
Chapter 176: Viggo, Miles

Monday. London, United Kingdom.

VIGGO HAD A SICK feeling in the pit of his stomach. He hated everything about this meeting, but there had been no talking Valentino out of it. Her mind was set on going forward.

He strained to hear her next words.

The woman, Diha, watched him with wide eyes.

She made him think of a kitten with eyes that big. She wasn't harmless, but he doubted her bite was all that bad.

What the hell should he say?

Valentino's voice in his ear didn't come.

"Does that not work for you?" Diha asked.


He had to say something.

Valentino couldn't take forever to think things through.

A bang from up above made him tense. Had something fallen over?

Then the unmistakable shout, a single word, "Run!"


She was too far for him to get to her. They knew they would have to flee separately. It was part of the plan. The way it had to be.

And yet, if someone was here, if Valentino had to run, chances were they also needed a way out.

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