
~Ella kissed Brian~  

                                                        Chapter 64

                                                  ~Ella kissed Brian~

Immediately Brian's car came to a halt in Meyer's compound he alighted nervously yet housing the strong feeling of antagonism. He held out Meyers's passport photo which he had picked the other day and pranced to her door like an ireful tiger.

"Meyer!" he called, slamming on her door. "Meyer!" he called yet again, wound down the handle of the door and slamming on it. "Meyer! I know you are in. open the door now! He barked.

At once a dog in the other flat ensued a heavy woof-woof-woof after being startled by Brian's noise.

"Oh my God! Where is this girl? Where is this traitor?" he quarreled within himself and walked to the garden to comb around for her.

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