
Chapter 126 : Deja vu

Gareth sighed and leaned back on his chair, how the hell was he going to get that note back now, guests were already pouring in and he didn't want to cause a scene. His only hope was that his mother would drop the note during the course of the ball or she would just forget about it entirely. The handsome prince's little reverie was shaken when someone sat incredibly close to him. He turned and saw Ronda's green eyes gazing up at him. 

"I didn't notice how handsome you look your grace," she cooed, "the color purple suits you." 

Gareth was wearing a pair of grey trousers, black boots, a silk purple shirt that somewhat matched the color of his eyes and a grey jacket.

"Thank you," the handsome prince responded flatly. He was trying his best to keep himself from frowning as he spoke. Gareth considered himself a very calm and tolerant man, but when it came to his beautiful Melissa, you mess up and you're dead to him. And that was exactly what Ronda was, dead to him.

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