
I Made Your Coffee !

Chapter 19

The sun had began to set, Arainna walked back into her room. Aunt Rose had left her to attend to other royal duties. She proceeded to the balcony. She kept drooling over the sight of the kingdom of St Lucia. She enjoyed the cool breeze that came with the sunset.

There was no sign of prince Liam yet. She was secretly worried. She felt the urge to call his cellphone, but remembered almost immediately that she didn't even have his cellphone number to reach him. If ever he asked her about the fact that he couldn't reach her through her cellphone, she was not sure of what her reply was going to be.

She walked back into the room, and gently laid on the bed. She began to think about what the night was going to be once again with prince Liam, how much longer was she going to tell lies to prince Liam just so he doesn't make love to her ? She was grateful at the fact that the prince was an easy going person, she didn't know what she'd have done.

While she thought yet, the door was opened without a knock. It was prince Liam. She was delighted to see him. She sat up, and kept looking at him as he approached. She didn't know what to do even. She then stood awkwardly waiting for him to draw closer. A very deep part of her wished that she would atleast understand how to love him someday, but almost immediately, she reminded herself, that they where never meant to be.

" You have been out all day " she finally spoke. " Yes I was out with my father, one of those royal meetings " he said with an unusual tone. Arainna thought that somehow he was still angry with her over her refusal to have sex with him the previous night. Her head was blank on what to say, even when she wanted a conversation.

" Oh ! The mee.. meeting didn't go as sup..posed ? " Arainna asked stammering and searching into his face. He did not reply immediately. He unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his broad chest. Arainna stole a glance at it and thought to herself lustfully, " that body is appealing ". Ignoring her questions, he forged ahead by asking her another question.

" I tried calling you, but you couldn't be reached. "

Arainna almost loosing her breathe out of nervousness, replied " oh that ! I lost my cellphone, but I got a new one. I lost it a night to our wedding. You should have the new number " Arainna lied speaking really fast. She immediately thought within herself, " Arainna you're a genius ! Where the hell did you formulate all that lie from ? "

" Oh I see ! " Prince Liam expressed.

" You don't seem okay ? " Arainna asked again.

He didn't answer again, he just layed with his back on the bed, leaving his two legs touching the ground. " Well I don't know " he said looking confused. Arainna was not used to this mood, she didn't even know what to do or say. She didn't want to make it look like she wasn't concerned. If she wasn't in a good mood, a refreshing cup of tea, always helped.

" Perhaps you need a cup of coffee ? " Arainna asked, not even sure if he liked tea. " Yes please " he replied rather delighted. Arainna was glad that her question did not ruin anything at all. Arianna was about to leave.

" My lady ! "He called, lifting himself a little, " where are you going ? "

" To get you a cup of coffee, why ?" Arainna asked somewhat confused. " Okay " prince Liam answered still wearing a puzzled look...

Arainna was back in a short while, with a hot cup of tea. She passed it to him. He sat up and sipped a bit " hmmm strong and black ! Just how I like it, Aunt Rose is best at making coffee " he said looking relieved.

" How dare you pass my credit to aunt Rose, come on I made it ". Arainna teased him.

" I bet it wasn't you " he said laughing a bit.

" I did Liam, I made your coffee. " Arainna answered sincerely.

Prince Liam was extremely supprised, " wait let me get this straight, first you decided to go get the tea yourself, without beckoning on one of the maids, and now you're saying you made the tea, c'mon my lady, we both know how much you can not make a tea. It wouldn't be fit for human consumption. " He teased her laughing all the more.

If only Arainna knew why he had argued with her, she wouldn't have pressed further, she began to feel her heart beat increase, what was she going to say ? She got carried away and didn't remember that braianna her twin sister did not even like tea . Finally she had gotten herself into trouble again.

" Tell me Brianna what changed about you ? I see alot of changes in you, and I am wondering what happened to you, the princess Brianna I knew before our wedding, was more practical and traditional compared to this one. He said pulling closer to her. " What are you not telling me Brianna ? " He asked her looking directly into her eyes

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