
Chapter 125 : Love knows no bounds

"Oh wow she's so beautiful.."

"Her eyes are so blue and vivid.."

"How do you keep your skin so nice..?"

"I don't buy it, she's not your girlfriend.."

"Yeah there's no way you can bag a woman like her Zander tell us the truth!"

"Did he pay you to pose as his girlfriend?.."

"What do you mean I can't bag a woman like her, what do you take me for?!" Zander yelled with his face red with embarrassment and irritation.

"Well honestly you're a bit of a stick in the mad Zander no offense," Zara responded.

"Do you even know how to talk to girls?" Zelda added on 

Zander was boiling mad, couldn't his sisters at least behave for one second and not completely embarrass him in front of Vivian. He turned to the dark haired nosferatu woman who he noticed was giggling. Vivian leaned on Zander's side and wrapped her arms around his bicep lovingly.

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