
This Is On Me, Not You

They moved over to the couch to watch the movie and about twenty minutes in, Dane leaned his head against Ginger's shoulder, making her heart skip a beat. Taylor never did things like this because they were about the same height and he would have had to crane his neck. 

She ended up putting an arm around his shoulders and he let out a contented hum and snuggled closer. For a second there, she thought she felt something brush against her hand but nothing was there when she looked. 

She must be imagining things. That happened sometimes. Like when she was certain a bug was crawling on her but nothing was there when she went to brush it away. 

  They stayed like that for a while until her arm was going numb so she asked if they could switch sides. He agreed easily enough and they resumed the snuggle. He seemed perfectly content to do that and nothing more. Wouldn't most guys take advantage of watching a movie together to make out?

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