
Chapter 171: Provoked Fighting

Finally the day of the Festival de Bandas is here, it's just hours away, the people of MidiCity are getting ready to be ready when it's time to see their favorite bands play with enthusiasm and joy. And you might be wondering what I've been doing these last few days, well, Ailane and I were struck by that and decided that it wouldn't hurt to introduce ourselves and also show what we are capable of. Hearing the little girl's decision I was excited by how unexpected it was, but something also came to my mind.

"But, if we're going to play in that dome, shouldn't we first let them know? ahhh, sign up, get ready, I don't know how to say it, you know, so that we can play there too』.

I had several questions and I was telling them to my companion, since I don't think we should just go in as infiltrators and just play in that place, Ailane and I were walking through the old building on our way to I don't know where.

『Let's just infiltrate, that's what I had in mind from the beginning, besides that only popular and more or less known bands can go there』.

At the response of the little girl I stood like an idiot who did not avoid showing it with a sweaty face, without realizing it seems that we arrived at our destination, looking at my surroundings it was a spacious place in this building, there was everything necessary to practice like speakers, a small stage, etc etc etc. I didn't avoid getting excited but at the same time confused.

『Nothing will prevent me from introducing myself and people from knowing my music, MidiCity will be the first big step, then it will be the corners of this world, and one day if you close your eyes, the whole galaxy will smile with my music, that's my goal』.

Ailane summoned her guitar where with the help of her pick she made the instrument sound🎵♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫🎵 The sound traveled through every part of this building where I just stared at this little girl who was determined.

『But I want you to accompany me in this first step, if you accompany me from my beginning I will have even more security that I will not fail, besides you already commented before that you are about to leave, let me decide your destiny for this time, after presenting us in the Band Festival, playing together and that it was a success, I will give you permission to leave. You play well but it is not enough, so we will rehearse from this day skeleton-chan』.

At Ailane's serious and determined words it was like I couldn't look at anything other than her, at her words I felt relaxed that all the tension I had was gone, if I had they were gone. I gave a sigh at the way this girl was.

『*sigh* Alright, as you say Ojou-sama, the truth is I had planned to leave within a month, I see you don't want me around little-chan, but I don't mind the idea of rehearsing, Ooohh!!!! It just came to my mind!!! Couldn't it be that I could get a Melodisian? That would be awesome! Having my own crystal would be cool? Huh? Wait, what if we succeed? What if we fail』?

I was addressing the only one in this place, I went from formality to excitement to end up confused, Ailane just turned around looking at me sideways as she went up to the small stage that was in the place.

『If we have a failure, we will keep trying again and again until we finally succeed, Ha! But that will never happen, so promise that our first performance will be a success』.

Ailane in front of her embarrassment still looked at me but from the corner of my eye, I could see those serious and determined eyes full of embarrassment on her part. At her words in my mind I was thinking many things, I don't know if she wants me near or if she wants me far away, well, that doesn't matter, I don't want to disappoint Ailane so I will give my best to make her feel happy.

『So we'll rehearse until no more power, you better be prepared, I'll demand a lot from you 』

『Eh?! Now you're turning into a dictator?! You used to say you wanted to rule the world and the galaxy.....Maybe after all if you are the Queen of Darkness my little-chan』(; ̄︶ ̄).

Before my reaction, Ailane got upset and started to bother me both with words and small blows, before this I was laughing because of how she took it, but from one moment to another she took her guitar and came running towards me, trying to hit me with that instrument, when I saw this I got scared and tried to run so that she wouldn't hit me. We spent the first few hours running all over the place, laughing at each other.


In these days we played for a long time rehearsing and practicing a lot, at the beginning it was difficult for me to synchronize with the music and adapt to it, but with the teachings of Ailane who guided me on how I should play helped me a lot, sometimes we took a few seconds where Ailane approached me and told me my mistakes and how I could correct them. Although she said she would be strict, I noticed that she was soft and calm, but sometimes I felt like making a little joke where I could see in her eyes and in her change of voice that she was upset, only with that she would make me apologize and stop fooling around. When she did something wrong she would tell me to my face without holding anything back, but when she did something right she would congratulate me, which made me happy.

I feel that we synchronize sometimes when we are really at it, it is as if we became one with the music, there were moments where she and I were in such synchrony that it felt good, it was to feel again that sensation where we played for the first time together that beautiful song.

Before our rehearsals finally came the day of the Band Festival, I can say that it was a great progress, I already had technique with the music in my area but now I can say that with Ailane's help I have improved a lot. We finished rehearsing and both of us were tired and sweating from the effort we decided to rest since the time is getting closer.

『Don't forget to go with your brother, I stayed with him that day when you ran away so they can meet and fix their problems, it's the only thing I can do, family problems is something they should solve themselves and no one else should interfere』.

We were having some refreshments in front of a fan that was going back and forth hitting us in the wind, ah! You may be curious, how there are all these things here, remember Ailane, well no, Melodisian holders can make their instruments disappear and make them appear whenever they want, Ailane exploited this ability more by doing the same with various things, maybe she bought with her money or brought from home, the real answer I don't know.

『True, that day.....』-Ailane remembered how she was reunited with her brother and how she couldn't and ended up running away-『If I had been stronger.....this time it won't be like that, I will face my bad decisions and thoughts, I hope to receive forgiveness from my brother.....』I can't believe I became a person like that.....』

We both finished our refreshment where we were already feeling recovered, the wind passed through me again where to amuse myself I opened my mouth saying "A" for a while, the effect of this word with the fan was funny I was smiling. Ailane was watching me who was curious about my actions. The fan again went where I closed my mouth, I thought it would end but again I heard the same effect but feminine. Ailane was doing the same as me, saying "A" into the fan. When she finished she laughed out loud with a smile.

『What is this hahaha』-Ailane turned to see me with a soft look-『Thank you *smiles*』.

A few moments ago she was worried but now she is smiling and is more confident, which seeing her like this made me happy too. We agreed again that she has to go see her brother while I'm going to be preparing everything for our "presentation" "infiltration" at the Band Festival dome.

『You should go now, he's probably already waiting for you, I'll go ahead and prepare everything, tonight let's do that』.

『Everyone kneel down to our music *smiles*』.

With a touch of fists from both of us we were saying goodbye to meet again in a few hours, or so was the plan. We heard a small noise where as we looked without either of the 2 noticing. A person who was Hiro was here with us.

『Really they are here, I'm sorry, but that girl Ailane who is there, she won't leave, I won't allow it』.

The appearance Hiro had was not as I remembered, he had more bandages than I remember on his arms, his hood was on its last legs, his hair even though it was tied up was disheveled, his eyes were as if there were doodles in movements in them. Where Hiro had his headphones in his hands, which as soon as he put them on his head I knew a confrontation was soon to happen.




Hiro after witnessing what was happening with his friend Kiara this one didn't know what to do, always even if he doesn't know what to do in every situation this one acted as it seems the right thing for him, but in this case he just stood silently looking at nothingness.

While that being without form looked at Hiro who did not seem to be the same, that being watched as Hiro's ashes were getting thicker and bigger and were about to equal or surpass the ashes of his friend Kiara. Whatever he is thinking will not happen if Hiro is this way without acting, he still must control the personally, presentially destiny to happen what he wants.

『Do you want to know who was responsible for all this? When you find out you will find true happiness, when all this is over you will smile and everything will be fixed 』-That being was next to the boy who did not move any muscle-『Pronto is about to happen the biggest challenge you will encounter, or at least life will try to give you what you will truly consider a challenge, you know who is the one who snatched your smile? Perfect, if you understand it, every person who is with me knows all the answers even if the question is unknown. The result can be variant, you will give yourself the answer in what to do when the moment of climax arrives, I can't do anything else now, I have already moved many pieces, it's time for the pieces to do what they should do, that's the interesting thing about being someone like me, they entertain me while I wait. But one thing I promise you boy, when all this is over, you will smile again and be well with yourself, now show me what decisions you make 』.

That being without further ado left out of nowhere, Hiro was still in shock holding his headphones in his hands, when he wanted to look at Rikao's body again he noticed that he was no longer there, he disappeared along with that being of null and transparent tone.

『If I do it all will be solved, another question I must find answer.....』




It was as if a million information was transmitted to Hiro instantly, he had caught up, he knew everything that happened with the being that had a score to settle. Without further Hiro was in that old building where in front he had Ailane and M, he doesn't know how he got there, for sure his body was moving just knowing where he has to go while he was still assimilating everything that happened in these minutes that passed.

"Hiro, you...what happened to you Hiro?

I broke the silence talking myself towards the little Hero, both me and Ailane knew that this was wrong we were sweating because of our doubts of what could happen that was the safest thing to do.

Without further ado as if he were a scratched recorder Hiro rapidly repeated the same words over and over again, his tone of voice changing to one that turned mad to stare in full anger at Ailane.

『WITH THAT GIRL!!!!!!!!!!』

His scream flooded the whole building that was once full of all music, his look was of pure anger that I didn't think I saw him that way, he always had the silly look and looking at nothing, but what I remembered most about him was that smile that he showed with much desire for others, now he does it before a girl that for him children are the most innocent and pure that deserve more happiness than anyone else. Before his thunderous scream and his look I was scared but I hid it to hide, while Ailane still stood firm who was she who threw him the look of all the scream. I was going to defend Ailane but was rudely interrupted by Hiro.

『Hey Hiro! You said you didn't have any problem with------』

『THAT GIRL STOLE EVERYTHING I HAD!!!! Before when she didn't show up I was happy with what I was doing, I was saving people and smiling happily, now I can't even smile!!!! If I smile people are afraid of me!!!!! Maybe I wasn't perfect, most people booed me and even hated me, but as long as they are ok I'm ok!!!! That was the important thing, that everyone is ok!!!!!! But she....ella.....since she appeared everything was falling for me....I could no longer.....I could no longer save anyone.....』

Hiro didn't avoid remembering again that day it all started, the dead officer on the floor and the rain falling with a Hiro not knowing what to do.

『THAT GIRL HAS TO DIE!!!!! I will find the answer!!!!!!』

Without further ado Hiro lunged at Ailane propelling himself with a mighty leap, charging his fist to get this over with for good. POOOMM!!!!!! Without further ado there was a loud clash, M shifted into his God Form to protect Ailane from Hiro's impending attack. I could see Hiro extremely angry in his look.

『(How weird..... I thought his punch would end up destroying the whole building, but his strength is only concentrated on his fist)』.

Hiro without further ado hit another loud scream while he struggled more with his fist, I knew it, I could feel Hiro's energy overflowing from Hiro's fist and how it was about to completely destroy the building, or that was what I expected, without further Hiro's energy was concentrated again in his fist and as if it was another blow after the previous one, he hit again a second blow from his energy.

A roar came from my back where I really felt the pain that even I ran out of oxygen for seconds. Without further ado I took the opportunity to push him away with a series of kicks to the stomach, which at the time of hitting them was like hitting the toughest material, but anyway with force I managed to push him away.


『Don't worry.....I'm fine.... rather that I reacted in time』

Ailane who was worried about me, I decided to reassure myself by showing her a smile. The little girl was worried and scared that she looked at Hiro again where Hiro was again repeating words in a rough manner.

『Why are you defending her Why are you defending her Why are you defending her Why are you defending her Why are you defending her Why are you defending her Why are you defending her Why are you defending her Why are you defending her Why are you defending her 』

I whispered while looking at the ground with my arms drooping, at this bewilderment of Hiro I would take the opportunity to tell Ailane to leave while I handle things.

『You'd better go, I'll stop and make Hiro see reason why he's like this, besides you have to go see you with your brother, greeted by me, okay?』

When I turned to look back Ailane was no longer there, which surprised me, when I looked to the front I noticed that Ailane was going against Hiro to attack him and stop him too. I summon his guitar where without further ado he plays it.

『If you don't understand with words, I will make you understand by force!』

🎵♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫🎵 With his pick he played his guitar done the black thorns came out of the ground going to attack Hiro. The little Hero looked up seeing Ailane in a hurtful way and full of anger.

『Super Attack!!!! Uncontrolled Spin!!!』

Hiro started to spin with his arms outstretched, with just that one move he destroyed Ailane's thorns without any further action, being in the air Hiro took the opportunity to punch the air and hit Ailane. Pom! The air attack hit Ailane who ended up slamming into the ceiling.

『(What is this..... I don't feel like I can fight anymore..... so great is the power of a god)』

Ailane was spitting blood and fell limply to the ground, where Hiro would end up charging his fist with full force. The little Hero lunged at Ailane who she couldn't move in time. POM!!! Hiro ended up hitting the wall causing that part to be destroyed. M was able with his speed to grab Ailane in his arms and pull him to safety.

『Listen little girl-chan, you're not up to the level of this fight, do what I told you and don't come back, I'll come and get you when this is over』.

『I'm not going to run away, if that guy wants something with me he's going to get it, I can't let you always be protecting and saving me, I can't let you so-----』

『Shut up!!!!!』

Ailane's words were interrupted this time by M who shouted at her sharply, Ailane who was still in M's arms closed her eyes because of the loud shout and shut up looking at M in fear.

『Please do as she said, you heard me once before and I want you to do it again, you experienced it yourself, remember your confrontation with Hiro, do you want to be in such a pitiful state again...do you want to be humiliated again...I don't want to...so please run away again, yes? *smile*』

I ended up smiling to get back in confidence with Ailane, the little girl seems to have forgotten her first encounter with Hiro, how that was not a fight but rather an abuse by Hiro, these last few days she had such a good time that her mind ended up erasing that ugly memory. Ailane was with a lot of tension, she was clenching her fist her teeth and frowning.

『(Running away again...*tsch* I've already run away many times and you're telling me again? that's what I really have to do?) *tsch* I don't want to run away anymore because I know I'll make a bad decision again, so far running away left me physically or mentally shattered』.

『If you don't run away now you will lose your life!!!!!! I told you so!!!! You'll get another chance!!!!! I don't want to lose you!!!!!』

At the loud cry of M who in her arms was escaping from Hiro's blows, Ailane found herself silent at the boy's words, the little girl who was clenching her fists, teeth and even her being relaxed and would end up agreeing.

『All right, I will get over my past and you will get over this fight for me!!!! If you are hardened to do it for me, then don't let me down and come out on top!』

At Ailane's serious and determined response I found myself better off than I wanted to be, smiling defiantly as I listened to her. Where I had it all figured out, I just tossed her lightly across the building with little force to get her to go ahead.

『I won't let her go!!!!』

Hiro without further ado threw himself against Ailane who I appeared in front of him, I entangled his fist with my tail and with great force I managed to knock Hiro to the ground. I could see Ailane running out of the building to meet her brother and finally settle their problems once and for all.

『Well, now that she's gone I won't hold back』.

I was with a smile struggling Hiro, where without further ado before I could make my second move, Hiro stood up and grabbed my tail with which I entangled his arm to repeatedly impact me to the ground. I was resisting so that there would be an opening to continue attacking.

With my tail that was still entangled in his fist and by its own friction I swung even though it was difficult I managed it. I maneuvered his fist so that it would be hit in his face and then with my tail I entangled his neck and slammed him to the ground.

I positioned myself on top of him where I proceeded to hit back to back times where Hiro wasn't even trying to defend himself.

『Answer me Hiro, why do you want to kill Ailane? A while back you said everything was fine with her, why did you change your mind so abruptly?』

『You don't understand disciple, she took away everything I had, she took away my smile...she took away my life!!!!』

Hiro was already on his feet, and he attacked me with his front blows. Hiro had no previous training on how to fight, unlike me who did. Hiro's punches were randoms and he hit for the sake of hitting where he felt like, for me it was easy to dodge them, but if they hit me it would cause me great damage, from the first moment I knew that this guy is stronger than me.

『If it wasn't for her the officer wouldn't have died!!!! Had it not been for her the grandfather would not have closed!!!!! If it weren't for her the father would be with his family!!!』

Even though I landed punches it seemed that Hiro didn't feel them, they were the only gaps Hiro had to hit me for my actions. I managed to hit Hiro's face but he didn't flinch, it was as if he didn't feel pain, Hiro took the opportunity to hit me just like that.

『Super Attack!!!! Destructive Blow!!!!』

POMMM!!!! It ended up hitting me hard in the chest where my body resounded, POOMM!!!! The second hit by his energy ended up hitting me again, I recoiled from Hiro's overwhelming attack, when I realized it I was already bleeding from my mouth.

『I know everything!!! I've been told!!!! While she was happy and getting along with everyone, I was doubting and slowly losing what I had, I'm a Hero and she's a villain, it's supposed to be the other way around!!!!』

Without further ado Hiro again lunged at me with all his fists, if I fought up close again the above would happen, so I moved away to attack from afar while throwing energy blasts at him.

『Why disciple!!! Why are you getting along with a villain, could it be that she possessed you? Yes, that would make sense, she's to blame for everything...she manipulated everything to see me destroyed because that's what she wants, the villain wants to see the Hero suffer but I won't let her...The Hero always ends up winning!!!!』

A loud roar of energy expansion there was, I covered myself with my arms because the energy was about to destroy everything, but to my surprise the energy again concentrated on Hiro who was coming to attack me with everything.

『If you are on the side of the villains, as a Hero it is also my duty to eliminate you』.

Hiro was in front of me ready to give me his punch in the face, I could feel the awesome power that was in his fist, if he gave me that for sure I would lose the fight just like that. PPOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!

The attack ended with such a tremendous impact that the debris flew across the large room just as M in his Human Form flew away. To dodge the attack the only thing that came to his mind was to return to his Human Form and because of his stature dodge the blow. Quickly the human returned to his God Form to continue the fight.

『(I'm not going to deny it, I almost pissed myselfCOPY00)』

M was on shaky legs as Hiro slowly walked towards M.

『If I kill that girl all the problems I have will go away, I can smile again and be a Hero to everyone again...I had finally found the answer and they give me another question...don't give me that, I'm not very smart....I just do what I think is right』.

『I don't know what will have happened to you these days, but I'm sorry I wasn't there for you Hiro, it seems that you lost and you were suffering a lot without me noticing, seeing that you were a lively boy and always with that smile I thought you wouldn't have any problem and I was more dedicated to be making someone happy, or that's what I want to think, and you know what I tell you, I don't regret it, I got to know Ailane better and I can say that she is a good girl, I don't know how you came to the conclusion that killing her would make everything better, but it's obvious that it's a lie! !! Nothing is solved by killing someone good!!! 』

『Good? Then why did she do what she did, to me she proved me the opposite, if I had killed her back then this wouldn't have happened, the officer, the father, the grandfather, Rikao....did nothing else that girl did but destroy my world!!!!! She is always going around saying she will bring down the world and the galaxy!!!!! I can't allow that!!! She's never going to change!!!!』

At our change of words Hiro looked upset and confused by his action, but he does not intend to back down on this. In the face of Hiro's and my decision that he is wrong I had no choice but to dig, find out the cause and give him to understand that this is wrong.

『Maybe she is not free of sin, but she stopped before committing acts that are beyond repair, you saw it yourself and you know about her, she returned to feel what happiness is, what it is to be well with herself, to have fun and laugh, to smile, to have friends, if you are a Hero, it must make you happy that Ailane changed from a bad path to one where she can be as she is!!!! I'll prove it to you, that Ailane is not to blame for anything, if it means we have to be fighting, I'll protect her!!!! 』-『And I won't forget about you Hiro, even if you don't want me to I'll protect you from the path you took, I'll show you the person you really are!!!!!』

I hit a loud shout to finish my words, we both have different thoughts and ideas for different parts, M who could see Ailane's evolution and growth knows that she is now someone different. Hiro for his part, the girl Ailane is the worst thing that can exist and has to be eliminated for there to be a better place, someone who brings so much misfortune can't be someone good. While it seems that again that being would be observing how this result would be in this world. Will it happen again? Will it have a small change? Or will it be a totally different and unique one.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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