
Chapter 17: A bunch of fools

Somewhere in Katze Plains…

Thirty-five people were riding on horses. They were wearing different armor and armed with different weapons. These people may seem like adventurers or workers, but they belonged to neither of them. These warriors worked for a criminal organization that is called Eight Fingers. This underground syndicate holds quite a large amount of influence, effectively controlling the entire Kingdom of Re-Estize from the shadows.

In the middle of this group was a large carriage that looked more like a cage, and it was being pulled by two horses. Inside this carriage were held plenty of women. Because of the war in the Draconic Kingdom, many families that escaped from the front line lived on the streets or temples. The greedy nobles offered jobs, especially for the girls but later they were blackmailed and captured to be sold as slaves.

The nobles sold the poor slaves to the Eight Fingers to be used for different jobs. The women were sent to the brothels. There, they will work to please the desires of the rich citizens of the Kingdom and most of them might end up dead because some man had some disgusting fetish.

"It would have been better if we passed near the border of the Slane Theocracy."

"Idiot, didn't you heard what the boss said? Those fanatics will arrest and execute us if they see us with these slaves. They will insert their dicks inside a female elf slave instead of inside a human female."

Slane Theocracy fights for human supremacy and all nonhumans should be slain or put into chains. But today was really hard to pass the border of this nation. They had sent thousands of soldiers everywhere for an unknown reason.

"I know man, but this place always gives me the chills."

Katze Plains was one really dangerous territory. In every direction someone goes, it might end up fighting with the undead. Fighting with simple skeletons and zombies is not very difficult, but a large horde of skeleton warriors will be a dead-end for these criminals.

"Hey, wanna hear some good news?" spoke one of the criminals that was a bit fat.

"Hmm, tell us."

"These women are all pure!"

"Wait, you mean…

"Yes! It will be our job to break them, hahaha!"

"Ohh, I can't wait!"

All of them were excited. A slave should be completely mind broken before the client requests her. They will rape them till they can't put any more resistance. All the women were in despair about the fate that awaits them.

"Still, isn't the atmosphere in Katze Plains a bit different than the other times that we had passed here?"

"It looks the same to me tho."

"He is right."

The one who spoke with a weird voice was not a mortal. He wore a red robe that covered his body.

"What do you mean, lord Davernoch?"

Davernoch was an Elder Lich and a member of Six Arms, the security department of the criminal organization Eight Fingers.

"The negative energy here is very high and is not normal. It all started with that earthquake three years ago. I wonder who is causing this?"

Davernoch always wanted to improve his magic and something like this interested him. If he puts this kind of power in his hands, he will be the most powerful elder lich that has ever existed.

"Well, I really don't know, but as long as we have sir Davernoch with us, there is no need to fear the Katze Plains, we can even sleep here and nothing will hurt us, haha."

"Of course human, I am the undead king, all the undead bow before me." spoke proudly Davernoch.

He was always arrogant and thought highly of himself like he was the ultimate elder lich.

"Haha, hail the Undead King Davern…

One of the men turned his gaze at the one who was praising Davernoch. His eyes went wide what he saw. An arrow had penetrated his head and fell on the ground lifeless.

"Whe- Where did that come from?!"

Suddenly a rain of arrows fell toward them. Those arrows were coming from a cliff. Those who had shields protected themselves. Some who didn't, died by countless of arrows penetrating their bodies.


There were others who were hit but didn't die and they screamed in agony from the pain. The girl in the wagon had embraced each other from fear. Some men had hidden behind the wagon because they didn't care if the girls died so they were using them as meat shields.

At that moment, many figures begin to drop from the cliff. They wore dark full plate armor and held bastard swords.

"Lord Davernoch, sho-shoot them with fireballs!" shouted the man.



Davernoch cast the 3rd tier spell and hit one of the warriors but from the fire, he came out unharmed. That shocked Davernoch and the other criminals.

"We have no other choice! We have to fight them! Sir Davernoch, support us with magic!"

The criminals charged at them but…

Because they had no attention behind them, warriors on undead horses attacked them by surprise. The criminals didn't know what to do and who to attack first and when the other warriors reached them, a massacre started. The criminals tried with all their strength to resist but the warriors in dark armor broke their swords and cutting them into two pieces. The blood, the heads, and other body parts flew in every direction.


They had no mercy for them.

Davernoch had cast Fireball many times but it didn't do damage to the warriors and suddenly, a bastard sword was on his shoulder. He didn't dare to make a move but the bastard sword was like telling him to turn around.

He slowly turned and now in front of him was a being that was wearing a black robe that covered his entire face could not be seen and it looked like it was endless darkness inside that hood. But it was clear that this being was wearing armor because his hands were covered with metallic gauntlets. He put the sword near Davernoch's neck.

"What did you call yourself again?"

As an undead, Davernoch did not feel fear but this situation is showing him what it means to be a human. Other warriors surrounded him and were looking at him. Some of them were holding the heads of his comrades in their hands.


"Not this, the other one."

He put the edge of the sword, even more near his throat.

"The-The U-Undead King!"

"Oh really?"

"Sir, we let two of these scumbags alive and this carriage is full of human females. What should we do with them?"

"Bring everyone in the city!"

"Yes Sir!"

Ainz was with Evil Lord Wrath and the Overlord General, Skander. He wore a silver full plate armor that had a crimson cape behind him. They were at a camp that had many barracks with Death Warriors. All of them bowed their heads with respect when they saw their lord and the general. Ainz saw many young vampires that were training with the Death Warriors.

"My Lord, that Nazgul with his platoon is coming here!" said Skander.

They had many many corpses on their shoulders and a carriage was behind them. Ainz noticed the Nazgul that had grabbed someone like garbage. The Nazgul arrived and bowed his head to his lord, then he dropped the trash in front of his master.

Davernoch for a moment looked around and the undead warriors that were around were staring at him. He understood that he was in a military place. But what shocked him the most was the undead that was in front of him.

"Lieutenant, what's the meaning of this? Lord Ainz demand answers from you." spoke the Overlord General with a firm tone.

"Yes Sir, we captured them near the city. I think they are slave traders because that wagon is full of human females."


Skander went quickly to the carriage and saw the human girls that were looking at him with terrified eyes.

"This… This is unmanly! Absolutely disgusting! This shall not stand! Lord Ainz give me the order to remove these maggots from the face of the earth!"

Skandar took out his greatsword and was ready to slay the lich and the two human males. The two humans were shivering by the fear and the great sword of Skander was near them.

"Hold your weapon, for now, Skander!" ordered Ainz.

"As you wish, my Lord."

Ainz turned his gaze at the ugly elder lich on the ground.

"Who are you lich and where do you come from?"

"My-My name i-is D-Davernoch! I-I come from the K-Kingdom!"

"Who do you work for?"

"I-I work for the E-Eight Fingers! I-I am a member of Six Arms!"

Ainz somehow remembered to have heard from Blue Rose about this criminal organization that rules the Kingdom from the shadows. He was thinking to send his forces to kill them all and bring their commanders here.

"Kill this lich Skander."

In the moment that he was about to slay the lich…

"Wait a moment!" the Nazgul shouted.

Skander turned at him. The crimson points inside his skull were burning like fire.

"Lieutenant, what are you trying to do?! Why are you trying to stop me from executing the orders that Lord Ainz gave me? Answer now!

"Lord Ainz…

"What is it, Lieutenant? Speak, I'm not angry at you." spoke Ainz with a soft voice.

"Thank you, my Lord! This filth called himself something that every one of us will call it blasphemy."

"Oh, and what did this lich call himself?"

"Tell him, you scum!"

The Nazgul kicked the lich on the butt.

"Un-Undead K-King…

Every one of them looked at the lich confused for a moment and then…


Ainz, the Evil Lord Wrath, and everyone in the camp was laughing like they had heard the biggest joke in their life. Then they stop because of their undead nature and the only one who was laughing was Wrath.

"HAHAHA! Undead King! More like... Undead PEASANT!"


Again they started to laugh when they heard what Wrath said. The title was truly perfect for the little lich.

Ainz put his hand on the Nazgul shoulder.

"Splendid work Lieutenant. Continue to serve me well."

YES! For eternity, my Lord!

Ainz pointed his finger at the lich that was standing frightened on the ground.

[Hell Flame]

The small flame touched the body of the lich and after that, he screamed in agony from the burning till it turned into ashes.

"Did you understand that, my general? The Lieutenant didn't want that lich to die fast."

"Yes my Lord! Good job Lieutenant!"

The Nazgul respectfully bowed his head.

"My lord, about the human girls?" asked the general.

Ainz looked at the girls. He pitied them.

"I will turn them into vampires. I don't think they want to live among humans anymore."

Even if he sends them back where they come from, the girls will be homeless and maybe they will be captured again, so the best decision was to turn them into vampires and become his citizens.

"Interrogate those two scumbags. I'm going back to the castle."

"As you wish, my Lord."

Next chapter