
This Isn't Fair!

Kyzi's heart twisted. He really didn't want Gracie to go so soon. This was his first time playing with anyone other than his parents. 

"You want to stay here, right?" he asked her somewhat desperately. "We have lots of games and movies and my mom makes really good cookies and we have a pet snake." 

Gracie looked at him a bit sadly. "My mommy always says I'm in the way. Would I be in the way here?"

"Of course not! You're my princess; you'd never be in the way!" 

She tilted her head as she regarded him. "Your princess?"

"Yeah. Dragons need princesses. My mom is my dad's and you're the first princess I ever saw other than her so…" Kyzi trailed off, a bit embarrassed. Maybe he brought it up too soon since they only met yesterday. 

Gracie laughed before grinning at him with a bunch of missing teeth. "Okay! I'll be your princess." 

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