
214 Days

Balakubak_101805 · Realistic
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"Oh? Where are you going?" I stopped wearing the bag behind me when Rye, my older brother, put his arm around my shoulder.

"Just there." I replied and removed his arm that was holding me. I am going somewhere but there he is, putting all his sweat to me.

"Really? Why are you so dressed? Do you have a date?" He walked over to me again as if he was not full of sweat on his body. Why does this one have a girlfriend? His smell is not okay to the nose of everyone.

"Go away, you will glue your sweat to me. I will leave and then you will touch me with your foul smell." I said as I removed his arm that was wrapped around my arm again.

"Why, you're rugged today ah? Rhys! Binching has a date today, come here!"

I frowned when he invited his 'partner in crime' for troubling me today. I don't know what and why my brothers always sees me as their favorite victim of their bullying. I was about to think that I was adopted because my behavior was very different from theirs. Or are they adopted? They maybe really adopted.

"You look good today Binching ah? Where are you going? Who's your date? Do we know her?Is she Beautiful?Sexy?" It's really not a good idea when these two are together. Because their intestinal knots are the same when it comes to a nonsense things. Many even think that they are twins even though they are a year apart.

"Stop talking to me. Take a bath, you stinks."

"Hey, hey! You have a bad attitude today. Why? Isn't because you have your first date today huh?"

"Who is your date Binching? Won't you introduce her to us? Or to mama? But of course you should introduce her to us too, we are your older brother after all. For us to judge that girl of yours.You know, we know the little secret attitudes of women. Somes are rugged at first bu--"

"I. Don't. Have. A. Date. So stop pissing me off okay? There's nothing." I cutted Rye's words. I knew already what will he gonna say. He will just gonna tell me again how he's good with girls, how he can make girls fall on him. Etc.etc. I am so fed-up of his so much self confidence.

"So where are you going?" Rhys asked, my eldest brother.

"Naga" I said while wearing my shoes.

"Whoa, so far. What will you gonna do there? Looking for chika babes?" I thought this one was in the right frame of mind right now. But what will Iexpect? As I said, their intestines are knotted together.

"Do you have dust on your brain?" I said.

"Does the brain have dust?" Rye replied.

"Exactly, but why it feels like your brains have one? You're asking a same question over and over again."

"Why are you so pissed off?" Rye said before he laugh.

They have no dust in their brain, there brain is totally damage.

I kept coming out even though the two of them still following me like a dog. They just came back from playing basketball but it seems that their energy has not diminished because they are still able to piss me off. I no longer know who the eldest of the three of us is. Even though I am the youngest, they're look like the one. Their mind is like the mind of a eight year old boy.

"Hey where did your money come from?"

"It's from my savings, idiot."

"Me? Idiot? Do you wanna be rub at my armpits so you can't leave?" Rye said.

"Did mama know this?" Suddenly Rhys asked.

"Of course."

"What? Why when I say that I am gonna go out , she didn't let me? Discrimination!" Rye shouted. This brother of mine is really...I don't know.

I found my father lying under the car. He is not dead or drunk, he is repairing the car.

My father is a mechanic. We have our own studio. Sometimes I help, but Rye is the one who really the partner of my father in this thing. He also likes to repair the cars. That's where you can count on him because when he is the one who fixed it, there's no anymore problem. The problem is, sometimes Rye is not here either because he works at Jollibee as a crew.

Rhys, on the other hand, works at a restaurant in Daet as a Manager. He is kinda on the top right? It's because he's good for a fooling people-- I mean, he is really good at work. And just like that, from crew to manager. The two are the same, aren't they? It is true that it is not only the intestines that bind them but also their liver and gallbladder.

"Pa, I'm leaving"

"All right, you said goodbye to your mom?"


"Not fair pa! Why am I not allowed?" Rye grumbled. See? He doesn't jut have an eight-year-old brain. Let's changed it, his brain is for three years old boy.

"Why, alas. You just left yesterday Rye you forgotten?" Dad got out of bed under the car and pointed the screwdriver to the man that is frowning next to me.

"Pa, can I go out too?" Rhys said.

"You said you wouldn't go to your work today because you are sick right? So why are you leaving? You think you can fool me? You wanna hit by this thing I am holding huh?" Rhys just scratched his head after what he heared. I smirked.

"Pa, I'm gonna leave."

"All right."

I went out of the gate but I could still hear their voicea.

"Damn so unfair!"

"What if I throw this to you?"

"Rhys will you agree with that? Dad has favoritism?"

"I wish you were beaten stupid. HHAHAHAHAHA. Well, go ahead pa, hit that man."

"You jerk! Traitor!"

I just shook my head while walking. The noise of their mouths especially Rye's really loud. They think they have no neighbors for shouting that loud. Sorry to the ears our neighbors.


"Why?" I turned to the one who had been calling my name.

"Do you have piattos? Let's swap." I gave her what she asked for.

Here I am--I mean-- we are now in the Van that Hanz brought for our service to Naga. We did not refuse either because it is free. Atleast we no longer have to spend a fare, there is also no possibility of being left behind.

My friends and I planned to go to Naga for a goodbye party to JP. We will spend two nights there so that it is worth for our trip according to them. We also assigned each other for our foods. Hanz was no longer included on it because he was the one who brought our service. While me, I brought two cases of Pepsi softdrinks. They even asked me to brought more but I complained, I have no longer budget for that. The cost of a Pepsi case is huge. Do I look rich? Cause I'm not.

Why are we going to Naga anyway? Okay, this is the story. JP is going to Canada, his mother is taking him to continue college there. JP couldn't refuse because apart from his mother's order, there were also many chicks there he said. And yes, JP is a playboy.

So as a goodbye party and a last gimmick with him, we planned-- ah, no --they've planned to go their. JP also answered our entrance to our resort there. I also came because you know, it is forbidden to refuse grace.

I also can't not to go with them, I remember when Jaimie didn't come with us on Larry's birthday last year. Jaimie ran out of money because the fools ordered a lot at Bonoks and then he paid for everything. Stupid right? So to avoid bad lucks, the best way to do is to come with them. I will just pray for Lorenz and Hanna for not joining us now.

"Rin, go play some music." I turned around to the person behind mo who called my name.

"I'm going to run out of battery."

"I have a powerbank here. So please, your music is good."

I could do nothing but to play it because I was sure she would not--they would not stop calling and calling me.

There are eight of us together now. Five boys and three girls. The two girls are girlfriends of Larry and Jaimie. While Yza? I doubt if she is a woman because JP fell asleep when she punched him when the jerk tried to kiss her. So the moron went home with black around his eyes.That woman is even stronger than me. So it's scary to tease her, I might be surprised that her fist is already on my face. Being punched is not a good idea.

"Hey Jonathan, when will you fly?" I heard Larry asked.

"I don't have wings so how can I fly? You stupid Larry the Lobster." I laughed at what JP said.

"Are you stupid?"

"No, you are."

"The two idiots just argued." I laughed even harder when Hanz interjected.

"The master of stupids just talked. "JP interrupted him.

"What if I ram this??" Because this Van belongs to Hans, he also drives it. Jaimie will replace him because they are the only two who can drive with us. Ah no, JP also knows how to, it's just that he doesn't want to drive because he is said he is the king now. And yes, he is not only a playboy, he also has a thick face.

"See you in heaven! HAHAHAHAHA" I also laughed at the same time as they laughed. Not because of the joke of JP, but because of Larry's laugh because he laughed like a goat.

"Do we have a goat with us here? HA-HA-HA-HA-HA." I was already holding my tummy because of so much laughter at Jaimie's imitation of Larry's laughter. I can't even breathe properly.

"M-moron! HAHAHAHAHA."

"M-my tummy. HAHAHAHAHAHA." Yza replied.

"Bro! Rin is no longer breathing because of laughing. When he died here, instead of road to Resort we will be road to Hospital. "

"Rin breathe. I haven't saved enough to buy a chick."

"I have some savings to buy a biscuit."

"JP don't fly to Canada. Buy Rin's coffin first."

"Larry will take care of the crying. HU-UH-HU-UH-HU-UH. HAHAHAHAHA."



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