
Proof Of The Promise

Hannah was worried about her son. Granted, she was always worried about him but it was worse after he found that little girl lost in the woods. 

Kyzi was so convinced that she would come back and stay with him forever but what if that didn't happen? What if she forgot about him? Little kids could have short memories. 

That wasn't the only potential problem either. What if she wanted to stay in the human world? What if she did come back when she grew up but only wanted to visit and poor Kyzi was left alone for the rest of his long life after getting his hopes up? 

There were a lot of worries on her mind in the months following Gracie's return to her family. She couldn't shake them no matter what she did. Her husband could tell too and tried his best to reassure her. 

"There's no point worrying about it now, Princess. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it," he would tell her. 

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