
I choose...

The sorting continued to progress. Since it went by alphabetical order based on family name. it would be a little while before it would be my turn. The event was still much more entertaining compared to the Hogwarts one where we simply stood there watching a hat decide our house. Here, we watched the statues light up, compete with each other to see who got the student.

And although it did also get repetitive, what kept it interesting was that some people had two statues light up. It happened quite a bit actually, mostly between Wampus and Thunderbird because they were somewhat similar. If one person had one of the traits, they would be more likely to have the other as well. There was usually nobody who had to choose between the Horned serpent and Wampus since they were vastly different aspects of a human.

That did not mean that the people who went into Wampus weren't smart, it just meant that they didn't have an affinity for the studies. As I continued to watch, I spotted Percival by the balcony on the second floor looking down at me and waving. He seemed to be in the thunderbird house.

Not very surprised since he was a very outgoing and energetic person. It seemed we wouldn't be in the same house. Well, at least that was where I thought things would end up as. It all depended on what statue lit up for me.

Soon, people with the surname beginning with the letter 'K' were called up.

"Thomas Knight! Thomas Knight!" the old man who held the scroll announced twice. There was silence as everyone waited patiently. I squeezed my way through the crowd and began to walk up the stone steps. The higher I got the clearer the sorting area became. There was a circle connecting all the statues together and a star engraved in the middle.

There was also that green nether fire or whatever lighting up the stage as well. The statues radiated intense auras. but they varied in emotion and feeling. They each made me feel different.

The Pukwudgie made me feel comfortable and almost soothing in a sense.

The thunderbird made me feel energetic and giddy. I felt like exploring the vast expanse of uncharted territory.

The Wampus cat made my blood boil. I felt my magic surge in waves. It was odd.

The Horned serpent made me feel calm, and peaceful as if nothing could disrupt my concentration. Like everything was within grasp. My thoughts even became clearer.

It was a very surprising revelation. These statues were almost alive in a sense. They all had a deep impression of what they sought. What they valued and what they didn't like. I didn't feel that much towards the Pukwudgie which didn't surprise me since I wasn't a 'healer' or an overly good person per se.

The thunderbird gave me a sense of excitement that I had not felt in a little while. It was very stimulating. The Wampus cat simply made me feel normal or a bit more aggressive in a sense. I didn't know if that was normal, but it made me want to fight something.

But all my attention was soon sucked into the Horned serpent. As if I plunged into a vast body of water, I quickly sank to the bottom. And knowing me, I would have freaked out by now, but oddly enough, I felt calm.

And from the deep, a massive shadow appeared and circled around me. It was a massive horned serpent. It looked down at me with a deep gaze.

"You are talented, immensely so. But your path does not lie with that of the studious," it same while shaking its head slightly. I was stunned speechless for a moment as I stared at its orb-like green eyes and blue horn with emerald-like scales.

"W-What do you mean?" I asked. I knew I was a studious person, I liked to consume knowledge.

The serpent didn't seem to mind my question and answered calmly.

"Your future is full of battle. Your studies have never been your priority, power was," it stated. I was confused.

"But power is obtained through studying, isn't it?"

The snake nodded, "Correct, but you are studying for a purpose that shifts away from the values I hold dear. I look for the people who wish to immerse themselves in books. To research, to reveal the secrets that lie within the magic that surrounds us.

But you; you seek to harness it for the simple use of power. I do not think that correlates with this house. My house has produced wizards that do not associate themselves with the squabbles of power-hungry wizards. My house produces scholars, innovators and inventors." It explained.

I pondered over its words. I guess it was right. After all, I didn't really care to expand or further the understanding and development of magic for the benefit of the wizarding world. I couldn't care less for such useless things. Creating new spells, charms, jinx's, curses, or revealing the secrets of magic, what was the point? Like really, what was the point when the answers to all these so-called 'secrets' lay within my Mindspace. If wanted to know, all I had to do was ask.

I mean, I had the Achlys and Drak, the progenitors of magic. Was there any logical need to waste my time becoming a scholar? At least I didn't think so. Maybe the sorting hat also understood this reasoning even when I, at that moment, didn't. so, it chose to put me in Gryffindor. And here I stood, being denied access to the studious house for a second time. It seemed it wasn't just the luck of the draw or a hat's mere whims.

"Thank you for broadening my horizons."

"a simple whim of mine. you have talent, cherish it, use it for the right reasons. I see a bright future ahead of you." It encouraged. Before long, I found myself back on the stage, I didn't know how long I had been standing there, but before long, my vision changed once again, and I found myself amidst a mountainous region covered in trees and rocks.

Atop the largest one, a six-legged mountain lion looking creature peered down at me.

"So, the silly snake rejected you?" asked the Wampus cat.

"I was enlightened. But yes, in simple terms, I was rejected." I answered.

"I see. Well, I see the drive for power, for strength, it fuels your ambitions. So, I have nothing more to say. You are a perfect fit for my house." It said calmly. I couldn't really disagree, but I wanted to see my options first.

"Can I talk to the thunderbird first before making my decision?" I asked.

"Hm? Still undecided ay? That's alright, that bird also wanted to speak to you." It nodded.

My vision changed and I appeared in the desert. Nothing but sand and dunes. And in the sky, an enormous storm raged on as thunder and lightning crackled and boomed through the surroundings. As if war drums were beating the sweet symphony of battle.

And like an angel from the sky, a massive bird descended with its three pairs of wings and the golden hue that surrounded it.

"Sup kid. I'm glad you didn't rush to a decision. I wanted to ask you a few questions." It spoke.

"Sure, go ahead," I nodded. I was also intrigued as to what it would say.

"What is your goal after leaving School?" it asked. I couldn't help but frown. This same question had been proposed to me. I didn't have an answer then, and I still don't now. but I fail to understand how this is related.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully.

"Have you ever wanted to see how other people use magic? How it impacts their life while being in contact with it? What they have come up with during said exposure?" it asked.

I pondered on his question. In all honesty, I was intrigued, Japan for example had an amazing school that could rival Ilvermorny. There are several other schools around the globe that are also heavyweights in their own right.

Yet, I didn't have a clue what made them so special. What their values were. How they use magic and how it differs from everywhere else. What their beliefs are. How they interact with their non-magical community. These were all questions that had been sprouting and growing in my head under the incessant watering provided by the new experiences here in America.

There were vast differences between England and America. And there were also similarities. Both had their problems, and both had their advantages. And I was sure other countries were the same.

"Would you like to experience that? The new and exciting? The joy of being in a new land full of mysteries. A land full of rich magical history? And finally, what would you do when you finally gathered all this knowledge?" it asked.

I agreed with the first half, but what puzzled me was the second half.

"What would I do with that knowledge?" I mumbled to myself. I didn't have an answer. Wasn't it to simply satisfy my curiosity? What else could it be used for? There must be a deeper meaning to his question. But I can't quite grasp it. what is he hinting at?

"That is all I have to say. I believe you know best, which house you will join." It said before my vision blurred and I found myself back on the stage. I saw the thunderbird flap its wings far stronger than ever before. It even took off and flew around the arena once before landing again.

This incited the gasps of the crowd. Then a thundering roar broke the silence as the Wampus cat roared to the high heavens. The sheer power radiating out of it was almost suffocating. I was really in a tight spot.

I was leaning towards the Wampus cat, but the last words the thunderbird said kept echoing in my head. I wracked my brain attempting to understand the hint. But I couldn't.

There was a silence as the students waited for my response.

I bowed my head slightly making my final decision before raising it again a few moments later.

"I choose…"

Next chapter