
The sorting commences

"Everyone-everyone, quiet please. We will be entering the sorting area. First years, please stay on the first floor and wait there by doors directly in front of you when you walk in. everyone else, please head to your respective floors. Second years on the second viewing floor, third years on the third, so on and so forth." He said calmly.

He turned on his heels after making sure everyone understood and pushed the doors open. As I walked inside, there were two sets of stairs coiling along the wall to the left and right respectively. They looked to be ancient which perfectly correlated with the age of this castle. According to what Professor Randal said, it seemed that there were separate floors dedicated for each year level. Such extravagance simply to view a sorting ceremony.

At some point, Professor Randal appeared next to me. I turned and looked up at him slightly, "Do I follow the first years?" I asked. I speculated that the reason he was here was to inform me of the question I had asked.

Randal nodded slightly, "that's right, since you don't have a house, you will need to be sorted." He said before raising his head to look at the nervous first years. They had naïve expressions on their faces.

"I never get tired of seeing the new students starting their journey here. I wonder what house Mr Knight has in mind?" The professor questioned calmly and slowly as he observed the first years.

"The horned serpent," I answered.

Randal was surprised, "I didn't expect that. I would have thought a powerful and talented student like yourself would have chosen the Wampus house." He stated with a raised eyebrow.

"Nah, I was already sorted into Gryffindor which equates to the Wampus house. A change of pace will do me some good."

"Is that so… anyway, I'll be seeing you later. I'm eager to see which statue picks you." He said those parting words before leaving my side. From his earlier expression, I understood that he was conflicted about something. It wasn't hard to figure out a possible reason. That reason being that he wanted me to join the tournament.

But me wanting to be accepted into the horn serpent house might have made him think that I wasn't inclined towards such endeavours. It didn't really bother me since I would be joining no matter what house I chose.

Soon, another, smaller female teacher appeared from a separate corridor. She had a wide-brimmed pointy witch hat and a long green cloak that dragged behind her due to her small stature.

'Good afternoon new students, my name is Petilla Malstrup and I teach Arithmancy. Something you won't be exposed to until next year for the selective few who choose it, I am also the head of the Pukwudgie house.

I do hope to see some of your bright and happy faces in my house after this." She said with a smile before turning around and pressing her hand on the door. Instantly, the doors began to glow with strange carvings before slowly sliding open.

Inside, there was a wide area covered in grass and an elevated stage with a long flight of stairs leading directly to the top. The stage was really tall about 3 or four stories up in fact. But I could barely see from the peak, four stone statues. Each one is placed in a circle. I really couldn't see much else. But what captivated me was the massive amount of student's peering over the balcony of each of the floors. Eight floors to be exact. Seven for the student body and the last and topmost one was reserved for the teachers who were seated on stone chairs watching closely.

It really was daunting. Thousands of eyes staring down at you.

"Welcome to the sorting ceremony! We will call your name in alphabetical order. You must ascend the stone steps and be judged by the four statues. One of the four will light up. And that will be your house.

The Wampus house! The horned serpent house! The Pukwudgie house! And the thunderbird house! Whichever house chooses you will be your new home for the remainder of your schooling in this institution. I wish you the best of luck. May the sorting commence!" said a booming female voice.

I looked up at the teacher floor and soon identified the person who was talking. She was sitting on a much bigger stone chair. Almost like a throne. She had raven black hair, green eyes, snow-white skin and a smile on her face.

As I looked up at her, she was also gazing down at me. I nodded slightly in greeting and saw her nod back with a wider smile. I was slightly surprised she would reciprocate, but my attention was pulled towards the stone stage as the first student had ascended.

Instantly, a ring of fire surrounded the student as the four stones statues seemed to come to life. Their eyes glowed with varying light as they gazed down at the student. But quickly, 3 of the other statues lost their light and became solid again. Only the thunderbird was active, it roared towards the sky as it flapped its wings cheerfully.

A certain segment of the tower began to clap happily. I assumed it to be the Thunderbird house. The student walked to the other end of the open area where a teacher was waiting. It seemed the first years were on the first floor and were separated into areas depending on the house they were placed in. it also coincided that the area the student stood, was where the cheering was coming from. It seemed that the houses had predetermined spots on each floor.

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