
Chapter 172: Which Path Do You Choose?

Right now in that building that I passed and where I lived for a while while I was in this world. For me this building was like a temporary home and I ended up getting a little fond of it because of the moments I lived with my companion. But now inside the interiors of this building a fight is happening, and again it is another fight between Gods with different thoughts for each one. M was trying to fight from afar while Hiro was just trying to get closer to him in order to hit him with his basic blows. Maybe you wonder why this building is still not destroyed if it was shown before in that fight between gods how they destroyed without further ado a whole city. I still remember, that other God who was my friend did not control his power well and only thought of destroying, but after some time I could return to that form and without further ado I unleashed my power.

Now I can control it and use it without having to cause a big mess, while I'm fighting with Hiro I noticed that he seems to have overcome that problem and even achieved a special ability for him. I'm happy but I didn't want him to find it like this, but anyway I don't think this building will hold up if we keep fighting here.

『If I had killed her back then, none of this would have happened, I had her in my hands, she was begging for help...and I....AAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! I should have crushed her head!!!! I should have dismembered her limbs!!!!! I should have pierced her heart!!!!! I SHOULD HAVE KILLED HER!!!!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!!』

Hiro without further product of his anger became faster that he ended up reaching me, he was in my forehead and I could see his fist as he again charged it with energy, without further I dodged it easily, but I did not notice that a kick was coming from Hiro.

『Super Attack!!!!! Improvised Feint!!!!!』

POMMMM!!!!! Even though I tried to block it quickly with my tail and both arms I could feel Hiro's power all over my body. POMMMM!!!!! I could feel the second blow where without further ado he flew off crashing into and through several walls of the building.

I was unfocused by the overwhelming strength of this little boy, I looked at my arms and noticed that they already had big bruises, while my tail who suffered the heaviest weight, was with broken bone.

『Hiro may be small, but without a doubt when he uses his true strength he is dangerous.....』

I could see Hiro slowly approaching towards where he was as the dust screen slowly disappeared.

『You know, when all this started happening I remembered something again when I was a mere child』.

Without further ado Hiro lunged at me who had no choice but to have to fight hand to hand. As I said before I had to dodge his blows, this is weird and too confusing, Hiro doesn't protect himself and is always uncovered, I can give quick blows but they don't hurt him, and when I decide to give a powerful blow Hiro takes advantage of them to hit me back which to me if it really hurts me.

"I thought that everything had a reason why, that if something happened there was a reason why, but although I knew that I didn't know why it happened, eating has a reason why, running has a reason why, studying, sleeping, enjoying, laughing, everything had a reason why, pain has a reason why, everything had a reason why, and I accepted it without knowing the whole truth』.

Hiro was talking to me where I would risk again to give me a strong blow, just like him I made a feint and appeared behind him with a charged blow POMMM!!!!! I managed to hit him all over his back, but even though I hit him hard Hiro didn't even flinch. When I found out his arm was coming to hit me which luckily because of my reflexes I managed to dodge it.

『When I saw that officer dead, not moving and all his blood in the pool of water, do you know what I thought and did? I didn't help him, I didn't help him, I didn't try to cheer him up and I didn't even get alarmed or worried, what I did is to just leave the place accepting his reason of his why, I knew what death is and that no one can escape from it, I accepted, I accepted his death, I accepted that this far he came, even though he was smiling and we finally made the passes, his why he came』.

As Hiro didn't move I decided to stop attacking too but to keep my distance. I could see how Hiro was looking up, it seemed that something was bothering him and without further ado just with the force of his gaze he made a big hole in the whole building where we could see the sky full of lights.

"It was a rainy day, this city is always full of lights and life, it's one of the things I like because it was always lively, I never thought I would see such a sad day and that those lights would be turned off』.

I also decided to look at the sky where you couldn't see any stars because of the thousands of lights in this city, the more we looked at the sky the more we looked at how they were filling with lights little by little, we even saw how a ship flying over the city was announcing that today is the day of the Band Festival.

『There are only a few hours left before it starts, I promised them that whether or not I would show up there, so I have to finish things quickly and kill that girl, but I see that you will keep avoiding it disciple. Dying is your why!!!!!! Just like I accepted the why of their deaths you're going to have to accept it too!!!!! I will take from him even more than he made me lose!!!! A villain deserves no one to love him!!!! That's why we all celebrate when the Hero is victorious!!!! Nobody cares about a villain!!!!』

Hiro ended up shouting loudly all over the building that was already half destroyed, again he changed to a calm tone to burst into words, at his words I just stayed silent thinking about the best thing I could reply to this kid who knows nothing and only does what he learned on his own.

『With that everything has its why, maybe you are somewhat right about it, but I tell you one thing kid, don't confuse the why with an outburst』-Without further ado I turned to the little Hero who was confused-『I'll tell you what I think clearly kid, from beginning to end, we eat because we are hungry, we sleep because we are tired, we laugh because something gave us fun, we have fun because we want to feel better, we study because we don't want to make a mistake. That's a why, now what has happened to you is completely different! Do you think there is a reason why that officer died? He died because he wanted to die? The grandfather closed because he wanted to close? The father died because he wanted to be with his family?! EHH?!!!! Reply child!!!! They were taken away from what they wanted!!!!』

I shouted without further ado to the little Hero in front of me who was confused, I could notice how at last his body that was hard was shaking from the confusion his mind received.

『NO NO NO NO NO.....They lost because of their why.....and I have to accept it, everything happens for a reason in life, that's what I learned, if they had to die and lose everything then that's what had to happen, there is no other explanation to this!!!』

Hiro without further ado because of M's alteration, launched into a melee against him who the human responded in kind, there was a clash between these of fist blows. A wild and frantic fight was going on in that still standing building.

『Stop ignoring things!!!!!!! I wasn't with them so these are quick conclusions of mine! You're the only one who knows the answer, so tell me Hiro, what did they really want!』

I was trying to calm him down as we kept fighting hand to hand clashing our fists, but with every clash I managed it was as if I was hitting a steel that couldn't split it. With no more Hiro kept attacking desperately hoping that one of his blows would manage to hit his target.

『You were a good boy when I met you, you were lively and thanks to your attitude you managed to meet a lot of people, make friends with people who give you a hand. People are influenced by those closest to them, believe it or not, I'm sure you know those people well, I'll make you remember what you're really like Hiro!!!!』

The little Hero kept screaming while I tried to make him see reason, he wanted to scream, he wanted to ignore, he wanted to not accept what is normal for him not to take what he has in front of him. Our fight went on for a long time where due to a carelessness of trying to deal with him he ended up giving me a strong blow POMMM!!!!! I ended up getting hit so hard in the stomach that I spit blood out of my mouth and nose.


I ended up getting angry since I've been tolerant all this time, showing an annoyed look to Hiro. I used my speed to confuse him but out of nowhere there were lots of clones of me in my Megaluciaro Form around.

『Clones? Villains with this ability I know very well!!!! They are the easiest to understand out there!!!』

Product of reading various comics and manga he knows that the real one is not the one who throws himself in with the whole crowd, but the one who stays behind to prepare for a bigger attack.

『Super Attack!!!! Flaming Whirlwind!!!!』

Without further Hiro spun his body causing a strong whirlwind that without further my clones that went to attack were absorbed and disappeared by the power of this attack. Without more the whirlwind disappeared where Hiro appears at the top of it, he was lifted by his own attack to the sky. Where I was falling from the sky with a huge Aural Sphere that would impact Hiro.

『I knew it!!! Take!!!!!』

Without further ado with his fist he smashed through my huge Aural Sphere and without what to do or how to block it I also receive his fist full of power. Hiro thought he had hit but quickly realized that the one who attacked disappeared in a smoke, this was also a clone. The real one appeared with a big jump and with an Aural Sphere in his hand, you could notice the bruises and even the real M was shedding blood.

Hiro was surprised by this. The real M didn't plan to go to Hiro, he originally planned to send a horde of clones to Hiro and one to the sky, where the real one would hide by digging in the ground. But he did not expect that Hiro would create a whirlwind and was also swallowed by it. Just receiving this attack in that form caused fractures in different parts of his body but it would not stop him.

『You calm down and listen to me!!!!』

Without further ado, M slowly changed to his God Form and just like in his fight against the Emperor of Death, he mixed the power of his Lucario and God Form in a single attack. The Aural Sphere changed to a purple tone where it would impact Hiro without further ado. PPOOOOOMMMM BOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!

There was a big explosion in the sky where M would fall to the ground in his God Form, while Hiro was still the same. As Hiro also fell to the ground some aura beams came out enveloping and quickly disappearing from his body.

『Eh? What?!

『(Perfect, now I know where your weak points and nerves are, that's what I wanted with that attack, now I know even when I'm in my God Form, although the truth is I wanted that attack to end up defeating you.....)』

Hiro looked at his body in a strange way as if checking it, but not noticing anything he would end up ignoring it. I don't know if I'm at an advantage or disadvantage now, I didn't expect the latter, M is much more damaged with broken bones and already with little strength, while Hiro is as start in the fight and shows no signs of tiredness or exhaustion.

『That's what you were Hiro, a confused and lost child innocently looking for what happened, but what I don't like is that you always ignore most things that happen around you and accept the wrong thing』-『You never show tiredness or any weak point even if it seems like it, helping and always shouting in a cheerful way, your awkwardness even though it annoyed me made it fun to spend time with you since I didn't know what you would do, even though I wanted to rest you would still drag me along with you so we could do many things together, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks that, you're not the type to accept the why, you're the type to make a fist and destroy what makes others wrong no matter how lost they are, and I'll take that from you! !! I won't give up until I achieve my goal Hiro!!!!』

I gave a little speech in the middle of our fight that I was able to interrupt, Hiro at this stood in silence looking confused still not knowing what to say. This suits me perfectly as I don't think I can keep up with him anymore if this continues.

『Back to earlier, do you think the people who joined you really want to give up?! Of course not!!!! You're one of those people who convey security and confidence, and that's what it takes to be a Hero!!!! Go back to being your old self!!! Cheerful, smiling, happy, funny, silly, naive, kind-hearted, thinking of others, now you are acting for your own benefit so you think everything will be ok, but it's not!!!! You won't be happy doing that!!!! I remember Hiro, you said it before!!!! If they are fine I am fine!!!!! I admire you for thinking that and that you accept it, people with that thought like you and who realize it are worth a lot, why did you have to fall so low Master....』

Again at my words Hiro didn't know what to say he was thinking and remembering how he was before, when he still considered himself a good Hero, before all this happened, he was happy, he was smiling for others and not for himself. He remembered deeper and now he knows that always since he was little he did things for others and almost never for him.

『And that..... made me happy.....』

Hiro whispered without more than with my ears I could get to hear it, I could tell that Hiro was coming more and more to his senses that he was relaxing his body, at this he was calmer and smiling.

『You care about others, and now I will also tell you about the person you saved and consider your enemy. If you had been in my place you would have known how she really is little-chan, for sure you have an image of her bad and nonchalant, but that I all I can deny, Ailane became a cheerful girl, who before had a time like you where she ignored her friendships and surroundings and did what she thought was right, she even made alliance with someone bad to get it, but thanks to us she could change, now she has friends, she has a great goal which is to bring a smile with her music, she is determined and does not hesitate to do her deeds, now she is able to do things for others and she feels happy about it, that she wouldn't hesitate just like that, and also sometimes she has moments of weakness that she wants people to pamper and comfort her, she is all a little big girl for me, she is human like any other Hiro, now that I think about it, you guys have a lot in common hahahaha, and just like she was able to overcome her dark past, it's your turn for you to do it too Hiro, she's a good girl and if you still want to finish her off, I would gladly fight forever to defend her, I will never see her suffer again! !!』

Instinctively I took a combat pose at the end of another speech, Hiro without further ado still did not know what to say to this. He went back to looking at the sky thinking about everything.

『The little girl is human....(Eh? Why do I want to kill her? Now I don't know....) The little girl might have changed for the better, eh?.... I want to see her then...I want her to show me that she's human!!!!』

Without further ado Hiro lunged at me again, again with his fist charging it with energy. I tried to dodge it but my whole body crunched causing a big cramp all over my body, I couldn't dodge it at this point. POMMM!!!!

There was a loud roar in the place, now that I think about it, when I've been fighting with Hiro for a long time, I don't know, I don't even want to think about it. I flew out without further ado against the floor impacting a wall of the building.

"I'm back M!!!』

When I looked in front I noticed Ailane in front of me with her guitar in hand, she was the one who protected me from Hiro's strong impact, at this I was happy for some reason, but I quickly entered into logic and went on to complain to her.

『Why did you come back!!! I told you to leave!!! You girls are really spoiled now...』

『You never said that I couldn't come back!!!! Besides did you think I would listen to you? I can't let you take care of my problems on your own after all, you can't end up here! We promised to perform together at the Band Festival!!!』

Ailane raised her voice at me determinedly, while I was listening to her perfectly in a bad state. The cramp in my body passed and I could already move but it was a pain worse than hell just to move.

『Jajajajaj right, then little-chan, let's get it over with and make our opponent fall to his knees』.

『Yeah, this isn't going to stay like this, he's going to see what we're capable of』.

I was able to stand up where I was looking determinedly at Ailane who she was also looking back at me. Meanwhile Hiro was in a dome of music that managed to distract him, Hiro was walking without more where from the floor black thorns were coming out that were going for the little Hero.

But Hiro didn't try so hard to destroy them just like that. The little hero was walking without further ado and suddenly he met M who started to fight against him. Again the fight resumed between these where M was more concentrated than ever.

『You right now Hiro you are about to find your answer to your doubts, and we will give it to you』.

Without further ado he swiftly hit Hiro all over his body, this was not working but it was just a feint, a music could be heard nearby. Where Hiro turning his gaze noticed that it was Ailane who was playing her guitar.


Hiro without further ado launched himself at Ailane as soon as he saw her, his scream and his uncontrollable shout at the sight of her returned as before. Whether it was because of the adrenaline of the moment, of not wanting to get my hands on Ailane I made an effort and used all my reserves of energy I had.

『I won't allow it!!!!! It's time for the Hero to fall!!!!』

Without further ado as a purple light streaked across the sky, it hit Hiro hard all over his body, the boy had no way to react to this. While Ailane played more of the music the energy of it and the melodies gathered in me and I concentrated them on my kick, Hiro was silent receiving the blows that did little harm to him.


Ailane screamed with everything, without further ado I was shot against Hiro, I could see in Hiro's body his nerves and where it was that I had to hit to make this kid stop, if it were up to him he would always be moving, but our idea is that his body would ignore him and be able to talk quietly. POMMMM!!!!!!!! I gave a tremendous kick to Hiro's leg, I felt that I hit something I smiled, but when I found out I realized that Hiro had already prepared his fist and without further ado he hit me in the face. POMMMMM!!!!! POMMMMMMM!!!! I received 2 strong blows in the face that I ended up falling limply to the ground returning to my Human Form.

『It can't be....』

Ailane was worried and afraid, even though we united and used all our strength to knock Hiro out, it was as if he had not suffered anything, despite M's kick he was still walking and his body was responding to him. Hiro looked at M's body and slowly walked towards Ailane.

『Are you really a Hero or a Monster』COPY00You're a very tough guy to finish....』

Ailane wanted to retreat but her body wouldn't let her, without further ado the little girl lunged at Hiro who seemed to not react, the little girl summoned her spike and started gathering energy into it.

The thorns came out trapping Hiro so he couldn't move. POM! Ailane with the help of her spike hit Hiro's leg with all her strength, in the same place where M. crack.... hit.


Hiro reacted quickly by punching Ailane in the stomach, the little girl was thrown out of the place. By now the building was more of a ruin than it was before. Ailane was spitting blood while Hiro just kept walking.

『With that was your answer, I knew it, villains are villains and Heroes are Heroes, enemies by nature, they will never get along, your look of hatred towards me..... this time I will kill you little girl..... the answer is right in front of me』.

Ailane was shaking her legs while clutching her shoulder, from one moment to the next her whole body was bleeding and in a terrible state.

『Why...now that I think about it why do you want to kill me, Heroes and Villains aside, tell me what did I do to you to make you make this decision』.

『Eh? It's simple, you are a villain, you caused havoc, you are a problem to the world, you destroyed my world, you took away my happiness, someone who is not good has to die, just look at you, your look always shows seriousness and hatred, look at mine, it shows security and confidence, whichever way you look at it, I am the good one』

『Destroy you? That time was the first time we met in person, I wasn't even interested in you enough to do anything to you, you just seemed like an annoying and bullying guy but nothing more, I never had a bad image of you, and regarding the other ,I can't do anything with it, that's my face, people mostly feared me for that.....but whichever way you look at it, right now you are the villain and I am the Hero, if killing me will find your answer then, I won't accept it, I won't accept my death!!!』

Hiro was in front of Ailane who without hesitation raised her fist to finish the little girl once and for all, at the last words, Hiro was confused and a little upset that he acted without hesitation. But Hiro stopped at the last instances when he saw M again who stood in the middle, she was dripping blood, her bones were broken but she was still standing up.

『Hiro.....seriously you're going to take someone's life? She wants to live and so do I!!! No matter what fate opposes, we will fight not to accept it!!!!』

I shouted without further ado where I was staggering but still standing, Ailane was worried and wanted to help M. Where Hiro was getting more and more confused, again he was in his mind thinking a lot of things while his body was moving, his fist was going to hit M, he wasn't paying attention to what was in front of him.

『(They don't accept it? They cling to life?.....That's how they must have felt when they died.....the fate.....all of them are able to fight against something stronger in order to keep living and achieve their goals, they don't accept it, the why....why....why....why.....why.....why.....why.....why.....what am I!!!! You who are!!!!)』

The squiggles of his eyes were moving wildly and the ashes surpassed Hiro's height, the boy was confused that he was about to make the decision of the climax that being said.

『Eh? You why?.....』

Hiro without further ado stopped, for the first time he paid attention to what was in front of him while he was in his mind, Hiro looked confused. Ailane without further ado placed herself in front of M so that she would now be the one to defend him.

『I'm sick and tired of you protecting me!!! I'm also capable of giving everything to make sure you are well!!! I can't let you die.....I don't want you to die.....I don't want to die either...』

Ailane was crying non-stop in front of Hiro, the little girl was with her arms stretched out awkwardly trying to be a shield for M. Hiro seeing this was as if all the doubts in his mind had disappeared, the scribbles that were intense gradually relaxed.

Hiro lowered his fist and started to look around, he was all messed up and how he left his disciple in pieces and a girl he made cry. Hiro finally understood everything with this simple action of defending someone even if it costs you your life. That's what she needed to teach him so that everything would be all right.

Without further ado a roar was heard in MidiCity, you could see from here how from the city came out rays of darkness. Hiro seeing this stared where he slowly walked.


I was on the ground as I couldn't take it anymore, I was heading to Hiro who seems to be confused and again staring. Something came to my mind, a memory of when I first met this guy, the times when he would stare at something without hesitation, at this I smiled cheerfully where Hiro took me at my word.

『This is much more important than you *smiles*』.

Just like that time he left me stranded with a fracture, this time he would do the same. Hiro without further ado ran off at high speed to the city where in the process he thought about all this, his mistakes and what he has to do now.

『(Even we Heroes are idiots, no, I am the idiot, now I understand everything, instead of accepting the why, instead of ignoring as I always did, I am a Hero, I must always look ahead and confront it, if someone is determined to change I will accept it, before I thought that others were just someone I had to save and that's it, I never got to think that they are too.....my mind was limited in 4 walls, Heroes and Villains, children and adults, good and evil, no. There is so much more to this world I got into. I used to listen to people, talk to them, live with them, that's what made me happy too. Since when I became a hypocrite, I will not accept why what destiny marked me, I will live for all of them just as they wanted, their virtues and teachings will never die with me, I will not allow them to die a second time, little Ailane will also have understood it, I also want to return to that path that I first chose!!! I'm sorry for everything I caused, sorry, but now I will remedy myself as the true Hero that I am, all this time I was chasing the wrong person)』

In Hiro's walk, it could be seen how the ashes on his body disappeared and left his body once and for all, the scribbles in Hiro's eyes disappeared in the same way. Just as the hood he had been wearing fell off him. The rays went out wildly of the city where they were going to hit Balt that did not manage to escape. POMMMM!!!!!! An explosion occurred where the little boy Balt was not hurt.

『Now don't worry, I will finish with the villains!!!!! I won't let anyone die!!!!!』-『Hiro, get into action』

With a big smile as he was showing before, Hiro made his appearance in the city with a typical explosion of him. At last, SuperHero Hiro returned to fight against an unknown villain!!!!!

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