
The colonel

After a light training session with shuckle of a rollout obstacle course to get his mobility to where I'd like it to be it's roughly 3pm, Cynthia if she's true to her word would be here soonish so I thought it best I take a shower and get prepared for that.

I'm not really looking for a wife or anything but if things play out that way I'll roll with it, but this will be more of a fuck buddy situation. And I know some people would see this as scummy and truth be told it is, but in the times we live in people literally sell their daughters for minor family benefits, and that's nobility, commoners would sell their daughters for the Pokémon equivalent of a donkey…even less if times are hard.

And it's Not that there are no female family heads, because there are a few because in this world everything comes down to strength, and not personal strength, your Pokémon's strength and male or female has nothing to do with that, it's time, effort and resources sprinkled with a bit of luck.

As I finish my shower and head down stairs with houndoom following me, I call into the kitchen and order a snack as I'm heading to the lounge room to chill before Cynthia shows up, and as I sit down Logan comes in and informs me I have a guest.

Well showtime I guess, I need to invent a swivel chair so I can make slow dramatic turns while petting my shuckle, that would be a total power move.

As Logan comes back with Cynthia and what I can only assume is her attendant in tow, her attendant is a 5'7 brunette with a flat chest but a pretty face.

Gideon " welcome Cynthia!, it's a pleasure to officially meet you, please have a set"

Cynthia " indeed it would be for you commoner….. one must always look up to their betters"

Oof, cold as ice and self important to boot with a little venom mixed in there, typical Noble, but I can work around that. I'll just offer her something no one else could, and I didn't really look into her personal life to much but being 25 and unmarried as a noble woman is super rare, pretty much classified as a spinster. So let's see if I can't chip off a bit of this ice and get her to let her hair down a little.

Gideon " well I wouldn't say that miss Blaine, in no way are you my better, my only reason for wanting to meet you was because you're drop dead gorgeous and I wanted to see if I can get a piece of that"

I say with a cheery attitude and a big grin on my face, she seemed to be a little taken back by the way I started off this conversation, her attendant was looking at me with a little anger.

But just as all this was happening my big doggo strolls in lazily from the kitchen, probably had an afternoon snack himself made by the kitchen staff.

And that seemed to make both Cynthia and her attendant freeze as they look at my lumbering hellhound, who just casually strolls over and lays down next to my lounge chair and lazily places his head on my lap looking for some attention.

Gideon " hey buddy….you bored and looking for some scritches aye?"

I comment as I start scratching his favourite spot just as the base of his horns, and his back leg start shaking slightly as he makes sounds of contentment, so I ease off on the intense scritches and move to just slow stroking his head as he dozed off to sleep.

I miss having the crew all together now that most of them are off training somewhere, I'm going to have to set some down time for them so we can al hang out together.

I suddenly realise I'm caught up in my own head as I turn back to the stunned and now slightly sweaty Cynthia and her attendant

Gideon " sorry about that, the big guy here has been feeling a little lonely lately, so I give him as much attention as I can, now let's get int-"

The doors to the kitchen suddenly opens, I wouldn't say loudly but it was apparent in a quite room, I was about to get angry at who ever it was but I noticed it was a maid carrying a large snorlax plushie and I knew what was going on.

Shuckle slinked his way inside with his head dropping looking ready for a nap, he made his way up to my feet and popped down and turned to look at the maid with the plushie, without saying a word she handed it to him, placed a pillow down on the ground for shuckle to nap on, curtsied and then left.

Shuckle can't walk properly with his bear, and he scuffs up the floors when he tries, so when ever he is inside and not with me he has to have someone following him carrying his plushie, he never goes anywhere without it.

Seems like a waste of manpower but shuckle is rarely inside without me and shuckle never sleeps alone, he's with me most of the time but if not he sleeps near one of the crew….he's still technically a baby so it's fine.

As I was about to start the conversation again the kitchen doors open once again…..fucking hell let me speak!!

But this time it was Logan and a maid carrying two large bowls with with my afternoon snacks and I'm so ready to eat them

Logan " apologies for the interruption my lord, but your after snacks have been prepared, the dipping sauce will be in momentarily"

What afternoon snack requires dipping sauce might you ask?…..POPCORN CHICKEN!!!, that's right! The merciful lords who sent me here saw it fit to bestow upon me the 11 secrets herbs and spices of the Colonel himself….

And what better to pair it with than the sweet and sour sauce of the very same franchise!?, 100% my favourite snack.

As I start to dig in almost forgetting about my present company, I turn to see how they react to what's happening and see Cynthia drool a little over the smell of the popcorn chicken...I can use this…..might be nice to see a woman foodgasm for once..

Gideon " sorry about the interruption miss Blaine, I was rather hungry and had placed my order before you arrived so sorry about that….. where were we?"

Cynthia " we were ahh..about to discuss the uhmm….bet you made with my little brother about the uhhh….details of you "spending time" with me..."

Ooo the cold facade is cracking under the relentless assault on her nostrils by the popcorn chicken, or more accurate would be popcorn farfetch'd, but I'm going to call it popcorn chicken.

As I pick up a piece and wave it around as I talk I notice her eye line follows it. And as she does we both notice a bowl of reddish sauce float over on what I can only assume is the psychic ability of head head chefs musharna, it floats down to the table in front of my bowls of chicken.

Gideon " so my plan was to get you over here, and basically get you to agree to be my fuck buddy, but not for free mind you. I heard you had a magmar as your strongest Pokémon, I'll evolve it for you, all you need to do is be my fuck buddy for two years.... I'll even evolve it first on good faith."

Again sounds super scummy and again it very much is, pretty much paying her for sex but what people back on my old world seemed to have forgotten is we are always paying for it, one way or another, dating was just an interview to see if you wanted to have sex, it's just this time I'm being up front and establishing a "contract" of sorts so we both know what we are getting into….

She seemed to sharpen up at that particular sentence.

Cynthia " oh? And pray tell what being your "fuck buddy" as you call it might include, and my responsibilities in the relationship"

Gideon " well it's more or less what it sounds like, we'll be sex friends, you drop any side action you have going on at the moment and dedicate 2 years to my dick and you get your magmortar, and I doubt your family would complain, just tell them that you have me wrapped around your finger and you're just biding your time to get me to spill my secrets….. and with an evolved magmar I'm sure they would even support you"

She seems to think for a minute about what I can assume are the pros and cons of this particular deal, I'm pretty sure she would accept and even if she doesn't I'm sure I can worm my way in eventually….

As I throw another piece of sweet and sour sauce dipped popcorn chicken into my mouth I let out a slight moan of contentment…..holy fuck that's good….and it seemed to break Cynthia out of her musings

Cynthia " very well you have a deal, two years being your "fuck buddy" as you call it and you evolve my magmar…..when would we be able to start the evolution process?"

Gideon " cool beans, nice to have you aboard. We will have to go to little town to actually evolve it, we can do that tomorrow, so pop around tomorrow morning and we can get this thing done"

I don't actually have to do it in little town, I could do it in the back yard without issue. But I want do the whole song and dance to make it seem harder than it is, I'll also do it in a seperate area so she can't see how its done and have gengar put magmar to sleep during the process.

Gideon " I'm assuming you won't be staying the night? You would want the goods first I guess…."

Cynthia" no, I will be staying the night since you have made this deal on good faith so shall I, I'll need a bath to prepare myself first though"

Her little attendant seems to be slightly taken back by the conversation…. Maybe I can drag her into it aswell…..I think with an inward evil smile.

Gideon " how rude of me….. I have been snacking all this while and haven't offered you any, well Cynthia since we are now lovers, would you like some of my popcorn chicken?"

She seemed to drool a little again as she takes a small sniff of the smell still lingering in the air

Cynthia " I think I would, thank you "

She seems a lot less cold now, still some ice in her voice, but no venom which is progress

I had over my other bowl of popcorn chicken to Cynthia who stars at it with a small twinkle on her eye.

And as she takes he first bite of one of the bigger pieces of chicken…..


Wow, I liked the sound of that….a billion time better than listening to Kane or the king, it still haunts me, hopefully this memory will replace it…..

Next chapter