
The Crazy Boy!

"Alec, you are being late for school." he heard his mother shouting once again, and he sighed. It was the sixth time his mother had shouted in the past five minutes.

A boy was sitting near the window on an old study table that was full of scratches and scribbled words that could not be easily understood.

There were more than ten books that were thicker than the books of a man doing phd research. The boy was immersed in them, moving his thick eye glasses with each word that had his undivided attention.

Footsteps could be heard behind him, but he was too lost to notice them. The wooden door or the room opened with a creak and the light was lit, brightening the dark room. The room had minimal furniture. A queen size bed, a side table filled with a lot of black cards and a diary.

A small cupboard that was not even closed, showing the clothes that were forced in and falling apart.

And on the left there was a window where a boy of 15 years was sitting and reading a thick book.

His mother frowned looking at him reading and then rubbed her forehead as if a headache was forming just by looking at the boy.

"And here I thought that you were sleeping like a normal child, when I saw that the lights were closed. Alec, what are you doing? Did you even sleep?" There was frustration and annoyance in her voice.

The boy sighed but did not move his eyes from the book. He continued to read it as if his life was dependent on it.

"I slept mother, at least, I tried to sleep. But those dreams did not let me sleep." there was pain in his voice, helplessness that touched his mother and her expressions softened.

"Darling, you just need to stop thinking about all these things and stop reading these books. These are all responsible for your condition." she tried to explain as she moved closer to him and hugged him. But her one hand moved towards the book and tried to close it.

The boy, who had closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of the hug, snapped his eyes open. His eyes were redder than blood, her face was dark as if someone had tried to stab his heart.

His hands moved and took the book away before his mother could even touch the book.

"Do not touch it!" The voice was so scary that his mother unconsciously took several steps away from the boy. She almost reached the door.

"Alec, these things are making you crazy. Come down, you are late for school. If your father came to know that you did not go to school once again then he will beat you and I will not be able to save you.`` Her words were filled with pain, regret and helplessness as a single tear rolled out of her eye as she turned and left the room.

But the boy did not even spare a glance to his crying mother. His eyes were fixed on the book, as if it was a rare treasure, the most valuable thing in the world. He caressed the pages of the book as if it was a small baby that needed to be assured.

"I would never let anything happen to you." he reassured and then walked towards his bed. There was a big wooden box. He opened it and then put all his books. There were many other similar books in the box already.

"Take care, i will come back soon." he patted the books and then closed the box and locked it. Hiding the key in his pocket he walked towards the washroom and took a bath and then got ready for school. Taking the bag in his hands, he gave one last look to the room and then walked towards the kitchen.

His mother had already set the breakfast table and there was a small bag of his lunch for the school.

He walked towards the table, took the apple and his lunch and walked out.

"Alec, sit and have your breakfast first." his mother shouted with anger this time.

But he just sneered, "didn't you say that i am getting late for school and father would be annoyed if i would be late or would not go to school?" His words were taunting, making his mother tongue tied.

And before she could say anything. He opened the door and left, leaving his mother sighing again.

He took out the headphone and covered his ears, but there was no song playing. Instead, there was a commentary on the recent SID reports. He was listening to them so seriously as he was walking like a lost person.

"Hey, watch out, you crazy.." a sudden sound came from the other side as a bike stopped abruptly. If it would have been a second late, then he would have been hit by it.

"What the hell are you doing standing or crawling in the middle of the road, you crazy piece of shit!?!" the boy shouted as he pushed Alec, trying to show his annoyance.

But then Alec opened his eyes and tilted his head and stared at the boy who took two steps back looking at his eyes.

"Lets go, Ray, this boy is crazy." said the boy as he climbed the bike again and they started the bike and left just passing an inch away from his feet, but Alec was unperturbed. It was nothing new for him.

He continued walking and then stood at the bus stop. Within a few minutes a high school bus stopped in front of him. He walked in silently completely ignoring the stares he was receiving.

Once every student entered the bus, it started again.

"Hey, did you see him? He was looking crazier than before." a girl elbowed her friend as she looked at Alec.

"Uhuh, his eyes were no less than a monster. I heard that he even attends cult meetings. He is registered crazy now." she replied with a snicker and the first girl held the arms of her friend.

"I don't understand why he was even attending the school.'' There was fear but at the same time hatred in her voice.

Other students also looked at Alec with disgust and ridicule. A boy remained standing as he did not find any other empty seat except the one beside Alec.

But Alec was far from all this, his eyes were closed as he was listening to the podcast when he saw a dragon flying high in the sky. As if sensing the presence of Alec, the dragon changed its path and flew towards him. He was charging too fast and only stopped when he was just an inch away from Alec.

Its golden slit eyes looked deep into his red eyes. Its deep warm breaths from its big nostrils touched the cheek of Alec, who still had blank expression on his face, but his heartbeat was running a marathon.

In the next second the black dragon tilted its head and blew a ball of fire from his mouth burning the whole face of Alec.

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