
The bargain !

Iris continued to cry. She cried to the extent that her nose ran.

" Is Princess Brianna dead Iris ? " Emmaline asked again. " I don't know ! ( Iris cried out ) believe me when I say I don't know Emmaline " Iris said to Emmaline holding on to Emmaline's legs once again and looking up to her face.

" I know you think of me as filthy and wicked, but I was handicapped. I was left with no choice. All I ask Emmaline, is that you do not tell princess Arainna now. I could get all the informations you want to finding princess Brianna, just give me little time and work closely with me. I beg of you. I promise not to be an idiot for the second time, please don't send me to my early grave and make the rest of my mother and brothers lives miserable. " Iris begged even more.

Emmaline stood akimbo. Emmaline genuinely felt pity for Iris. However she knew how difficult it was for princess Arainna to fit in, into the place of princess Brianna, and how much she longed to put an end to the disguise. That would only be possible, as soon as Brianna was found. She loved princess Arianna alot, and also believed in her dreams of becoming a dancer. Princess Arianna forfeited her dreams, because she wanted to save her Father's kingdom, Emmaline was bent on helping princess Arianna get back what she wanted. She made up her mind she'd tell princess Arainna, and then plead with her to wait till her sister was released before any action would be taken against Iris and her accomplices.

Emmaline was aware that she couldn't do much, because of the line between a royal and a maid, but she wanted to be of help regardless

She stood speechless staring down at Iris.

" Iris you are unbelievable " Emmaline managed to say after a short silence. Iris had cried, till she could not find tears anymore. She just remained kneeling on the floor without a word. She patiently waited for Emmaline's judgement, so that she would know what her fate would be.

" First of all stand to your feet iris. Even if there is an issue at hand, you're still a senior maid than I am " Emmaline began. Iris remained on the floor, still not saying a word, she just knelt moping.

Emmaline went on her knees as well, since Iris wouldn't stand to her feet. She wanted her eyes to meet with that of Iris. She stared into Iris eyes with firmness, squinting a bit.

" I am not doing this because we're friends. However I am doing what ever it is I want to do now, for humanity sake. I sincerely hope you won't take it for granted. ( Emmaline began speaking ) I give you three days to bring news about princess Brianna's where about. If the three days exceeds by one second, then you'd leave with no choice but to report you to princess Arianna, and you know what the consequences would be. " Emmaline said standing to her feet.

" Thank you ( Iris said gratefully ) I won't fail you. I won't take this second chance for granted "

Emmaline didn't say a word. For her she was fair and kind enough to Iris, it was left for Iris to make good use of the opportunity. Emmaline proceeded to leave the room.

" Emmaline " Iris called. Emmaline turned to look.

" Why do you care so much though ? These people are royals, you'd never be like them. They would never appreciate your kindness. Maids can never be friends with royals, we are parallel lines that doesn't meet, it's our fated reality, and I know you're fully aware of this, so why do you put in all this effort ? " Iris asked Emmaline with the little strength she had left, looking really surprised at Emmaline's actions.

Emmaline gulped really hard, revealing her fear a bit. She was aware that was the harsh reality. She didn't even know what propelled her actions, but she just did itregardless.

" Like I said earlier, I do anything I do for humanity sake. Life offers us the right to make choices out of various options, I choose to do right over wrong " Emmaline said and left, leaving Iris to herself, still on the floor...

Emmaline headed for princess Arianna's room. She walked almost running with a glee

Arianna was completely set for the mid-day, as she had taken her bath and was dressed nicely, and had also been fed properly. Arainna and aunt Rose proceeded for a walk around the palace, as requested by Arainna.

As soon as Emmaline reached Arianna's room, she knocked with excitement, but no reply came. She knocked even harder, still no reply came. Then she got the signal that perhaps no one was in the room. She was determined to share the news of her findings with Arianna at all cost, but did not know where to find Arianna. She resolved to come soon enough.

Emmaline left to take care of her self atleast. She still had an injured feet to take care of. She had gotten enough information already for the day, that could save the situation at hand. She walked to her room, with relief in her heart, " who would have thought that the day could be so productive ? " She said out loud to herself, as she retired to her room...

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