
7. Meet in New People

That was Friday night, and I didn't hear from Peter, or Eve, or Becca all day Saturday. I asked Ella obsessively what her and Matt were talking about. Nothing, that's what, I know I looked at her phone they literally texted about nothing, what shows they had seen what color there mood is, useless and nothing.

On Sunday we did spend a little time staking out The Goodie Group church. There were a lot more followers than we had expected, probably around 1,000 that's a lot for such a small area. We put on our Sunday best and entered the church ( Yes I wore a dress), not Uncle Ryan, he was worried he could be recognized. These people were so brain washed it wasn't even funny. After church we were greeted by Rev. Joshua Jones SR. and his family. I recognized the son I'm pretty sure he's Joshua Jr. he goes to our school. They asked a lot of questions and I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I had to hunt Lola down she was talking with a boy, I did not recognize him from school, but anyone from this church is no good. We needed to be extra careful now. And be very aware, we were going to have to get more answers. I think we have to keep going to church. It's not that Church is bad it's just this church. But we have to know, do they know about the horseman?

Monday morning I was up early, while Sundays activity's had been a welcome distraction, my mind was never far from thought of Peter. I needed to be able to protect him from those cult like Goodie Group followers and I had to find a way to tell him. How could I even start that conversation?

Let's see how about "Hey Peter you could potentially bring about the apocalypse." That wouldn't work or "Peter you are the reincarnation of Pestilence one of the four horseman of the apocalypse." That didn't work either the word "Apocalypse" might not be the best for this situation.

We got to school late because for all of my getting up early I still had to wait on Ethan and Lola who seemed determined to not go to school, Ella on the other hand was ready before me and already planning where to meet Matt. How are things so easy for them? Not for me and Peter, not that there is a me and Peter we kissed once and he probably would not like to do that again, I mean who wants to kiss a girl who faints on them.

I walked into my fist period late, Peter was supposed to be in this class but I didn't see him, now I would have to wait until lunch to try and find him. He is my job, that's why I need to know where he is. At lunch Peter was still a no show, I asked Matt where he was but all Matt would confirm is that he was at school. I got Peter's number from Matt, it's kind of funny that I didn't have it before. I texted him.

Hi it's Aurora meet me next to my car for free period

Free pierod came and I sat on the hood of my car and waited. While I was waiting and pouting just a bit I saw figure approach , I looked up expecting to see Peter, disappointment hit me.

"Not who you were expecting." It was Joshua from the church, I guess I did look disappointed.

"Oh no I was just waiting for my sisters to get out of class." Good cover I thought to myself, Joshua sat down next to me on the car, and I heard a car alarm go off on the other side of the parking lot. I glanced over but didn't see anything except the cars lights flashing.

"So its really cool having your family at church, its too bad your dad can't come cuz he is working." Joshua said drawing her attention away from the car.

"Yeah" I really had no interest in talking to Joshua, but he wasn't leaving so he obviously was interested in talking to me. And besides the fact that he was a cult member he was quite attractive in a clean cut way. Today he wore Khaki pants (I hate Khaki) that he did look quite nice in and a pastel blue polo shirt that fit him nicely, like many of the boys at this school he was fit and looked like he should be from a movie or tv show high school (what was with this school, maybe something in the water). He had lovely blue eyes and I'm sure never had a problem getting a date.

"Um are you going to church tonight, because my father has a big announcement." Joshua said and leaned a little closer to me

"Well we weren't planning on it, we didn't know church was held on Monday nights as well." I said plainly, I supposed it was good that members of the church were inviting me and myfamily to extra events; I really should try harder to act interested. I put my biggest smile on and turned to Joshua, "It has been a long day and I am tired, I am sorry I if I was beening rude." Fake fake fake I feel oh so fake.

"Oh that's ok." He said happily, and leaned even closer to me, I really wanted to move away. He is such a preppy fuqboy culty dushbag, no matter how good looking he is, and I  know all of the girls at the church think he is why God gave us eyes. I just couldn't get past his personality.  He was tall and muscled, and had a perfictaly chizuled jaw, with a slightly turned up nose, and lovely blue eyes that even as I looked at them seemed vacant compared to Peter's lovely green blue Ocean eyes. He just knew all of these facts and had been told for so long that he felt he didn't need to try. "Wow you know you make me really nerves." He blurted out.

What "I don't know how, I am not doing anything." I told him truthfully.

"No? its just your different than the other girls at the church, and well, hey," he said switching direction, "can you keep a secret?"

"Yeah." I said in my sweetest voice, this guy better not ask me out, the choices are too hard, say no and be rejected at the cult, um church, or say yes and actually date this dush bag, I did not like either option.

"My dad is trying to keep it secret, but on Halloween Gavin Goodie- Bowmen is coming to our church, it's just so amazing, I mean our churches founder visiting with us." Joshua Jr. said excitedly

"Why is he coming here, there must be a reason right." I blurted out crap a simple why would have been fine.

"My dad says it has something to do with stopping something the devil wants, whatever that means? Now you have to promise not to tell, my dad is only going to tell the congregation that we are going to have a very important visitor, not who it is so you can't tell anyone, promise." Joshua looked at me all sweet and dushy and held my chin up with his pointer finger.

"No one at the church will hear it from me." I said all sweat smiles. Gross he's flirting with me.

"Ok then, see you later at church, it starts at 6 PM." Joshua Jr said and leaned down and kissed my cheek.

"Aww, isn't that sweet." Lola said as Joshua Jr left.

"Shut up I feel like I should scrub my face until it bleeds now." I whispered to Lola. Lola started laughing hysterically and had to use the car to keep herself from rolling around on the ground.

"I just got the worst news ever." I said as Ethan and Ella came up to the car

"Funniest news ever." Lola barely got out of her mouth with all of her laughing

"Oh shut it." I said and we all got in the car.

The drive home was short but Ella slid a cd into the player for the ride, it was a band I hadn't  heard before. "Who is this, it's pretty good." I asked

"Not till we get home." Ella smiled and turned the stereo up

Once they were home they all congregated in the living room.

"We better make this quick." Ethan said "Cuz we gotta do some training before we go to "church"." Air quotes and all he used, none of them wanted to go but we needed the info.

"I just learned that Gavin Goodie-Bowmen is coming to town." I spat out "And we can't let on that we know."

"What?" Lola said furry building in her eyes. "When? We need take him down."

"He is coming for Halloween and there is something he is planning, Joshua Jr said he wants to stop something the devil is planning." I explained

"Well I think that leads into my news," Ella piped up, "we have been invited to a Halloween party."

"I don't see how that has anything to do with Gavin Goodie- Bowmen." I said some party was defiantly not his style.

"I think Ella is right," Ethan interjected, "these parties are rumored to get really wild, haven't you heard everyone talking about it."

"No." I admitted "but why would Gavin Goodie- Bowman care about a wild teenage Halloween party?

"It's possible, if he knows about the horseman he thinks they might be there, I know one horseman who will be." Lola said singing the last part

"Peter,why will he be there?" Really I don't know if I could sound more crazed if I tryed

"So does that mean we are going to the party?" Ethan asked

"Yes I think it does mean just that. But why do you guys think Peter will defiantly be there?" I asked again

"Because it's at his house and his band is playing." Ella clapped like a little groupie.

"Where are we gonna get costumes this closed to Halloween?" Lola said

"Why do we need costumes?, and we have like two weeks to figure it out, maybe we can get Eve and Becca to not let Eric have a party, I mean really its too risky" I asked

"Halloween is this Friday that's in four days, and this party lets no one in without a costume." Ella sniped

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