
Comments of chapter undefined of My New Marvel Life


this is me rn


'since he knows pretty much everything and he will only get smarter' Unfortunately, i don't believe he is really smart. Is it really necessary to send the protagonist to university just to meet Peter Parker and make some friends? If he really wanted to know if there are any main plot differences from the canon he remembers, there's no need for him to go to Peter. All he had to do was do some Google searches, such as mutants, Charles Xavier, Magneto, Tony Stark, Reed Richards, Baxter Foundation and others. Since he was supposedly going to end up in the MCU, he should have noticed the difference at a glance, especially with the effects of NZT, after all, in the MCU the Fantastic Four and the Baxter Foundation shouldn't even exist. Peter in the MCU is still a child when Tony Stark was fighting Ivan Vanko's robots. Peter in the MCU has a best friend, who is Ned Leeds and not Harry Osborn. Osborn does not exist in the MCU, be it the company, the father and the son. Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy never appeared in the MCU. It would be better to delete the first wish, after all, it is very difficult(almost impossible) to find an author who can really create/explain/detail a character who would be as intelligent as he should be when possessing the effects that NZT provides. Even the simplest everyday decisions are absurdly efficient and unrealistically complex(in their minds) for someone living with the effects of NZT. This level of intelligence should give him the ability to think, analyze and decide right away that creating his own company is the most perfect decision to make. After all, with his intelligence, the difficulty he would have in creating a company is the same difficulty someone would have in obtaining what they need to travel abroad for the first time. Going to do an internship at the Baxter Foundation is simply unnecessary on an extreme level. Since there are mutants, he would probably be considered by others as one of them, even more so when he copies a mutant, after all, in a way his DNA transforms(mimics) that of others when using their abilities, which is a full pass to be considered a mutant. Even worse, there are many nosy and annoying heroes. He will definitely copy the Fantastic Four's abilities in the future, with Reed Richards' absurdly low EQ level, he will definitely want to bother the protagonist to find out how the copying ability works. Mainly because it can be very irritating for human A to see human C walking around using the same power that he(A) has and which, by the way, was shamelessly copied from himself(A) by human C.




Nice, reread this , it's still interesting


Keep going please 🤩👌


thanks for the chapter author 👍