
Chapter 213: Memories of Pequeños Part 7

Although it seems to last a long time and with all the things that happened, the Sports Festival of our school is just beginning, and we all know that this time will be different, we will no longer be the ones who are left behind, practically the Nanase Sisters in these 2 years that we have, have pulled us strongly to at least try and not be left in that we did nothing. Our room has a very strange way of being united, since sometimes it is yes and no, obviously a person is encouraged when something that he likes is going to happen, so is our group, if there was an event that we really liked, it was more than obvious that we would participate with desire, but it is also the opposite, if there was something that we did not like, we did little to make an effort, we did not even try.

We always liked the Sports Festival, but the truth is that we did not strive to win or come out first in a competition, it was simply another moment where we could spend it all together with a lot of laughter in between and with some seriousness at the time. The thing was that we liked this date because we had more fun together, we did not see it necessary to highlight, as long as we had a good time it was more than enough, we are the kind of people who are content with what we have and there is.

This year it was going to be the same, we were happy for the big event, because we knew we would have a good time without the need to win, although we decided to train, as you well know, we didn't feel like it, at the last minute we didn't want to, because we felt it was a bother and even a waste of time. I think many of us go through the same thing, we say we want to do something but in the end we take a step back. "I'd better leave it for later" "I got lazy" "I don't think anything will happen if I don't do it, right?" It's like a small obstacle that no one and you don't even expect it but there it is, the ultimate challenge if you really have the determination to do it, and Yashiro admires people who easily overcome that fear, it's as if they never had that experience.

Our group was the same way, at the end we were taking a step back from what could happen. But that seems to be over now, with the intervention of our group, with the training and encouragement of Jersey, the funny and extroverted Lys with her characteristic and weird way of being. All our close circle gave us to understand that they wanted to get out of that little problem and really try, to show their faces.

It was something very simple, if you don't have the determination to do it because you are too weak, someone very close to you who appreciates you, can give you that last push you were missing, that push that you were afraid of but now you jumped. Many people need to be next to someone to be able to do what is proposed, it gives you more security, more confidence in yourself and that it is not only about you, but that there are others who think the same. Maybe that person is not so strong and is weak or weaker than you, but it is already done, he/she gave you the help you needed. And when you are about to fall, the only thing you have to do is to give all of yourself without fear if you fail, because you yourself will know if you gave it all and maybe you will be proud of something you thought you could not do. Fuck.....for some strange reason all this that I said, reminded me of Latios...he was certainly one of those people who deserved to live more than anyone else.


『DALE GORDITOOOOOOO!!!!!!!』『TU PUEDES FRENTONNNNN!!!!!』『DON'T PLAY THE PENNEY OR CREIDITO HEARD YOU WELL CALVOOO???!!!!』『Eso Gordito!!!! Come on Gordito!!!! Fuck it Fatty!!!!!!』『Struggle as hard as you can buddy!!!!』

Our salon was encouraging Cliston to give a better performance and let him know that we are supporting him with all our might. Cliston is one of those people that you can't hate or resent him, because one way or another, you always end up liking him for something he did, whether it's his way of being, his good deed, or just because he looks friendly. He is our friend and we know he will try to do his best for us.

Clisto turned his gaze and saw how we all gave him encouragement, he quickly felt embarrassed and wanted in a way to cover his face which he did, but there was always present that smile that escapes him on many occasions.

『This is so much fun!!! Cheering people on.... didn't know it was so much fun!!!! I know I'm not the one participating, but I feel the same way that I'm right next to you, and I have to try just the same!!! My heart beats, my legs, my arms, my whole body also wants to unwind.....it's something I hadn't felt before....Mori-san, what's wrong with me』

Albert was very happy, you could see his red cheeks and how he also wanted to be the one to participate, I even think I wouldn't be surprised if he filtered into the competition and he alone would do the whole course, he looks very outgoing when he wasn't.

『Well the truth, I don't know what it's called either, and if we leave it as adrenaline?』

『Adrenaline?? Ah! right, your body produces adrenaline and the order is given to release it, with that this is adrenaline....feel that....feel that.....nobody can with me!!!! Hahahaha!!』✧(๑д)۶ㅂ٩(д๑)✧

Albert seemed to be on fire and very excited, for sure when it's his turn to participate, he will be able to work that adrenaline he is so eager to make his first entrance. Quickly Menhera gave me a call that she is already about to give the shot of the event. We all quickly got up to speed on how the first Sports Festival event would begin.


Albert seems to be too animated already, I think it's the first time I see this kind of face to my friend, I really didn't imagine him that he would even say insults, of course, he is a repressed boy after all, for sure he has a lot to release, I don't know why I thought he was a saint. Cliston could hear it loud and clear, where he let out a smile and thanked Albert for his encouragement.

PIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! They fired the shot, Gordito!!!! Give us a good start in this Sports Festival!!!!

The sun was still high on this day, everything has a good side and a bad side, the noise in the street, I think we all agree it's bad and we hate it, but in this kind of noise where everyone supports their favorite team, kids and family, it's more than rewarding this kind of noise. When everyone comes together for a purpose, it's more than acceptable.

Cliston already had the basketball in his hands and without further ado, thanks to his reflexes, he has a small advantage, without further ado you could hear how the ball was bouncing to be counted, without any problems our good big guy, could turn the 3 cones, he was already coming back where he also had to turn the 3 cones by bouncing the ball, our next competitor for the next test was waiting to receive the ball from our friend. But it seems that Cliston was very encouraged by the ball when he saw it bounce so much, he just jumped up and down and bounced the ball off the ground, causing it to rise many meters upwards.

『There's no, I got too excited, I apologize』 \(*'・∀・`*)/

Cliston was apologizing as we all watched the ball rise higher and higher, for a few minutes our room was the only one with its eyes upward waiting for the ball to finally drop to continue the ride. But because of the fatty's bad action of enjoying the moment, of our advantage that we had, we had already been passed, the other teams received the ball and were already on their way to the other obstacle.

『Well, although this is better than him falling down 』 (-"-;A

El Perro commented on seeing our friend, since when we play soccer, always, but always, even we don't know how, our Cliston ends up falling along with the ball. It's practically a meme for us that our friend falls down. So it's something to applaud that he didn't fall today.

The basketball was falling where our next competitor was finally able to catch it in his hands and continue the ride. Who was none other than Brayan !!!!!. This one was able to grab the ball and was quickly running off to the other event, but this one didn't bounce the ball where we all complained that if he didn't bounce it, our point couldn't count.

『Ah!!! but what <castrosos> they really are!!!! One will do it won't it?』

<Translator: In many Latam countries the word castroso would come to mean that it is someone annoying or that irritates you a lot>.

Since we were complaining that Brayan wasn't bouncing the ball, he just saw this as a nuisance, since it wasn't necessary to bounce it now when that's for later, but he still only bounced it once to keep us satisfied.

『Well, at least we got the point of the first obstacle counted for our team』.

Menhera would see the scoreboard where we had already received our respective point for being the first to finish that little game, although we didn't earn that many points. Since in this Tutti Frutti Athletic there are many games, and well of course, if you win all the obstacles, in the end those small points become a much bigger one.

Brayan had already arrived along with the other competitors, all the time you could hear the basketball bouncing loudly, because the next game, the truth is I don't know if it has a name. It consisted of making small pyramids of plastic cups fall with the basketball, making it bounce, since these pyramids were placed in height. You couldn't just throw the ball at them, otherwise your score wouldn't count, you had to make them fall by bouncing the ball.


We return again to Lys' instructions to our class, where Lys, after sending Fatty to practice with the ball, started to review the next obstacle to come, where at first he was silent because he thought he did his strategy wrong.

『Chale...I think Fatty would have served better here.... but well!!!! Things are already done and one shouldn't go back on his words, it's really ugly, but really ugly when someone tells you, promises you something and in the end doesn't fulfill it, right Yashiro-chan? jijijijiji I'm still waiting for it, although it's too late anyway hehehehehe』 (ฅΦωΦωΦ)ฅ

Again there goes Lys saying nonsense things, she has always been like that with her words, one way and another she always has to put me in as if I have been with her, but the truth is that it's not like we have spent much time together either. Lys joined last year, and well, yes we are friends and sometimes we get together for something, but we are not as close as I am with Menhera or Rino. Although if she is something very mysterious so to speak, I think I will never forget her first words she said to me when she saw me for the first time.

"I can』

"Shut up 』

『But I want to....』 (゚ー゚;)

『Shut up your snout 』 ლ(●ↀωↀωↀ●)ლ

Again Brayan was asking to be able to participate where quickly Lys was shutting his mouth to stop him from talking further. We found this strange, as normally Lys says things quickly and doesn't give much thought to acting, but this time he was looking at the sheet and then looking at each of us.

『(I wasn't expecting this....maybe El Perro will do here?....no no no, he's really lousy and doesn't know how to hold back, El Rojito maybe?....no, he only knows how to dominate one kind of ball....El Tío Potter!!!!....UHMMM...tampoco.....el is lousy at this kind of thing...We still have the TriDiosas left, but...oh!!!!! What if I use other students besides the ones we know about and don't know about and who are practically irrelevant to the story???? I could easily put a random and that would be it! But no, that's not what stories are based on....Ah Yashiro-chan? so? or Albert, uhmmm)』

Lys was thinking about who to put in this obstacle as she didn't know who would be good for this. Where Brayan kept insisting that he wanted to participate, where Lys quickly told him to shut up, so they were like that for a few minutes where one kept insisting and the other on shutting his mouth.

『But what an egg sucker you are, all right, all right, you will participate in this competition 』 (ФДФ)

Where Lys finally agreed to Brayan's words, to this Brayan was very happy since he doesn't care where he will be, he just wants to be able to participate and play in all the events he wants. But when Brayan was told what he had to do, he quickly became discouraged and asked to be put in another game.

『Hey, you're starting to get on my nerves, you asked to participate so you'll participate, so don't complain』. (*Φ皿ΦΦ*)

Lys seems to have threatened Brayan to play, where he finally accepted, Brayan is not one to take things seriously, he never got to practice or review things, as he saw it more than mainly, boring, as he thought he could use this time in other things. But from Lys' words and how the others are trying hard, Brayan also didn't want to be left behind.


Brayan was with the ball in his hands where he was analyzing the situation, how much force he has to measure, the height, the distance, where he should aim, practically Brayan was doing something he had never done before. Preparing for something, but in the end....

『(¿¿?? Why am I doing this? I'm not like that, I'm just about thinking simple things, I just do them and see what happens)』.

Brayan seems to have it clear, he took the ball with his hand and bounced it on the floor, there was also our group encouraging our friend, because the truth is, he was the one with whom we were more worried than the other. But we were surprised by what we saw, not even Brayan himself had believed it, he had succeeded, his mother's son had done it, he had managed to knock down the tallest pyramid of glasses that was in place.

It was so shocking that Brayan remained static, maybe he didn't believe himself that he could do it.

『For you guys to learn!!!! That's how we kids do it!!!! I don't think it and shot, I ride with the car, I got embarked blah blah blah blah blah blah blah』 ♪♪♪♪ U・ェ・U人(^・x・^=) ♪♪♪♪♪♪

Brayan started to party by himself but quickly we all called his attention that there are more little glasses he has to knock down, quickly he to notice that there are more glasses to fall, instead of getting discouraged, he seems to like it and continued with his same way of being. But it seems that what happened before was pure luck, since the other attempts cost him a lot and it took him a long time to make the plastic cups fall. Even though we came late and Brayan had a good start, in the end it wasn't us who won the score.

Brayan, who was so happy at the beginning, quickly became sad and depressed because he did not win. Here the ball is no longer relevant, Brayan gave a handshake to the next contestant, who had a relay in his hands, so he has that little stick xd. Who now if our next contestant is one of our aces, Menhera started running with the relay in her hand and had to jump over those obstacles that I don't know what they are called xd. You know, the ones you have to jump over, ah!!! hurdles hurdles!!! I had to look it up xd. Anyway, Menhera always had a good physique and great agility, we know it won't cost her much, practically if she's there, she's going to come out on top.

And as expected, as we were so late, Menhera quickly took the lead passing the other competitors, our salon was more than happy and satisfied, but although it was obvious that we would win, it is not something to be surprised about.

Menhera passed the baton to the next competitor, who was none other than El Perro!!!! I mean Omar xd. Who, when he took over, started running like there was no tomorrow. The competition now was to be able to make a jump so big that with your mouth you could pull out the bread that was hanging. The other competitors were jumping and running to catch up with him. But El Perro as he was coming so fast and furious, he ended up making a big jump and with his mouth he ended up reaching the bread, at that moment we all thought that he was really behaving like a dog. The good thing is that he could reach it without any doubt, the bad thing was that since he took such a long run and jumped, he couldn't calculate his fall that he ended up falling backwards very hard, you could even see how he opened his mouth from the pain dropping the pal to the ground.

『AHH!!!! my little back!!!! I shouldn't have overexcited.....』 (πーπ)

Sore and surely with a broken back, El Perro got up touching his waist and slowly passed to the next person, who was none other than our good friend Rino. Before continuing on his way, he recommended to Omar that he better rest and that they would take care of the rest.

The next game that had to be done, was to find the treasure, or well, I don't really know what they are called, I must have forgotten, you know, the one where you take a piece of paper and you have to deliver what it says inside.

『Here you go my good profe!!!! Am I right...』

Ishi had brought what his slip of paper asked for, and he had brought his friend Fuji with him since his slip of paper asked for something big, where for some strange reason, the teacher kept looking at Fuji and then the slip of paper, and then seeing the big smile of victory that Ishi has, for sure the teacher didn't know what to do, it was big but that can hurt Fuji.

『Take it easy teacher, I am very aware of my state』.

Where Fuji answered without further ado, seeing that it's ok, he gave him his score. The other competitors were looking for what they should hand in, where Rino happened to open his paper and found out what he had to hand in. In a calm way he looked around, clearly looking for someone or something, at that Rino trotted to our room, quickly we all asked him what he needed so that he could continue with the competition.

『I need something...I guess....I need glasses』.

We were all left confused as to what he needed, as Rino wears glasses most of the time, and this is no exception. Where Rino quickly took off his glasses and stuck his finger in the hole of the glasses.

『It's just that these glasses, they don't have glass』』 ╰(⸝⸝⸝'꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯

Those were Rhino's words, where we were all very surprised by what we just saw, we were all asking ourselves the question of why then he wears glasses if he doesn't have eyesight problems, since we all thought he suffered from something like that.

『Ah! I just really like glasses, and I was really bothered by the glass even though they were not sized, so I just took them off』(˶′◡‵˶).

It was a very simple but at the same time very strange answer, we were quickly looking to see if we had other glasses, that's where we remembered that Cliston also wears glasses sometimes, but when we saw him, this one didn't bring his glasses, we were all left with few options, where quickly the Rojito said that Uncle Potter also wears glasses, but when we tried to look for him, we realized that he was already in his position for the competition, and it would take a long time to bring him.

In the end Rino went to the teacher who affirms the score by showing him the glasses, and he gave us a lower score anyway even though those glasses had no glass in them. The truth is that we had faith in Rino to make us win, but we wasted a lot of time looking for a simple solution.

The next to compete from our team was Albert, who this one listened to Rino's apologies before he leaves, where quickly Albert so that he doesn't feel bad, dedicated a few words to him.

『Don't worry Minamoto-san, I will try to recover position and if possible to win, because we carry with us the effort of all our friends』.

With those words, Albert ran off with the relay in hand, where Rino happened to smile slightly commenting that he is a good boy. The next competition was to run as far as you can!!!! that's right, run with all your strength to at the end give a big jump and see how far you get!!! the truth is that they won't give you score if with your jump you get farther than others. If not it is a way to put this type of game into the event and for something much later.

Albert was running with all his strength and it seemed that no one was going to stop him, finally all that adrenaline that he had inside him was releasing him, he was running with a big smile of joy on his face, where he did not avoid turning to see the people around him who were also supporting the competitors with their shouts. It may have been a small moment, but for Albert it will be marked as a beautiful experience, where he just ran with all his strength to finally make a big jump without being afraid of anything.

Now that he made his leap, the next event was coming!!!! The race to Caballito! Albert had fallen on top of Potter who was able to withstand a tremendous jump.

『Get ready Albert!!! Not for nothing do my friends call me El Toro!!!』

Uncle Potter started to run with all his might while Albert was on his back pointing his finger forward, where he was also encouraging Potter to perform better. Lys while we were getting ready, for once in this competition said to put the Potter and Albert together, since Uncle Potter has a great endurance in strength and also to run very fast, while Albert for sure by that time also began to loosen up little by little.

And he was right, Albert looked like a different person to the calm and collected one we know. Both boys were just about to reach the finish line and pass the baton to the next person, but quickly a person who was behind but quickly picked up speed to catch up with the Potter, could be the one to win this game. That's right, Dani was neck and neck with Uncle Potter in the race, she's a girl who put in the effort from the start, there was nothing to be surprised about.

They were evenly matched it would be hard to tell who would come in first, but for some strange reason Uncle Potter slowed down coming in after Dani, in quick fashion, Albert got off Uncle Potter and gave the baton to the next person to continue the race.

"Why did you slow down at the last minute?

Albert wanted to know the answer to our friend's action, where Uncle Potter just turned around and scratched his head, just running those few meters, Uncle Potter was again covered in sweat and breathing heavily. He just said that even he doesn't know. But the truth is that the Potter is someone who wants to be chivalrous, it crossed his mind that it would be wrong to snatch the victory from someone who tried much harder than him, although the feeling that he feels is also involved.

The boy who has the relay is running, who was finally Yashiro, he was running with all his strength passing through the obstacles which were cones, hurdles, and many more obstacles, it is as if he had been given the event where you have to try harder. Yashiro to be honest, I was already tired half way, as I said before, I don't have a very good physical condition, I still don't understand why Lys insisted and even seemed to order me to be the one to compete in that part, it would have been better Konomi or Jersey, but why me.

『Yashiro-chan, did you forget? I have to make you strong no matter what!!!! And to make you strong you have to make an effort!!!!! Leave your soul, leave your soul hahahahahaha I wish you could do that, you know, first you have to suffer to become someone strong, I would change a few small adjustments to that, like that but tin! jijijijiji so that it becomes infinite』(๑ↀᆺↀ๑).

Lys seems to want it to get better and if I see it more in the background, I think I've noticed it in some parts, but even though it's a very difficult task. Yashiro was already about to finish his part but the other teams had already given the baton to those who follow, while the person who was waiting for me, you could tell his annoyance, again and again he was tapping his feet on the ground, while again and again, he snapped his mouth.

『Hurry the hell up!!!! How long am I going to wait for you???? EHH!!!!』

It was Kanon who had her arms crossed, everything hinted that she was very upset, it must be because of tiredness, I wanted everything to end that I was not afraid to be in front of Kanon, I was really going to die, I passed to walk slow until it seemed that I was going to fall, my eyesight was getting blurry, I think I had never asked for this to end before, although it was not as ugly as the first time they made us turn the court, that time even I thought I was going to die.

『Don't fall down!!!!』

I was about to fall down lying down, where before I fell, Kanon stopped me by grabbing my arm, it was hurting me the way he squeezed me since he did it with force, also in the way he caught me wasn't the best.

『Dismay later if you want, but you have to see, how I tear your mistake to shreds!!!!』

Those were Kanon's words, they had strength that it seemed like only his words could hit me, my friends quickly went to help me, I was like wanting to run out of breath, it's nothing serious, it always happens to me, with some rest I will recover, but even though confused I may have been back then, I could tell that Kanon, this time was not as harsh as before, even saying that he will shred my mistake, I guess it's his way of saying that he will correct my mistake. The Sports Festival is the only time, where I can see even for a few seconds, the Kanon from before.

Kanon easily managed to be on the verge of catching up with the other competitors, although due to the pressure she was under she fell many times but she quickly got back on her feet to continue her race, the truth surprises me that simple action, many when they fall do not even get up again, everything is lost and they are flooded with shame, but not Kanon, she will keep getting up again and again with the same goal, she does not care what others think, she was always like that, direct on many occasions and perhaps daring.

『You should be more careful Kanon!!!! I'm watching you!!!! jijijijiji』(=ↀωↀ=)

Those words were from Lys who she is the last one to participate in this Tutti Frutti of games, Kanon after passing the baton to Lys and listening to her words, she just looked down and clenched her fists like never before, she feels very upset for not being stronger for sure.

In the end the last competition is a free race, Lys also had a very good physical condition and you could tell how she quickly took the lead.

『Hehehehehehehehe as I said, the best is left for last!!!』 (ΦωΦσ)σ

Lys was very happy that she had taken the first place, but quickly a little person ended up catching up with her and they were running side by side.

『Hooo???? What do we have here? You can tell we're the same, but it doesn't matter, after all, it's just a simple game』.

As equal as they both were, Lys just like Uncle Potter, slowed down and made the other little person win the game.

PIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! The whistle was blowing, where in the last game and because they also made more points, the Yellow Team is the one who has the advantage over the other teams.

Ishi quickly made her discomfort known by taking her hat and stomping on it several times on the ground, but then felt better when she noticed that they are ahead of our team. Our class approached Lys to ask her what happened.

『Winning is good, but being good is better, don't you think? hahahaha 』

We were all left with our mouths open to see that the person who prepared and prepared us for the event, in the end she was the one who took the step back for others to win, with her Lys's actions and with everything that happened, we felt that everything that happened was not worth it.

Although it seems to have been quick and very fleeting, the truth is that the Tutti Frutti lasted so long that it was time for lunch, the director announced that it was very beautiful to see how everyone faced each other and how the whole audience supported the children. It was more than obvious that the winners were the ones who were very happy, because they started well this first part, but for us .... we are not sad, but somewhat disappointed by the last part.

The place was filling up with families and their children, greeting each other and giving big hugs, with their sheets that they brought they were setting up their lunch time, all my classmates went with their families and they were laughing while they were eating, but in my case I don't even think that will happen, since what I was afraid of happened, neither my father nor my mother came to the Sports Festival.

I quickly did not avoid remembering Kanon's words from before, that if he was right, it seems that my family is becoming more and more dysfunctional that every time it became more and more real the prayer that they might separate.

『 Shall we eat together? *smiles*』

Albert appeared next to me offering me an Egg Sandwich, he was giving me a smile, surely to mimic or try to make me think of it being on behalf of my parents that they didn't come. I politely thanked him where we were looking for a place to be, but most likely to get away from all this crowd that being more honest, was doing us some harm.

『Hey guys!!!! Come on over!!!! With me you will always find comfort, for this time I will be your mommy my kids hahahahahahaha』.

Lys was making a call to us, he had prepared his lunch place, he was accompanied by a little person, we really didn't know what to do, but Lys kept insisting.

『Are they not going to listen to their mother? ???? They are really rebellious hehehehehehe looks like I'll have to use a firm hand 』 (=①ω①=)

Albert told me to go with her, since it seems she really wants us to go with her, she surely wants to make us feel good by noticing that our parents didn't manage to come as promised, there's still the other half of the School Festival left I hope I can recover for the next shift.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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