
What If...?

Ace felt like an idiot for bringing Cora a Christmas present when they hardly knew each other but Drew insisted. He said it was the nice thing to do.

There was the added bonus of it probably giving him another excuse to see her later. From what little he knew of her, there was no way she wouldn't try to reciprocate. He hadn't expected her to do it so quickly though.

No one had ever given him a homemade present before. It looked really good too, even if yellow was too bright for someone like him. Drew certainly seemed surprised when he saw him wear it as he returned with the cookie plates. He might like yellow because of his car but that didn't mean he ever wore it.

Ace couldn't help but wonder what Coral/Cora was up to over the holidays. She hadn't specifically mentioned having any plans and he knew that she had moved somewhat recently. She might not have anyone to celebrate with.

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