

To say they were surprised would be an understatement, then they laughed, they thought it was a joke...…and I don't mind letting them think that, it will just make my big reveal all the sweeter.

So after that we chatted about various things, me making a statue of another torterra for his grandson,mutual dislike for nobles, how much better bourbon was then the piss water they use to drink, they caved to curiosity, and

ended up smoking with me.

we even went for a swim in the lake, pops and Kane were stunned at the idea, but being as high as they were, it sounded like a good idea....AND IT WAS, we had azumarill tow us around as we knee-boarded for the rest of the afternoon.

Oh, and I was right, he's a jacked old dude, 6 pack and all…..

All in all it was a chill afternoon, Kane had a good vibe about him, didn't take anything to serious, enjoyed to drink, smoke and fuck around, but wasn't an arrogant douche bag like every other noble I met.

I asked if he wanted to stay for dinner, and no surprise that he did, he even ended up staying the night, but so did dad, they were drunk as a skunk, not to mention high as a kite, so guest rooms it was…

Kane POV

Ugggghhhh, my word, I haven't felt this hung over in decades....that bourbon, really sneaks up on you…..and what did he call it...weed?.... I'm pretty sure that it's giggleglow, never knew it could be used as such, I won't deny I like it.

As I slowly rise from the bed, I look around I see something with remarkable reflection, I walk up to it, and it reflects my image perfectly and I let out "truely remarkable"

As I saw my ageing face, still sharp features, greying silver hair, and green eyes clearer than I ever have before….this definitely isn't the polished bronze we usually use to check out reflections…..

I came to the storm territory with the excuse I was here to get a statue made for my grandson, which I am... but I came because of a rumour that Lord storms 3rd son was a genius, and I wanted to see for myself.

My grandson would be attending the noble academy this year, and I wanted to garner him some support outside royal politics.

My grandson has a good heart, but isn't very politically savvy, and when I heard the rumour of Gideon I came to see if I could someone convince him to support my little Leo.

And I must say the rumours were undersold if anything….. this "little town" village is an amazing work of art, I don't know how it's done but there is no smell of waste in their air at all…..

And the bourbon he created, it's another work of art, nobles love their alcohol, and they pay a premium for the "good stuff" but even that pales in comparison to this bourbon…

And let's not forget about the food of the gods....on second thought let's forget about that part....

And I must say I truely like the young man, straight forward, brutally honest, yet when he was insulting me I didn't really feel insulted… it's a strange thing.

And one of, if not, THE most important thing, his Pokémon, when that azumarill appeared, I nearly released garchomp, it's definitely champion level, and not a weak one...

I have a very rare talent that lets me accurately know a Pokémon's strength without having to use the aura guardians devices to measure talent and power…..I have only ever met one other person who has it…

And that houndoom eyeing me all day, it wasn't aggressive, but I could tell if I raised a finger to Gideon it would have no second thoughts about ripping my throat out.....and it was also champion….

Gideon is a future big player in the kingdom, normally I would do everything in my power to sway him to our side, but I have a feeling it would have the opposite effect, for all his money and power he seems more content just sitting out of sight, living his life quietly.

And I'm an excellent judge of character, it's never failed me over the years, the man seems to have no real ambition for the top, but I fear ambitious people may try to make him a pawn in their games, and I doubt that would go well for them.

So I could say with certainty that Gideon would make a marvellous friend for my little Leo, truely.

And besides all that I can say without any shame, yesterday was one of the most fun I've had in a very long time, too long around politics and not enough actual talking, yesterday was just what I needed.


I just saw off pops and Kane as they head back home, I told Kane I would bring the statue to the castle when teleport there in the next few days, I gotta buy a place in the capital and have it remodelled for modern living.

Kane seemed surprised that I had a psychic Pokémon that could teleport that far, he asked what it was he almost collapsed when I told him it was a metagross, he did collapse when he saw it was a shiny variant, muttering something about "a big, big player" but what ever, he seemed to calm down and told me he had to get back.

I haven't really much to do today, might head over to the beach and tan mah cheeks, nobility's obsessed with pale skin, I don't get it.

I head back inside to get my budgie smugglers, yea that's right, they exist now, I also made stubbies….basically booty shorts for men, and I look glorious in them, only being 15 I'm and 6'3, really filled out nicely as well, I do not regret the Armstrong bod, red eyes silver hair….. worth the cliche, I'm a literal gift from the gods…

So I suite up, grab a towel, a beach umbrella, my herbologist, the ever present miss bellossom, notify the rest of the crew what I'm doing and head on over to the beach….

And start thinking about the property I'm going to buy in the capital…

Next chapter