
How Hadn't He Noticed?

Isaac's heart nearly beat out of his chest when Whitney greeted him so happily at the bowling alley and the day only got worse from there on that front. She wasn't aware of the fact that she was killing him but she was. Oh, she was!

She was so cute in her purple cardigan and the way she got excited when she did well was practically lethal. Seeing her eyes light up like that about something other than reading a good book was new. New and wonderful. He hadn't realized she was such an enthusiastic person. She had always seemed so calm aside from the time she defended him. He supposed that was the difference between observing someone and actually interacting with them. 

Spending time with her wasn't as stressful as he thought it would be though, even with the way his heart was going haywire. He was really enjoying talking to her, especially about mystery novels. 

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