
New pants

As I roll up and see pops and his new sidekick, a friendly looking grandpa type wearing noble clothes, but baggy.....I bet he's one of the fucking jacked grampas… I haven't seen one yet, but he would fit the bill.

As I greet them and welcome them inside, bellossom runs up to me and hugs my leg, bless her little heart she is adorable.

Gideon " bell, mind rolling up a few blunts, and pull out the good bourbon, also ask the kitchen to prepare lunch for 3, I'm feeling a bit peckish, so tell 'em to really load up the plates"

She responds with a cheery "bell bell!" And takes off as I lead the two guests into the lounge room, that's what it's called now..

Just a chill space, lounges and a coffee table, for me to meet people.

Gideon " so pops, what brings you here today? And you have yet to introduce me to your friend here"

Victor " I would like to introduce you to his majesty, former king of Sinnoh, Kane sinnoh"

Gideon " no shit? This guys a royal?" I say and extend my hand for a handshake " nice to meetcha your majesty, names Gideon storm, please take a seat"

Kane seems to have a big grin at how I greeted him.

Kane " nice to meet you too kid, I've heard rumours you were unorthodox, and I for one am glad they turned out to be true"

He says while taking my hand in a firm and friendly handshake.

Gideon " yeah, I'm not much into the nobles usual way of doing things, either trying to tickle someone's dick or stab em in the back, well they kind of do both at the same time usually…."

Kane " hahahaha, a well put analogy young man, and also very accurate, nobles are greedy little creatures who would say or do anything to increase their "standing" in this world"

Just as he finishes, bellossom comes in with a big tray, with a bowl of greenery, a stack of mini papers,bowl of ice cubes, 3 glasses and a bottle of bourbon

She proceeded to place the bowl down, and with masterful little nubs she calls hands she rolls a few blunts, hands me one and jumps on my shoulder as I put it in my mouth, and out of her little nub hands comes a little yellow light she touches to the end of my blunt, lighting for me..

I taught her sunny day, just to light my blunts.

She then started pouring drinks for everyone and adding a little bit of ice in the glasses and handed them out, god she's good at that, so professional.

As Kane sits there dumbfounded by what he's seeing and takes the glass handed to him, I'd say as a reflex as he can't react right now, my father just takes the glass like it's normal, and takes a sip

Kane " quite the talented little bellossom you have there my boy, and what is in that paper you just put in your mouth?"

Gideon " I call it weed, it's arcues's gift to the world"

I take a big draw, as Kane takes a big gulp from his glass and starts choking…..lasting quite awhile.

Kane " *cough cough* what is that!?, it's like Smokey liquid fire, burns your throat, but somehow I want more...."

*phewwwwwweeew* (exhale noise)

Gideon " it's called bourbon, an alcoholic beverage, we brew it here is little town, I didn't like the grape juice and horse piss that everyone else sold, and when I smoke, I like to drink as well, so... bourbon was born…"

Kane looks at the glass takes another sip, and another, and another…now a big grin on his face.

Kane " you mean to say, that because you didn't like other alcohol, you just invented this liquid gold?, why have I never heard of it…"

Gideon" because I don't sell it, I already make more gold than I can spend, so I don't see a point in it, plus it would be for nobles, and nobles are a bunch of tossers"

Kane " hahahaha, I again couldn't agree more my boy!!, so what would it take for me to get my hands on a steady supply of this stuff, for personal use of course"

I take another big hit and then speak through a strained voice.

Gideon " you know what buddy, I like the cut of your jib…. I'll sell it to ya… it's pricey but I doubt it would bother you…

Kane " excellent!! I came here for a statue and got so much more!, also what is that intoxicating smell?, I wasn't particularly hungry when I got here, but now….."

Oh this dude is getting high of second hand smoke... that's hilarious!!, probably a bit to do with the kitchens smells wafting over as well.

Gideon " that's lunch my guy, baked mareep, with all the sides….. speaking of, let's move to the dining room"

I managed to impart some foodwarz talent into a couple of my chefs, only able to do so due to them having aura, I bet those uppity dog trainers would never think of using aura like this…

We arrive and take a seat at the dining room just in time for some servants to bring in a whole roast legs, trays of baked potato, pumpkin, carrots, the works….. and the smell, that Sunday afternoon bake smell.....heavenly...

As it's all plated up Kane looks at it all with a strange look to his face, the smell is just that appetising , so I have to make arrangements

Gideon " please prepare our guest a spare pair of pants, just in case....."

Kane gives me a weird look... don't look at me like that... I'm the one who's going to suffer through this, I have to watch an old man...ugh

Kane looks at me with a stern face.

Kane " I'm not quite sure what you mean boy, taking me as some kind of fool"

He takes a bite and I plug my ears and look away


Half hour later we're back in the lounge room, Kane is wearing new pants and pops isn't sitting next to him anymore, and Kane is having trouble looking us in then eye….

Kane " I….I don't...how did...*ahem* your father tells me you're entering the academy this year, are you looking forward to to?"

Trying to get off the subject he just jizzed his little pants into oblivion over some lamb and potatoes..

Gideon " yeah, it's a hard requirement to go for nobles, otherwise there is no way I'd be caught dead in the shrine to assholery"

And I look to father

Gideon " you should probably prepare, I'm definitely going to make some enemies…. And It's going to sound like a standing ovation with all the noble daughter cheeks I plan on clapping in that school of noble fuckery"

Pops just sighs defeated, he knows me well enough to know how I'm going to react to the snobbery that goes on in that place.

Kane " we'll have you chosen your pokemon for the school?"

Gideon " the what now?"

Kane " you have to hatch an egg and raise it while in the school and teach it to battle properly to ensure you are good enough to be a noble, the egg can hatch no earlier then a week before school starts, and it requires someone from the academy to witness it, or it needs to be hatched during your tenure"

Gideon " well that's news to me"

Kane " what Pokémon you raise and battle records can even raise your social standing, you know, I wouldn't mind helping you acquire one of the 3 royals if you need it, I could consider it returning the favour for the….what was it called…bourbon?"

I just sit there and think for awhile, I'm going to actually have to battle properly huh…..

Me " what about my current Pokémon?"

Kane " oh you can bring and battle with them, they are not counted as official academy battles though, only one Pokémon may be chosen for that"

Hmmmm I see, so I sit there and think for awhile and suddenly come up with a brilliant idea….

Kane " so did you need to me to organise a royal?"

Gideon " nah fuck that noise, I already have the perfect Pokémon to dunk on those kids…."

I have a massive grin on my face as I plan for my academy visit

Kane " oh really?, would you mind enlightening an old man on what choice you're going to make"

Gideon" a Pokémon that will bring me to the top of that serviper nest, strike fear into their hearts and crush their tiny little egos all in one fell swoop"

Kane " and that Pokémon would be?"


Next chapter