

-Aura guardian temple (capital)-

-Orion temple pov-

As I sit in my office and think about the events of the past few weeks and how they could and should have gone…

This shouldn't have happened.....we lost 2 of our 10 champion ranked Pokémon in the sinnoh kingdom, it's a crushing blow...… and that's not even mentioning the countless elite and king ranked Pokémon on top of all the man power that was lost…..

And even the gold and Pokémon eggs that were being transported to the capital from

What was borrowed from the Johto branch for expansions, that would set us back years….

The training base we had in the storm lands was a secure base for the sinnoh branch of the aura guardians was meant to be almost untouchable, especially with the champion ranked lucario that was there as part of the escort….and it's all gone.

We had initially sent a small detachment of guardians to hold Gideon storms "little town" hostage for the information he had about gyarados and what ever else we could squeeze out of him for our benefit, we had even sent a champion level lucario with them, normally we wouldn't be so forward in our tactics but learning how to control gyarados was just that important.

For the entire detachment to entirely vanish almost the same time as our storm land training camp...it's obvious that Gideon found out about our scheme and retaliated....but for him to hit us back this openly and ruthlessly was outside of our expectations...and it cost us dearly.

We have tried to bribe his people for information, and we thought it was working at first but all the information they gave us was all false, we confronted them and told them we would let slip they betrayed Gideon but they laughed in our faces, and we tried to capture some of his peoples family members to black mail some of them to get what we want but everyone we sent were never heard from again.

We even tried to get our fingers into his merchant company ineeta gold, we tried buy my our way with no success,tried to strong arm way in with the same results.... Every single person in little town or ineeta gold are totally dedicated to Gideon storm…..

We have tried almost everything outside of launching a full scale war against him... but nothing seems to work, i can't remember a time when someone has so openly defied the aura guardians...

But there is still hope... our sources tell us he is to be promoted to independent viscount, and that he would be establishing his own territory out in the wilderness… that would be a perfect chance to strike when he is building his new domain. We will have to wait until that time, but that doesn't mean we can't hurt him in the meantime...

He has made quiet a few enemies amongst the nobles with his reckless behaviour and attitude, and after a bit of investigating we found that viscount Samson Orneal tried to have the boy assassinated was the same night his lands were raided and robbed....but there are reports of it being mainly bug type Pokémon that took part in the assault, but I'm sure it was Gideon somehow…

And viscount Orneal is hunting the perpetrators with reckless abandon…..so if we somehow steered him toward Gideon? And perhaps organised a group of nobles affronted by Gideon to support him? Well that would work just fine indeed... I'm sure they won't be able to get rid of the brat, but they can cause some issues for him until we are ready for him….hmmm.... We should have some of the underground gangs in the capital target him as well.

The boy plans to graduate the academy in a year so we would only have to wait until then….. and then we can get our hands on him and squeeze him for all he is worth, not to mention torture the little ant for all he has put the guardians through... but patience is a virtue they say…. So we only have to wait out the year….

We have a grandmasters meeting tonight to discuss or future actions, I'll bring this up then, I'm positive I can convince them of the plan without much fuss, just you wait Gideon storm.....your time is coming.


-mc pov-

As I open my eyes to a new morning there is only one thing on my mind….

Holy hell am I hung over this morning…..last night I got a little carried away after riding the high of shuckles victory and a pair of rowdy noble chicks, we smoked, drank and fucked till the early hours of the morning.

As I pull myself out of the two pairs of arms locking me down, all I can think is of is I need a shower and some coffee...

So I do just that and head into the shower, normally this would be the part where the 2 girls joined me but I don't think they are physically able even if they wanted too. Walking won't be an option for awhile, not to mention they would have to be conscious, which again probably not going to happen for awhile.

After I finish my shower and put on some boxers, some grey sweat pants and socks, I make my way down stairs stretching and groaning….. not feeling a shirt today.

And as I get down to the dining room there is already breakfast waiting, a big cup of coffee just the way I like it and an emotionless Logan on standby near the table in all his butlery glory.

Logan " good morning my lord, a "full English breakfast" as you call it has been prepared for you, and would you like me to prepare the ladies of last night for departure while your hangover settles down my lord?"

Gideon " nah let em sleep, they earned it…..from what little I can remember anyways, the girls went above and beyond last night….so when they wake up and I'm not here just feed em and send them on their way"

As fun as they were that's all they are….just fun, really not looking to get attached to anyone in the near future, don't want kids or anything so just messing around is all I'm about at the moment

Suddenly a maid comes in and curtsies why speaking

Maid " excuse me my lord, I'm sorry for the interruption, but Rick, head of your merchant company "ineeta gold" has come to request an audience with you"

Gideon " oh Ricks here? Send him in, and prepare some more coffee for him"

Maid " right away my lord"

And with another curtsy she's gone to fulfil her new tasks, leaving me alone with the ever stoic Logan who just waits in the corner for his next orders, and as I'm taking another bite of my eggs on toast Rick comes in all smiles, something good must of happened.

Rick " good morning my lord, it's great to see you again"

Being as hungover as I was, I bet I looked like death warmed up but the shower and food are hitting the spot and I should be recovering soon, but I still put on as genuine as a smile I could to greet my super metchant

Gideon " hey there Rick, good to see you too, what brings you around this morning with such a big smile on your face?"

He has filled out through years, not massive like me but still pretty big, and with his decent face red hair and brown eyes, he's a good looking dude, a lot better than that dirty little street rat I found all those years ago.

Rick takes a seat indent of me when I gesture him to sit, and the maid brings his coffee and he takes a sip before beginning.

Rick " oh I have come to give you an update on the progress on the recruitment of people you have asked for, and to also thank you for the female nidoran you gave to me, she fits in well and has developed a crush on my nidoking, and with her talent grade being green, the pair should pop out some potentially powerful children in a few years"

Uuuuhhhhh, recruitment? When did I ask him to start recruiting?…..think.....think.....is he talking about the farmers I asked him to look for? That's gotta be it right?...…

Gideon " are you talking about the farmers for my new territory?, I don't remember asking you to recruit them, just look for them…."

Rick " yes my lord, you did, but I took the initiative to recruit them early and send them to little town to learn under who we already have and give them a better outlook on their situation...…. The majority of the people I found are people lived near the border of the Sinnoh and johto kingdoms and have lost everything to the skirmishes, I made sure they are the honest and trustworthy sort, and brought them and their family's into little town…..I know it was out of line for me my lord but you have less than year before you become an independent viscount, and knowing you, I'd wager you would have a territory chosen faster than we could prepare, so we have chosen to recruit and start to gather materials early in preparation for that"

Makes sense I guess, not like we are hurting on gold, and we could always use more people.

Rick " bob has also recruited quiet a few teenage orphans for construction as well, a good 30 or so, and again the dependable sort, bob and his crews has also built temporary residents for all the new "recruits", and even when I say temporary they are far better than the housing they have experienced before, which goes a long way with good will"

Hmm well that sorts that out, less for me to worry about but….

Gideon " when you say you have been collecting materials.....have you been collecting Pokémon bones as I asked?"

Pokémon bones, dark and morbid I know but from my wished for knowledge it's the best building material additive there is, for example powdered Pokemon bone can increase concretes strength multiple times over, same with an kind of mortar or anything like that, I'll be using it for the walls for my little city...and no it doesn't attract ghost Pokémon or anything….

And the people of this world, as I far as I know don't know about it, there might be some but it's not common knowledge... so I asked Rick and ineeta gold to purchase as many as they can. Obviously the stronger the Pokémon the stronger the bones but it's not easy to find super stronger Pokémon corpses or bones at any time, so I had them buying them near border of the kingdom where skirmishes happen all the time.

Rick " yes my lord we are, we have a decent stick pile so far and are continuing in our endeavours to purchase more, I also wanted to let you know we have some more people trying to either buy,bribe or strong arm their way into ineeta gold again, but we have it handled pretty well....but that's all what I came to talk to you about this morning my lord"

He finishes his sentence and takes another sip of coffee with a content sigh, it's good stuff I know, and we finish up our conversation with some small talk and talk about training his nidoking and ambipom, they are coming along nicely.

And as I bid him goodbye and realise my hangover is starting to let up…it's around noon and the noble girls haven't woke up yet so I can't kick em out yet, but I'm sure their attendants aren't far away.

I don't feel like going to the academy today, I've gotta fight booked for shuckle on this day and Friday so no real reason for me to go for the next 2 days.

Oh I have that appointment with Cynthia Blaine today….. that should be a bit of fun, but it's not for awhile so I guess some light training with shuckle and try and figure out how to get him to fight without emotional black mail…..

Alrighty let's get started…..

Next chapter