
Khazad-dûm (2) - arc rise of the light kingdom


Once his main mission in the mine is over, Talion hurries, he teleports directly to one of the multiple dwarf resource reserves.

There, in a remote corner of the mine, is an imposing treasure trove. Entering the room, Talion can't believe his eyes. On long tables are arranged fine gems of mithril, the tables are filled with this famous and much sought after ore.

Further on, there is a door, passing through it, an even bigger room full of precious ores. Piles of gold, platinum, silver and other resources are spread out on the floor, gathering dust. This treasure must contain several tons of precious metal.

Hidden under the pile of ores is another room, Talion thanks to his storage ring absorbs some of the ores in order to get through the door. Behind the door lies a small armory.

Although its size is reasonable, the equipment is forged with the utmost finesse and quality, being a great blacksmith himself, Talion recognizes the quality of these pieces. Moreover, some of the equipment is made of mithril, which guarantees its lightness and strength. However, these armors are not usable, being made by dwarves, for dwarves, their only for Talion is to be melt into ingot.

Having no time for that, Talion rushes to collect as many ores as possible, but despite his storage space, he doesn't even manage to collect 20% of all the treasures in this room.

Quickly, he runs into the mine. Not wanting to waste too much time, he remembers the reason why the ring fellowship was chased in this mine during the movie.

Wishing to do the same, he goes to the burial chamber of Balin, the dwarf leader of the expedition to reconquer this mine, who died under the assault of the orcs of the mine.

Thanks to the palantiri he manages to determine the general direction of this room and gets there quickly.

Then, he decides to make a maximum of noise. He waits a few minutes, the mine always plunged in a deep silence, then, distant noises are heard, at the beginning very weak, they come closer, rattles, noises of metals, and other growls are heard.

A few minutes later, the first goblins enter the room.

Talion quickly teleports behind and subdues them with a touch of his hands.

He then navigates between the orcs and subdues them one by one with a touch of his hand, his magical ability being disproportionate and these orcs being only slightly affected by Sauron's hold, they are therefore much easier to dominate.

The multitude of orcs tries to catch Talion, to cut him, to hit him, they try by all means to get their hands on this shadow. But unfortunately for them, Talion is far too fast and precise, and it is easier than ever for him to overpower them.

Motivated by the approaching war, he goes faster, uses more magic to dominate in order to save time in the process, speeds up, and passes between the waves of enemies at lightning speed, dominating everything in his path.

The orcs that have just been dominated take a few seconds of rest before the process is completed, well decided to help their new lord, they throw themselves into the melee with the enemy orcs, but Talion showing a breathtaking speed, they don't even have the time to cross swords with them.

Then, some Olog in heavy armor appear little by little, slowing down Talion's speed, but not diminishing his momentum.

Without any real difficulty, he manages to dominate most of the orcs in the mine, a few runaways will surely have slipped by, but the majority of them is now his to command.

In all, only 3000 orcs were present in the mine, in ancient times, tens of thousands resided there, settled here following Sauron's will, with the only objective to occupy this strategic place, but also by deep resentment towards the dwarves. It was during the great war against the dwarves that the majority of them were decimated.

Although their numbers are small, they are still a useful army that Talion can count on during the great war against Sauron and his allies.


(Some of you may not like this, but it's very important for the personal development of my characters and the world around them, so this is the only time it will happen)

As he finishes dominating the orcs and completes the overall organization of his new army, Talion receives a disturbing communication from Idril that anger him.

"Talion, we have a big, no, very big problem in the warehouse where the war artifacts are created, Aldamir has just betrayed us with a hundred men and is occupying the place, he wants to take possession of our artifacts in order to become more powerful, according to what he told us he and his men want to rally Gondor in order to become nobles".

"WHAT? He dares to betray us? I never trusted this guy, but I wanted to make an effort for Baranor, since he's his friend, Idril, I'll do what I have to do to traitors, I'm coming" he said, mad at Aldamir, but mostly mad at himself for not having taken preventive measures earlier against this kind of act.

Talion, with the help of his long teleportation ring, which can only be used a few times, teleports to Nurn in a hurry.


Once teleported, he immediately goes to the warehouse, where many soldiers of his army are present, some important figures are also here, such as Baranor, Idril, Haleth, Gwendoline and Calil.

On the spot, Talion immediately goes to Baranor's side.

Seeing Talion arrive, the latter loses his stature, feeling guilty about the current situation, not having seen the greed in his friend's eyes, not having surprised the latter's plans and not having even suspected anything.

"Talion, I-I, I didn't think Aldamir could do that kind of thing, I'm sorry, I-I tried to reason with him, but nothing worked" he said, saddened by the current situation.

"What exactly happened?" Talion asks calmly, having regained his senses.

Just as Baranor was about to answer, he was interrupted by Calil " About an hour ago, Aldamir and about 80 men went to the warehouse, while I was close by and working with the people I immediately heard the ruckus, surprised I went there, and that's when I discovered their treason, I then immediately warned Gwendoline who is in charge of the warehouse as well as Baranor "

"As Calil said, he locked himself in the warehouse with guards, we tried to reason with him but nothing happened, maybe you can try to reason with him, but know that if you forgive him, I won't work with him anymore, I hate above all treachery " said Gwendoline with an air of disdain and disgust towards Aldamir and these men.

"There was never any question of forgiveness, or even reason, if I imposed rules from the beginning with the men, and even after their integration into my kingdom, these rules apply to all of them, I'll just look for the reason of his betrayal, and I'll do what must be done" Talion answers, a strange gleam in his eyes, his mind clear and his decision taken.

"Talion, even if Aldamir is my friend, do what you must, such a thing must not go unpunished" said Baranor uncertainly, feeling embarrassed and completely confused.

Seeing the difficulty in which his general, no, his friend, finds himself, Talion puts his hand on his shoulder before saying in a reassuring tone "Listen, Baranor, I know how you feel, I myself have been in a similar situation in the past, I don't blame you, and don't blame yourself, never forget, that, in my kingdom, it's peace for the citizens, and war for the enemies" he finished with a confident tone.

Despite Talion's words, Baranor is still sad about this situation, but seeing Talion's behavior, he can only promise himself one thing 'Talion trusts me, despite my mistake, he forgives me and does not blame me, I will not disappoint him anymore, he has given me so much, I can consider him my friend, and I will do everything help him'.

Idril, in front of this situation remains impassive, wanting to let her husband, or future husband do what he has to do, she stays calm on the outside, and yet, inside she is boiling, wrath invades her, she is angry, she is gritting her teeth, clenching her fists so hard that her nails are close to pierce her skin.

'This bastard, how dare he stand in the way of my husband! How dare he interfere with his dreams and betray him, how dare he tries to hurt him! I should destroy him, reduce him to nothing' she thinks while imagining thousands of scenarios of torture in order to make him pay for his treason.

While Idril is in fury, Talion approaches the warehouse while slipping a few words to Calil " Calil, you are close to the population, gather every persons in front of the fortress, I will make a speech, you have one hour ".

" It will be done as you wish, my lord " answers the latter before running to his task.

Once at the warehouse, Talion looks at it with a displeased look and pronounces these words " Fine, I'll do it myself " before breaking the door with a good kick, once inside he sees Aldamir on a kind of throne that he has installed in the middle of the warehouse.

The latter sits on his throne with an arrogant expression on his face, a wide smile as if he had already won some kind of battle.

The men are also smiling, looking at Talion with a certain arrogance.

Talion is surprised by their pitiful self-confidence and observes the scene, quickly realizing that they are all equipped with the artifacts he created for the general army.

As he was about to speak, his 6th sense was activated and he felt a feint trace of a black magic in the air, but as soon as he noticed it, it disappeared.

Seeing Talion in front of him Aldamir still on his throne said to him "Talion, my dear Talion, we both know very well that you get all your powers from your ring, and, without it you are just a simple man, but you made a mistake, you gave me the opportunity to acquire the same power as you" he finished by showing his left hand carrying one of the rings created by the production machines of the warehouse.

Then he continues "You are afraid of Sauron and his armies, and that's why you share your power, but now that we have it, you don't have to be the king of your little kingdom anymore" then he stands up slowly still staring at Talion before resuming

"You see, Talion, thanks to you, and your rings, we will return in Gondor, we will be welcomed as conquerors, as kings, we will have women, gold and alcohol at will, then with the great army of Gondor, we will defeat Sauron and we will have a lot of land, right guys? "

Under the effect of his announcement, the 80 and more men equipped from head to toe with runic armor laugh out loud.

Talion, fed up with this comedy, announces directly: "Aldamir and the rest of you, for treason against the kingdom of light, you are charged with capital punishment, total annihilation, of your bodies and souls, your equipment is marked with my seal and my magic, so it is unusable outside the citizens of my kingdom.

Following this announcement, Talion leaves them no time to think, all their equipment is teleported close to him on the ground, while each soldier, Aldamir included, is impaled by an ice spike in the head, then, Talion absorbs their souls directly into his ring.

Then, he incinerates their bodies until there is nothing left, not even ashes, before heading to the fortress where he will hold his speech, not even caring about their little revolt.


Hi everyone, I forgot this chapter, this may be confusing but I ulpoaded the wrong chapter, this one is before the King's speech.

Read chapters ahead on my pa*treon at pa*treon.com/I_am_Baal

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