
Chapter 122 : Rogue

"Where are they?!!" Aiden yelled in fury.

The knight took a step back out of utter fear, he had never seen the prince this menacing before, Aiden was know as a quiet and composed man but right now he looked like a demon from hell. His black wings were spread wide, his eyes a vivid scarlet red and his nails and fangs in full display.

"Your grace I'm sorry," the knight stammered, "when I got here the princess was no where in sight, we killed all the humans we found but couldn't find princess Estel."

"Where are the handmaidens?!

"They're outside my prince but they're still in shock, give them time to-"

Aiden shoved the knight aside and zipped passed him, down the hallway towards the women who were outside. The women all quivered in fear when the prince towered over them.

"Where is she?" Aiden questioned them in the calmest voice he could conjure, but the venom in every word was very evident.

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