
It Was You!

Whitney hadn't thought Isaac would make a move first.  It seemed that not wanting to see her upset had trumped his natural shyness. That was a major point in his favor. 

She shot him her best attempt at a reassuring smile. "It happened a long time ago. Right before I moved here. That was why. I moved in with my great aunt because she was the only family I had left. She died when I was in college."

The sadness in his eyes for her sake was almost more than she could bear. Had anyone genuinely been sad for her before aside from Aunt Lorinda? Now she was stupidly tempted to cry. 

"You've been alone all this time, haven't you?" Isaac murmured. 

Whitney had. She really had. Even when Brad was right there she had been alone because he hadn't really cared about her. 

"Yeah," she said more sadly than she meant to. 

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