
6. First Kiss

Aurora's POV

I don't know how long I had kept him at my house in the do-jo sparing, but I was starting to get tired he on the other hand was only getting stronger. "Ok that's good for now." I told him slightly out of breath. I checked my watch it had only been 30 min I should not be this tired. I walked into the kitchen to get a drink and Peter followed me. As I was rounding the corner to the kitchen Peter picked me up hugging me from the back.

"I have never felt this good after working out." He said bouncing me in his embrace. That's funny because I had never felt this bad. Peter walked (bounced) me into the kitchen then turned me around in his arms so we were face to face. Then I saw it his eyes not the swirls of white like before, no,now his eyes were just white no green blue no black pupils. The shock on my face must have shone because he said "what's wrong?" he lifted me onto a counter top in the kitchen, positioning himself in front of me with his hands on either side of my body. I knew I wasn't going to have much time before I was going to have to tell him about himself.

"Nothing, I'm just thirsty. Do you want something too?" I asked and hoped off the counter which put me directly in front of him. Even with his eyes all white I had still never had anyone look at me the way he did. As he stood his ground and kept our gazes locked his eyes slowly regained color, first his black pupils returned then the green blue started to overtake the white like the clouds going away on a sunny day. Once his eyes were back to normal I let out a sigh of relief and I too started to feel stronger. It made me think he might have drained me and not even realized it. "Can I come to your house again tonight?" I just blurted it out because now I had to ask Eve about my theory, and maybe test it a bit.

I was still looking at him and he gave no response was he ok. "Peter…" as soon as his name crossed my lips he leaned down and kissed me, which was very unexpected. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. I liked it I didn't want to like it and defiantly should not like it but I felt very at home in his arms, like part of myself had been missing that I didn't even know wasn't there. But I soon started feeling dizzy and then nothing.

I woke up laying on the couch in the living room of my house. My Uncle Ryan was near the door with Peter's adoptive devil sister Becca and he did not look happy. Peter was nowhere to be seen. I sat up and rubbed my head, "What is going on?" really 2 times in one day I pass out. I defiantly have some questions. Becca began to leave, "wait for me." I shouted to her and lept off the couch, feeling a bit dizzy but trying to push passed it.

"Woo slow down there what do you think you are doing?" my uncle said putting his hands up like stop signs. "You need to rest and stay away from this mess." He gestured all around he wanted us to give this mission up but he and I both know we now knew too much and really couldn't leave.

"You know we can't do that and I have an idea as to what happened. Please I know I can do this" Uncle Ryan knew I was as stubborn as him and he gave me a nod although it was with a somber face. Then I realized "Oh god I left everyone at school!"

"Its fine when you fainted Peter called Matt to tell Ella to call me he was very worried. Matt gave everyone a ride home and took Peter home once I got here and sent them away." Uncle Ryan sounded confused as to how he really felt about this whole situation. He was scared for my safety and unhappy this happened at all, but was relieved that at least Peter was good enough of a person (or whatever) to make sure I was ok.

"Oh good, Becca can you wait for me so I can change." I was still in my workout cloths a pair of spandex capris and a t-shirt, "Oh and I want to take Ella with me." I spit the last part out as more of a curtsey than anything I needed someone to help me with my theory.

"Fine whatever no one cares what I think anyways." Uncle Ryan threw his hands up and stomped away.

I changed quickly and gathered Ella up as soon as she knew she would get to see Matt again she was in the car. What is it with those two from the first day they have been almost inseparable. Like they had been waiting all of their lives to find each other. It's the way I had felt that one moment with Peter, before I passed out.

So my theory is Peter can suck out a person's energy and use it for himself, now  I have to figure out the best way to test this. I asked Becca if anything like this had happened before.

"You mean has Peter been making-out with a girl and then that girl passes out. How would I know, I'm pretty sure if it had happened before he wouldn't have told us." Becca said. But Peter told my family and his about her so why not other girls, it probably had just never happened, his powers are probably just starting to manifest now.

"No I'm talking about other times too like when someone gets in a verbal, or physical argument and the person feel weak and Peter feels stronger." That should clear it up for her.

"I'm not really sure Eve keeps him pretty happy at home and really we try to never argue with him. Matt always says it's because he's the baby, really we didn't ever want him to get mad at us and lose control." And on that not helpful note we arrived at their house.

As Ella and I entered Peter's house I glanced over to see Eve with her arm around Peter on the couch and Matt lounging on the loveseat next to them looking unconcerned and  unamused. Eve noticed us and nudged Peter to look up. His face was covered in a concerned look. He jumped up immediately and rushed to the kitchen were Ella and I stood. He grabbed my shoulders and squeezed me a little, while he leaned down and looked at my face closely.

"Are you ok? I was so worried and your uncle wouldn't let me stay until you woke up." his voice a mix of relief and embracement as he put his hand on my cheek.

"I really fine, it must be this new school getting to me." I stepped back from his touch, and shook my head. That seemed like a good reason to give him, some reason other than what I really thought, which is that he had drained me of my energy. He reached out and pulled me close and hugged me which was strange for me I mean his whole family was standing there watching us. I turned back to find Ella was no longer right next to me, and looked and Matt was no longer on the couch, I brought her as my distraction but it looks like Matt and Ella are the only ones distracted.

I really needed to talk to Eve without Peter nearby to ask her about his powers, but it looked like Peter wasn't about to leave my side. I volunteered to help cook dinner so Peter did too, even though I'm pretty sure that was a first because Becca and Eve looked at him like he had grown an extra pair of arms. Then after dinner I said I would do the dishes but after Peter also volunteered for that job Becca said no and shooed us off. I am not sure I want to test my theory alone.

"It's getting late can you and Matt take us home?" I asked, I think I might kiss him goodnight.

In the end I did not, kiss him, I really needed more intel, before I put myself at risk again. So Peter and Matt drove us home and Ella and I just got out of the car and went inside. No kissing.

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