
Chapter 212: Memories of Pequeños Part 6

Back to the day of the School Festival, before I tell Albert about my first year at school, we were interrupted by Lys who came to pick us up because that big event is about to start.

"Your problems can be for later, now you should concentrate on the Festival, don't you want to be someone better, Yashiro-chan?

Lys was so excited about the event that she even transmitted it to Albert and me, I was very determined that this year will be different because I'm already taking it as something personal, if Kanon wants me to show him that I have improved a lot, then he will see it, and not only from me, Albert will also show what he is capable of, he has been held back and contained for a long time, for sure he will explode when the moment of truth comes.

Arriving at the big schoolyard left me completely dumbfounded, even though I had seen it on several occasions, I was still impressed by how many people can gather for an event like this, I was also surprised by the number of students in my school, since these events are the only ones in which we all gather in one place.

『It's a.....it's a Sports Festival...it really is a Sports Festival...I'm going to participate in one, Mori-san!!!! *smiles*』-『There's a lot of people....but for some reason I don't feel embarrassed....on the contrary.....I want them to see what I'm capable of』

Albert was shocked just like me or even more to see such a level of event in life, just from his eyes and expression on his face I can see that he has never been to one like this, that until now he never had the chance to participate in a Sports Festival. Out of nowhere Albert started to raise and wave both arms while he had a big smile on his face, when I saw him I was just happy, and with much more reason to win, because he would surely be even happier.

At the end all the students were divided into 3 teams: The Red, The Blue and The Yellow, and our class belongs to the Blue team, they were all in their respective places very tidy, I am still surprised that they are very tidy as it is not like that, especially to see my group of friends quiet, but I am not fooled, for sure they are happy because there are practically no classes.

We were all sitting on the floor waiting for the Director of the school to say his words and start the event. I was turning my eyes from side to side and trying to stand up, as I was looking for my parents, I was really looking for them with a lot of concern as I wanted them to be here, they even promised me that they will do their best to come this day, but....

『Is something wrong, Mori-san?』

Albert who was behind me became worried when he saw that I turned my head and was hesitant, where I happened to tell him what was going on that I was looking for my parents if they have come of course.

『Easy, don't worry, if your parents promised you that they will come, for sure they will come, they care a lot about you don't they? If they come.....could.... could you accompany them? *smiles* 』

Albert tried to comfort me with his very typical words and ways of saying them, but as I said before, little by little I am getting used to his way of being, I managed to calm me down a little since my parents never missed an event like this, but at the same time I was sad about the last request I heard from my friend.

The Directo finally appeared and got on the small platform that was prepared for him, he tested the microphone touching it several times, where after accommodating his throat, he made a small and quick movement of his mouth. He was with a modern and very elegant suit for the occasion, where perhaps no one expected it or few, out of nowhere he took out a little leaf that he had hidden, he also took out a pair of glasses from his hidden pocket of the suit.

『Dear students of the Educational Institution Shinkō number 526, I also thank the parents who took their time to come to our event, today is another year for our school, students and other educational institutions, I am pleased to inform you that this year we will also plantare..... What do you say here? And what does this have to do? have to have to have WHAT!?!?!!! I don't know why I keep writing what I'm going to say on a sheet of paper, I don't even understand myself, here we go again without a sheet of paper or anything else』.

The Director who had taken out his little sheet and days before had started to write on it the speech for today, decided to make it into a ball and hide it in his pocket, it is good to prepare for the problems, but there are people who prefer to do it at the moment, and it works out well in the end, and the Director is one of them. Some parents who have been here for years laughed at the director because this has happened several times, while those who were not used to it and were new to it, saw the director's attitude as a lack of seriousness and professionalism.

『Another year begins, you have to improve, that is a law that you have to follow unconsciously, it is the only event of the year where you can show what you are made of and how much you have improved in your stay here, I am not good with speeches but here goes!!!!!! Play!!!!! Make an effort!!!!!!! Eat!!!!!! Learn!!!!!! Teach!!!!!!! Help!!!!!! Fight!!!!! I know you are people who enjoy your life and don't waste it!!!! I have seen everyone's growth and I fight every day to keep you growing! Because that's what I like!!!!! You also do what you like!!!! With what you learned not only from me but from each other and yourselves!!!!! Go and show what my students are capable of!!!! No, you are like my children because I have seen you grow up! Really, really thank you very much for trusting me and entrusting me with this great work!!!!! We inaugurated the 65th Sports Festival of Shinkō School, now go and always remember!!!!! We must above all!!!!』

Out of nowhere the Director, from the serious he was, became a much more youthful and even sentimental personality, the director is one of those people who live a lot in things he likes, and this is not the exemption, his words for sure for the new students is very rare to see this kind of speech, But for those of us who are used to it, it lifts our spirits and that it will be a great day, but among all the new students, they were already beginning to feel more confident, but more Albert, because when he saw how the Director let go and showed such dynamism, he also unconsciously shouted along with him.

『『HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!』』』

Albert happened to stand up and shout that phrase, his voice could even even be heard louder than the direct one who had a microphone, Albert as he said before, he was no longer ashamed, his eyes were shining and full of joy, the Director seeing Albert who shouted along with him, happened to smile in the same way. And that is how the Festival would finally begin.

The Director was already calmer after letting go, but he wanted to talk more but the other teachers quickly stopped him before he said too much.

The sun was at its highest illuminating this great day, we were all already gathered in the Blue Team with our classroom, where Menhera appeared to besides giving us some blue caps that are to differentiate the teams, she also gave us some very nice blue ribbons for the moment.

『I made them in advance in the sewing workshop days before the event, I wanted to support everyone in some way 』.

Menhera was commenting on how she made the bows and for what reason, while I was staring at it for such a nice detail, I asked Menhera to put it on me since I'm not very good at this, where kindly agreed my friend.

"Sewing workshop? Do you know how to make bows?』

『Yes, I'm in the sewing workshop, I like it very much, and not only do I know how to make bows, I also know how to make coats, socks, shirts, scarves, gloves, and I think if I try harder I think I could even make a whole outfit *smiles* 』 』

Albert was curious about Menhera's ability where she gave him a friendly response, it seems that Albert was struck by being able to create such things with his hands, since it is not very different from what he does with his drawings, they both create from the basics they learned and with their own hands.

『I think I'm kind of interested』.

『Seriously? How nice! I could teach you if that's so! I've always wanted to teach a boy the art of sewing hahaha』.

They both started talking about starting that workshop, Albert seems to really like the idea of creating and teaching it to others, it's something that has been present but I just realized it now. Quickly after the 2 of us agreed, we heard some shouting or rather like a fight start, it caught our attention as it seems that they have come to pick a fight with our team.

『You guys really don't learn, I heard that you wanted to bother our group so that you can't participate in the Sports Festival, you always end up surprising us』.

It was a boy from the Red Team who came to face Brayan, his name was Sano Ishi, who is from class A while we were from class B, I think there's no need to say more, it's always an eternal duel between these 2 classes.

『But what are you saying crazy????¿¿¿¿ We didn't want them not to be at the Festival, are you ok compa? You're not making bad friends, are you? 』

Brayan faced Ishi without fear even though he was bigger than him, well, everyone is bigger than Brayan xd, except Rojito, he is small. Ishi couldn't believe what a tough face Brayan was that you could even see the vein on his forehead, he quickly shouted telling the truth.

『What do you mean no? !!!!! They wanted to piss on our roommate!!!!!』

It was Ishi's justification, our friends were going to stop this, even El Perro was already preparing his fists and his strong words in case it got out of control, but quickly everyone stopped when they heard that. Brayan was going to deny it but quickly remembered that if they were really going to do it.

『Espe....AAAhhhhh that....Joking?』(;・∀・)

That was Brayan's defense and all of us, Ishi really was upset but he just restrained himself, saying that it doesn't matter to get the dirt on them now, they will do it in the event and as always they will show that they are the best. But quickly Brayan contradicted him.

『Best? In no year have they won the first place, you really are fine, you don't consume anything, do you?』

Ishi quickly became angry and jumped up and down, took off his hat and stepped on it again and again like a certain character, saying that they may never have won first place, but at least they have been in second and third place. His words were to make his class feel superior.

『We are the ones who are the closest to being the best』 ( ఢཻੋีۿఢཻੋี)۶

Ishi was boasting about that, but although his words may be harsh, the expressions he made with his face didn't help much that even made us want to laugh, at that Brayan let out a chuckle, where Ishi quickly turned to look at him with wide eyes.

『Yeah yeah yeah yeah fuck it, you guys might be better than us, but there's something you don't have! And that's a Potter!!!! Come on uncle Potter!!!! Lest goouu!!!』 ・:*+.((( °ω° ))/.:+.

Brayan out of nowhere brought Uncle Potter to his side and was bragging about all the qualities and attributes we had by having an Uncle Potter by our side, like he's fast if he puts his mind to it, he says "I'll get the shit out of you" in your ear, he's chubby and he's tiny, plus he's very smart with his little lenses. Brayan was telling him all this, where we were just standing there with a sweat on our face, quickly Brayan in the crowd of the Red team, sees a big, chubby guy.

『EEHHHHH????!!!!! What is that????!!!!! You guys got a Potter too????!!!!』 ∑(ΦдΦlll

Brayan scared pointed at him, quickly Ishi notices and tells him to come closer, while commenting that in this year they weren't the only ones who got a new member to their ranks. The boy's name was Kondo Fuji and he was chubby just like the Potter, but he was much bigger and with more presence than our good friend, Brayan looked up and only a shadow formed covering his small area.

『With the heavyweights already going at once, if that's what you want, eat it all!!!! 』

Omar, El Perro appeared as if making a presentation, out of nowhere there was something shiny that if you didn't cover your eyes, you could go blind from so much perfection in a single glance. Ishi was straining but he couldn't resist anymore and shielded himself next to Fuji so he could see it.

『You have your Potter Digievolved, well we have what you will never have!!!! To the TriDiosas!!!!』

The Dog quickly brought out our best cards in the Sports Festival, who were Jersey, Menhera and Konomi, but although it was epic the Dog's presentation, very pathetic we could say was how these appeared, Jersey was with a little worm that had infiltrated the field, Menhera was confused because out of nowhere from what was next to Yashiro, she was with her sisters, and Konomi, well, Konomi just turned her head.

『Those three...are the ones who carry her team.....are her greatest strength and so far we could never overcome them....but that might be over now...*smiles* There is someone who has been preparing to show you that she is better than you!!!! You guys will have your TriGoddesses, but we have Master Daster Baster Touuuu!!!! Ah it's not two!!!!!』 xd

Ishi wouldn't be far behind either, where she also made her epicardo-like introduction where out of nowhere came out Dani, which her full name would be Hara Dani. She was confused as well as Menhera why out of nowhere she was in another place, Ishi was bragging that she surpassed the 3 sisters.

『Ah, what? no, I don't want to surpass anyone, I just want to get better, that's all』.

『...You heard her!!!! She wants to surpass the TriGoddesses, especially you Uncle Potter as they call him, I know the trick .Kimura Taro you'll be the first to fall, you better be prepared』 (亝ω亝。)

It seems that Dani doesn't want to get into trouble, but Ishi couldn't care less about this and he applied what he wanted anyway, even aiming at our Uncle Potter telling him that he will fall first. Uncle Potter turned his gaze with a raised eyebrow, but then he looked at Dani where he went from being rude to being shy. Brayan didn't seem to hear Ishi's words as his gaze seemed to be lost.

『That's not a vacuum cleaner? The Master Baster Daster tuuu?

Brayan was left thinking about that phrase because it seems like he heard it somewhere, that's where Ishi was also left confused and said he just copied it from somewhere. Where Ishi seemed to lash out again because they changed the subject quickly, there without anyone seeing it coming, Lys appeared to interrupt these 2.

『Ya ya ya ya changos, calm down, you are here saying everything but without getting to the fistfights, you look like dogs my kids, as you may have heard, problems are solved in the field, there if you can get the xuxa out, I even support violence jijijijij jest xd』

Lys seemed to be in quick control of the situation with his speech management, with that way of joking with people, quickly Ishi calmed down since he was the only one who had been exalting himself, quickly Lys looked at Fuji and asked him a very personal question.

『Tuuuuuuu tuuuu tuturu! ok no xd Ahem! You can't manage to see your pe** anymore right?』

..........All of us were silent because of Lys' question, where she was looking from side to side wondering why everyone was silent, because she was curious if fat people can't see their dicks anymore xd. Even Fuji remained silent and even blushed a little, this could be observed by Lys where she already had a more than clear answer.

『Your last name is Kondo, right? ahahahahahaha Kondo kondo kondo condom xd』

Lys was laughing all by herself where the Dog let out a laugh because it seems that it was funny to him, while the other classroom were left confused, for them it is very weird for them that we can live together with Lys since she seems and act very weird on several occasions.


We were all in position because the first event of the Sports Festival is about to start, which is an Athletics Competition, the first one I don't really know what it's called but here I will explain, there are several separate cones, where the student will carry a basketball and has to do a lap on them while bouncing the ball, There are 5 cones, he has to turn around bouncing the ball in those 5 cones and then do the same thing back and give the turn to the next one where he will do another game of athletics, let's call it Tutti Frutti of Athletics since in one single one there are several events xd.

We will start with the one I said about the Cones and The Ball, and in all the events there is no separation of female or male, everyone participates equally in all events. The first students had already been put in front for the start of the Tutti Frutti of Athletics and on our side the first one out was Cliston!!!! Aka The Fatty!!!! WUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHH COME ON FATTYOOOOOOOO!!!!! XD


Days before the start of the event, as you may have already known, we have been practicing and improving our physical condition, as well as working as a team. For some strange reason, from our training that Jersey-sensei was guiding us, Lys made a call to all of us, we gathered to know what had happened.

『Well good that's the way I like it, that you obey me without opposing, come on come on, sit down, here we are in confidence my pibards ah!!! and pibards and pibards...UGHHAAGG!!!! I shouldn't have said the last thing.... I feel dirty.....Godssss!!!! Godss, forgive me for that sin against words xd』

Lys was always like that, she talks too much and we don't understand her, but since we are used to her we just laugh at the way she acts, that's where Rojito raised his hand to tell us why he called us.

『Jijijijijjaja I got the games that will be at the Sports Festival, praise me mijos』 ( +・`ω・)b

Lys was very happy for getting that information , where we say that it was obvious that they would tell us, but Lys snapped her mouth several times, saying that we know them ahead of time and we will have more time to improve. We all were like aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh ( 」。╹o╹。)」

『But what a dick I am! Okay, pretend there's a blackboard here and I'll explain, it's not that hard, use your imagination, come on come on! we all had a great imagination when we were little and never underestimate it, having a great imagination is equal to having a great power, right Yashiro-chan? ready? you got it? *smiles*』

We all tried to concentrate to create an imaginary board as Lys had said, although it may have been a little difficult for many of us, it seems that we all finally managed to have it. Lys smiled mischievously and went on to organize us, saying that there would be a Turri Frutti of Athletics and that the first one because he is the calmest and has the best handling with the ball, Fatty would be the first to participate.

『I want to!!!』

"Shut up!!!』

『But I want』ƪ(-̃͡-̃̃͡ ƪ

『Shut up!!』⤴︎ ε=ε=ε=(ง ˃̶͈̀ᗨ˂̶͈́)۶ ⤴︎

Brayan wanted to participate in the event but in a quick way Lys told him to shut up in a funny way, in the end Brayan just sat there. Lys went on to explain to him as if he was drawing on the blackboard what tactic he should do and what he should improve.

『You are the only tall one in the class, we could use you for something better, but comparing you with the others, we could use Menhera or Jersey but .... better not!!!! Aces are always for last!!! you have a good handle on the ball plus you are the only one who plays basketball as well as soccer, you have a good handle on the ball compared to your friends who tried to bounce a marble....』

『But marbles do bounce!!!!!!』

The Dog quickly went on to complain to Lys that the marbles bounce even though they are made of glass, but then Uncle Potter next to him reminded him that by bouncing his marbles against the ground, they cracked and shattered.

『But what a <boludo> 』ヽ(。・ω・。ω・。)ノ

<Translator: Boludo in Latam countries such as Argentina and Uruguay are the most frequently used, they would come to mean fool and idiot>.

Lys would go on to scoff at El Perro's words, that's when he would go on to point at Cliston telling him to start practicing now.


Cliston was in position, the whistle was already blowing to go for a run, he had the basketball in hand. Cliston is the most serious and down to earth of our whole group, although the others are serious about complicated issues, Cliston is mostly the calmest and most aware of what is going on around him. Cliston looked to the side as they were calling his name, that's where he found his father, mother and grandmother. They were encouraging him to do his best. Cliston is not ashamed to show affection to his family in public, as others do, an example would be Yashiro who is ashamed to show affection in public, but not for Cliston, you must always respond to the good vibes of your family. It was already about to ring where we were all cheering for our friend.

『DALE GORDITOOOOO!!!!!!!』『TU PUEDES FRENTONNNN!!!!!』『NO TE HAGASTE EL PENDEJO O CREIDITO ESCUCHASTE BIEN BIEN CALVOOO????!!!!』『Eso Gordito!!!! Come on Gordito!!!! Fuck it Gorditooo!!!!!!』『Strive as hard as you can buddy!!!!』

You could hear the encouragement from our class to our friend who he was grateful but then embarrassed.

『(Always, in all Sports Festivals, the only ones who stand out are Menhera, Jersey and Konomi, they have great physical ability and not only in it, also in studies, they always talked about them but never about us, that because of us we failed to shine even more.....practically these first years were them, the only 3 who came to the front to at least try for us. But this time we took conscience, we are a team after all, we can't leave everything in the hands of our friends, we can also be by their side!!!』

Cliston was saying a speech to himself only in his mind because of the situation, since it was always like that, the Nanase sisters were the ones who stuck up for our class and never us, you could even say that's how it was in all the events of the year. Cliston is afraid of being the only one, he always has to receive support from someone else, and he wants it to end someday, that he is already big enough to not have to hesitate in any problem.

PIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! They fired the shot, Gordito!!!! Give us a good start in this Sports Festival!!!!

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