
Durin's bane - arc rise of the light kingdom


A Balrog, a powerful creature with unique characteristics, such as a body covered in lava and fire, thick skin and horns giving it the appearance of a demon coming straight from hell, is currently charging at Talion.

While Durin's bane rushes towards Talion with a sword in hand and a whip ready to destroy everything in its path, Talion, still on guard, uses a powerful magic.

"Ice Age"

Immediately a cold wave freezes everything in its path, the floor of the main room of this illustrious dwarf mine is completely frozen, while the air itself freezes, the Balrog is immediately frozen under the biting cold released by Talion's magic.

Thanks to his new ring, Talion is now able to cast spells much more quickly and easily, this spell imagined after a certain work he followed in his previous life, while it required a dozen seconds of preparation, the incantation is reduced to one second, which allows Talion to use it much more easily.

Without waiting a single second longer, Talion summons 3 specters and leaps at full speed at the Balrog.

With a prodigious strength he strikes a violent blow in the back of the Balrog's neck, then, just as he believes he has injured it, the Balrog breaks the ice immediately in an explosion of black flame. Feeling pain in his neck, the latter let out a scream that shook the walls and pillars of the mine.

Despite Talion's powerful blow, the latter is only slightly injured by this blow, mad with rage, the flames on the surface of his body burn with much more intensity and immediately heats up the temperature of the room transforming the ice into hot and burning steam.

Then, in his anger he uses his whip and strikes very quickly towards Talion.

Seeing the fury of the Balrog, Talion avoids all the blows while the specters harass the Balrog by cutting him.

Then, he summons several pillars of ice that he shoots at the Balrog before rushing while striking it quickly in a quick succession.

Thanks to the rune on his sword, each blow becomes more powerful and he quickly pushes back the Blarog, who screams and retaliates by crossing swords with Talion.

The two are then engaged in a sword fight as the Balrog uses his whip here and there hoping to gain the advantage while Talion, faster and more powerful manages to fight off the creature's relentless assault.

His combo loaded to the max, Talion swaps places with a specter, then freezes an entire arm of the Balrog before striking with all his might to cut it off.

The much more powerful Balrog doesn't give him this time, immediately freeing his arm from the frost, grabbing Talion and throwing him to the ground with astounding power.

Thanks to his armor, Talion is only slightly impacted but reacts immediately seeing the Blarog's sword descending on him, he changes places with a specter.

Seeing the fighting skill of this Balrog, he uses {Ice Age} again to freeze the Balrog giving him a few seconds.

Once the Balrog is frozen, his specters move to distract it while he summons a new and even more powerful magic.

"ᚠ ᚢ ᚦ ᚨ ᚱ ᚢ ᚦ ᚨ ᚠ ᚱ ᚨ ᚠ ᚢ ᚦ ᚨ ᚱ ᚱ ᚨ ᚠ ᚱ ᚱ ᚨ ᚠ ᚢ ᚦ ᚨ ᚱ ᚨ ᚠ ᚱ ᚱ ᚨ ..."

He uses a special language to strengthen the power of this magic, while he is in the middle of sumoning this powerful magic, the Balrog wakes up again, mad with rage he strikes in the direction of the spectres with his burning sword, then he slams his whip, creating lightning, illuminating the basement.

The balrog disperse Talion's specters, not even a second later it rushes toward Talion while screaming and waving his whip.

As the flame monster approaches, Talion casts his magic "Greater Ice Age!"

Then, as if time had stopped, the entire hall is frozen, the Balrog under the ice, it's fire is immediately extinguished under this biting cold.

Quickly, Talion takes advantage of this and summons back his specters before teleporting behind the flame colossus and weakening it as much as possible.

He strikes violent blows at the Balrog with prodigious speed, simultaneously creating ice spears that strike and crash into the Balrog weakening it further.

But as Talion continues to move, the Balrog breaks free once again, screaming in pain, bloodied, new flames appear on his body, although these flame aren't as strong and bright as they were befor this magic.

Seeing Talion, the one's who put it in this situation, the Balrog strikes in the direction of Talion who avoids the blow before putting himself at a safe distance with a quick teleportation.

Furious, the Balrog uses all the power he has and summons balls of magma illuminating the great dwarf hall, then he throws them at Talion trying to melt him, while the latter narrowly avoids the incessant barrage, he teleports behind the Balrog, who seeing the blow coming turns and whips Talion.

Receiving the blow, he is immediatly propelled to the other side of the hall crashing into the wall.

Getting up under the intense pain of the blow, his armor begins its regeneration work.

Feeling this pain, and knowing it will takes too much time to defeat this opponent at this rate, Talion decide to finishes this fight quickly.

"Durin's Bane, I will show you the fruit of my training, I will break you and dominate you" he says as the Balrog screams with rage before charging towards Talion.

Suddenly, time slows down very quickly around Talion, before stopping, then, something miraculous happens, like a vortex, all the magic in the room is sucked towards Talion who fills his reserves at a prodigious speed.

Using the upgraded version of his skill {Elven rage}, he slows the time down till it stop in order to use his new skill. Going beyond his abilities, his eyes turn white, his bones begin to break under the sheer pressure, and his mind wavers in front of so much magic power.

Then, he redirects the magic around him, using the black fire and ice attributes, he tries to calm the flow around him.

Using the same process he used in Seregost, he creates two huge magical sphere and tries to merge them.

These two attributes naturally repelling each other are then pushed against each other and forced to merge, a new attribute is then formed.

Then Talion using this new magic, push it into his body, this has the effect of increasing his physical and magical abilities, allowing him to use all the magic absorbed and to resist the pressure exerced on him.

Thanks to this manipulation of the elements while time is stopped, he reaches a new form, a form possessing a phenomonal magic, and drawing from this huge magical source, all his abilities are pushed to the extreme.

It should be noted that magic cannot exceed a certain natural threshold in an individual, this threshold can be pushed back, but never exceeded.

During a magical overload, in case of forced magical aborsption, the magical energy, having no space to be stored, finds itself propelled into the body of the individual in an unstable state, in constant overload, seeking to escape by all means, the magic then becomes completely insane and implodes the individual's body.

With the fusion of these two elements, Talion manages to create a new hyper-stable element, once concentrated in his body, this allows him to stabilize the magic in constant overload and to keep it in his body, thus preventing the implosion of the latter.

This process, even if it is extremely dangerous, risky for the user and very tiring, when it is successful, allows to multiply the strength to the limit of what can be naturally reached, thus making the individual a superior being.

With time returning to normal, the Balrog continues its charge, but sensing the sudden disappearance of magic from the surrounding area, and feeling the monstrous magical power within Talion, this creature interrupts its charge and observes attentively Talion.

While Talion's condition, which he has not fully mastered, cannot last very long, he teleports to the Balrog and stabs his hand directly into its back, then he slash and cut the Balrog from everywhere at the same time with his prodigious speed.

In front of his overwhelming power, the Balrog's hard skin is nothing, and he can't even defend itself.

Wishing to crush it's mind, Talion grabs him and throws him around the whole hall, doing as much physical damage as possible to it. Then he freezes it, slash him and refreezes him again and again.

He could have finished the fight in an instant once he reached this form, but wishing to dominate this Balrog, he simply shows him his superiority and tries to break him.

After a minute, the Balrog is completely broken, wounded on all sides, he is on the verge of death, Talion then approaches him, puts his hand on his head and shouts "SUBMIT YOURSELF".

Under Talion's intense magic, the Balrog is quickly overwhelmed, something very deep and immemorial in him is broken, this is the mark of Morgoth, his mind is gradually replaced, reforged, his allegiance changed, and while Talion falters, his form disappearing little by little, he finally manages to dominate the Balrog.

The Balrog then heals himself at a prodigious speed, its flames usually red and black, change and become clear and white, while Talion, having dominated such a powerful creature, his magical reserves increase, his attribute of black fire increases in quality and he also heals himself, leaving his magical state, the fatigue he should feel is then not present, his armor boosting his recovery.

The Balrog, regaining his consciousness, kneels down in front of Talion and pronounces the following words " At.your.service.my.master "

"Stay there, and recover your strength" orders Talion, who still has a crucial mission to perform, he needs to dominate evert orc in this mine.

This fight lasted 6 hours, and although Talion found himself in trouble several times, he came out of it stronger, with a great asset for his army.


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