. With him was Kuro, Wrath, and the two Death Cavaliers.

"Come out, Dominion Authority!"

The angel descended upon the earth and shined the yard around. Many Death Cavaliers, Death Knights, and Nazguls arrived quickly to see what is going on here. Ainz waved his hand to tell them that everything was under control. The angel was floating in the air and waiting for Ainz's orders. He raised his hand at the angel direction.

[Summon High Tier Angel - Seraph Empyrean]

White light enveloped Dominion Authority, it was very strong, but nobody flinched. The two demons and the Death Cavaliers were protecting Ainz because who knows, maybe the angel will attack if it sees so many undead and the two demons.

Now the divine light was fading away and the sunlight was slowly dominating. In the place where Dominion Authority was, now stood floating in the air a divine beauty. She had long white hair and blue ocean eyes. She was wearing a silver-golden armor and a white short skirt. Her thighs could be seen and from foot to the knee she wore golden poleyns, greaves, sabatons too. On her right hand, she was holding a golden broadsword and two wings with white feathers were on her back.

This was a level 100 angel, Seraph Empyrean.

The angel landed on the ground and observed around, looking at the undead beings. Ainz was approaching her, and when she saw her master, she kneeled immediately.

"I have come to serve the Supreme Being for eternity. This one waits for orders from Lord Ainz." declared the angel.

Ainz couldn't believe it that it worked, he wanted to shout from joy but he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his servants.

"You may rise Seraph."

The angel obeyed and rose on her feet.

"Lord Ainz is so powerful!"

Said the succubus that was coming closer. The angel stared at the demoness with dangerous eyes and pointed her sword at the succubus.

"Get away from my master, and go back to hell, you fiend!"

The angel warned the demon. The succubus tightened her halberd and was ready to strike the angel.

"Lord Ainz is my master too you know. Why don't you go back to heaven and start praying, like you angels do every day."

The tension was getting worse between the demon and the angel. Red cursed aura was spreading from the succubus and white sacred aura was spreading from the seraph. The demon was grinning and the angel had a threatening look on her face. The earth was shaking around.

"Women are dangerous." thought Ainz.

If these two level 100 beings would start to fight here, the entire city will be destroyed so Ainz had to use his authority and stop them immediately.

"Both of you stop this nonsense!"

The dark aura of the Overlord spread and enveloped the red and white aura like it was nothing. The demon and the angel froze on the spot and felt a chill down their spine. The dark aura of their master was so powerful that made the demon and the angel kneel immediately. They felt like little rocks in front of a volcano that was about to explode.

"I have committed a grave mistake in front of Lord Ainz."

"I apologies for my grave sin, Lord Ainz."

Both of them were sweating and shivering from fear because they thought that their master will destroy both of them.

"I forgive you, but I don't want both of you to do this again, are we clear?"



"Good, now both of you and Wrath, let's go and meet this Dragon Lord."


Zigur was waiting for the lord of the land to come here. He looked around and saw all the undead beings were staring at him. They had their weapons ready to attack him if he moved. Zigur couldn't understand how did end up in this dangerous situation. The undead warriors will threaten him even when he moved his tail.

"Where do these guys even come from?"

He didn't understand how they worked together. It didn't make sense. The Dragon Lords are powerful but they never work together because of the proud nature and that is the reason when they almost got destroyed completely 500 years ago. Their master must be a really powerful undead being.

"Lord Ainz is what they call him…

Suddenly like lightning in a storm, four beings appeared. A powerful and dangerous aura crashed into the body of Zigur. His entire body was shivering when he saw what was in front of him.

The giant monster was powerful but not as the two females warriors. But there was someone that surpassed everyone here. He was wearing a majestic dark robe that looked like it was sucking the light around him. Beautiful rings that shined on his bony fingers. A dark red orb was floating under his ribs that emanate a feeling of dread and on his right hand, he was holding a golden staff.

The nose of Zigur was on crisis. Everything that he had was expensive and valuable just like the cross. His senses were telling him to not anger this skeleton or he might end up dead in an instant. The aura that was coming out from his body was spreading in the entire Katze Plains.

Alpha Predator

That was what Zigur thought about him. This was the being that stood on top of the food chain. Zigur hoped to stay on his good side… if he had one.

"Lord Ainz, we caught this dragon entering in your territory, and on his neck, he was holding this cross. We don't know what it is, so we thought that you might know, my Lord." said Angmar.

Ainz took the cross and observed it.

"What... the fuck!?"

He saw the dragon that was shivering and then he saw the cross, again he saw the dragon and then the cross.

"This is the Judgment Day, a freaking World-Class Item. Why was this on the neck of a Dragon Lord?"

Ainz approached the dragon but he started to step back. He could hear the hard breathing of the Dragon Lord.

"Don't fucking move, you overgrown lizard!" shouted the succubus.

All of them wanted to attack the dragon but Ainz waved his hand in a gesture for them to stop and they all calmed.

"Who are you?" asked Ainz with a normal voice.

The dragon gulped and then he spoke.

"My-My name is Zigur Errë Siros. I-I am known as Deep Darkness Dragon Lord.

"Now that's is a cool title. The way he looks, it really fits him."

Ainz showed the dragon the cross that he had on his hand.

"Where did you get this?"

"I-I fought with a powerful person and I-I emerged victoriously. I sensed the cross was valuable so I took it as a trophy."

Ainz understood what the dragon was talking about. Zigur was a player killer.

"Did you won the battle easily?" asked Ainz with curiosity.

"N-No, not really. Our battle was very long and harsh, but that warrior lost the battle because of his arrogance. He didn't even tell me his name. At last, I would have remembered him as a true warrior."

"So it was just a nameless fool, huh?" said the angel.

"It is as you say."

Ainz thought that this dragon was smart and cautious. There was a really big difference between him and the Brightness Dragon Lord that was so proud and arrogant.

"Now, do you know about the power of this cross?"

"I just know that is very valuable. I tried many times to find out its power but I really don't know what this cross can do." said Zigur while shrugging his lucky that it didn't work."

Zigur looked at Ainz with wonder. Could he know what that cross can do?

"Wha-What do you mean? Do you know anything?"

Ainz approached his hand at his mouth and coughed, meaning that he will start to explain. Zigur found it weird because a skeleton didn't have lungs

"This cross is a World Class Item and it's called Judgment Day. Now, the reason why I said that you were lucky that it didn't work, is that this world item can destroy half of the continent and the one who uses it, will die too. But the effect of the item will not stop. After the explosion, a deadly poison will be released and it will spread in the entire world, killing every living being on its way. Do you understand now?"

Zigur felt like his heart was about to explode and tears were about to fall from his golden eyes but he can not do that. No, his pride will never let him do that. For three hundred years, he had tried to use this item without knowing its power. If he would have activated its power, it could have ended up in a catastrophic tragedy. Every living being in this world would have died because of his foolish curiosity. For three hundred years, this cursed item had stayed on his neck. He was speechless.

"Do you want it back?"

The others didn't understand what their lord was thinking. That world item, should not stay in the hands of this dragon, it's too dangerous.

"... No… I don't want that thing back... I think it will be safe in your hands because you know what this cross can do."

"...If you say so."

Ainz put the World Class Item inside his inventory. Everyone was relieved of the dragon's decision. Suddenly Zigur bowed his head and made Ainz confused.

"What are you doing?" asked Ainz.

"Please, let me join the ranks of your subordinates!" said the Dragon Lord.

"...You seem like a decent dragon, Zigur. I don't want to overtake your freedom."

"My lord, I am strong, stronger than the Platinum Dragon Lord. I have stayed inside the Great Rift for 500 years doing nothing. Please, let me serve you, use me as you see fit."

Ainz thought for a moment. This dark dragon was level 95-100. He could be very useful, for example, negotiating with other Dragon Lords. He is creating a fleet with ships that can fly like the Ghost Ship to protect the skies of his kingdom, but dragons would not be bad. They can fly really fast in every direction. They will be the perfect sky guardians.

"All right, I accept you."

Zigur felt joy. A joy that he finally found the master that he can pledge his loyalty.

"All of you listen well. Deep Darkness Dragon Lord, Zigur Errë Siros is now my servant and your comrade."

All the undead beings lowered their weapons and bowed.

"Welcome to the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick, Zigur."

"I'm grateful! I will work hard to be worthy of Lord Ainz!"

"Umu. Everyone, let's go home."

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