
~I will miss you, Ella~

                                                        Chapter 65

                                                I will miss you, Ella

Grandma, Brian and Ella were seated to a mouth-watering dish at the dining table. Ella had informed grandma about her resignation from the farm because of her wedding which was due to take place in two days, and upon Brian's advice grandma had hosted a dinner to bid her farewell.

They ate quietly and Ella was forced to commend the cook that prepared the food.

"This is sumptuous," she muttered, yet masticating with a rare appetite. "Who prepared this?" she paused to ask.

Grandma stole a glance at Brian and her wrinkled jaw dragged in delighted smile.

Brian stared at her before a huge smile possessed his oval face as he continued munching his meal.

"Your Brian did," grandma replied, opening her mouth to the peppery barbecue that was approaching it.

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