
Chapter 175: Diha, Ramon

Monday. London, United Kingdom.

DIHA PEERED OUT OF the van's window.

Miles stood outside with Logan. Both men had their backs to the van.

"Stop moving your head," Cat said.

"Sorry," Diha muttered.

Miles hadn't spoken or looked at her since returning to the hotel room. Harper had brokered the deal securing Miles' cooperation, but it was clear none of the men were happy about this. And Diha couldn't blame him.

Miles had one goal.

Catch Valentino.

But her goal was more complex.

She couldn't tell him that. She couldn't make him understand. Not without telling him more. Sometimes knowledge wasn't power. Sometimes it was taking a risk.

Zora had told her in the beginning when she signed on to the task force that there might be attempts on their lives simply for knowing things. It was why they were so careful with who knew what. They didn't want to play with people's lives.

"There." Cat sat back. "Those cameras and microphones are so small no one will see them."

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