
Chapter 121 : where are they?

Aiden run his hand through his lush red hair and sighed, his father was right to some extent, they were in a very tricky situation at the moment and didn't have too many options. But using children? Really? Had it really come to this?

"I understand your difficult position father," Aiden responded, "this whole situation makes me wonder if I would be able to do the same if I were in your shoes, you truly are a formidable king."

"I wouldn't call myself that-"

The Kaiser was cut short when the dinning room door swung open and one of the knights rushed in. The panic on the knight's face and the large beads of sweat on his forehead made both Aiden and his father rise to their feet.

"What is it?!" The Kaiser ordered, feeling his own panic setting in.

"Your majesty! It's the humans, they're attacking Ervelon!"

"What?!" Stefan marched to the knight and grabbed his shoulders firmly, "how did this happen?! Where were the gaurds on duty?!"

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