
A blueprint for success

Naturally, the training and equipment would take some time to make. Though it wouldn't take that long since it had already been in the works for some time. Ever since he got that factory, he had been planning to do something like this. so half of the equipment was already made. It was being overseen by three of Gaia's robots for protection and to make sure nothing went wrong in the manufacturing process.

The training would take months, years maybe. After all, good, competent subordinates are not born, they're made. And that process is, unfortunately, longer than the equipment. He really contemplated relacing these people with Gaia robots. They were more effective and were battle-ready the moment they the exited factory.

But Gaia suggested against it. For the sole reason that having an army of humans, no matter how strong, would never be perceived as a threat to their lives. 'Their', means the government and society. But if an army of robots walked along the street, it would incite distrust, fear and maybe even panic. After all, flesh and blood are more relatable than metal and circuits.

Humans have a clear weakness in their lives, they feel pain, they can be corrupted, tortured and worked around. But robots are different, they are the perfect soldier and worker. They never complain, they're silent unless spoken to, incorruptible and don't feel pain. That is more than enough to strike fear into humans. After all, they feel threatened by anything that isn't under their control. Humans can manipulate other humans, but robots that cannot be commanded by anything or anyone besides the person with the authority is a scary thought.

Rex was naturally aware of the phsycology behind the human mind. They fear the unknown, and what they cannot control. This would not benefit his activities in any way. So, although he was a bit impatient, he had to wait for their training to be over. Thankfully, Gaia had optimised and synthesised the best training, taking into consideration every single individual's zone of perceived learning, competence in different fields and education level into the designed training. This way it would maximise absorption and learning and cut down on wasted time.

But humans are still human, they need breaks, rest, and motivation to persevere.

He was currently standing on the roof of the 30-story building he had recently bought. It had just finished its remodelling to fit his necessities and was being continuously filled with furniture and people who had been poached from different fields. All having the best qualifications possible in their respective areas.

From fashion to pokeball RnD, every floor specialised in something different that would boost sales and earn more money while benefiting the community and more importantly, Pokémon. The marketing team alone had a whole floor to themselves. After all, marketing decided if a product failed or succeeded. He also gave the PR team, (Public relations) their own floor. They would make sure that his image, and what the company did and said all fell within the margin of what's acceptable and preferred by society.

Once again, Gaia was at the helm of everything. In every department, Gaia was the head, deciding what worked and what didn't. It had already achieved a deeper understanding of the human mind, its wants, its dislikes and its perverted, dark and twisted corners people refused to admit but had, better than any scientist or psychologist out there. Gaia knew them all and more importantly, knew how to identify and tailor the content to suit their preferences in a way where it seemed like nothing was out of place.

This would not only maximise revenue but boost Symphony's image a dozen fold instantly with every new product or action taken.

Giovanni had long lost his marbles as he saw everything unfolding before him. He dropped his mug full of coffee on multiple occasions after listening to Gaia's suggestions. It was to the point where Gaia added liquid-proof carpet in his office on the top floor specifically for this purpose.

Giovanni could only smile stiffly. It seems that this was also a way of telling him that this would be happening a lot in the future. He placed his palm on his chest to hear his heart beating.

Genuine happiness filled his body. He had given his input in everything that was being done. At first, he didn't expect to have any of his ideas acknowledged since he was currently an outsider. But all of them had been accepted since he did have a genius-level intellect for business. They were obviously refined where possible by Gaia until a diamond was left in its place.

He felt included and trusted in the short time since this all began. He had never really felt like this before. He was used to being despised and looked down on, causing him to fall upon fear-mongering to make them look at him differently. Even if it was fake, it was enough for him. So, to actually experience the real thing now was euphoric.

Rex naturally understood Giovanni's character. Sure, he was a bad guy. Some of his actions do not have an explanation that would 'shed light' on his misunderstood personality. He did some terrible stuff, but Rex always thought back to what Gaia once said.

If a God is all good, then he is not all-powerful, and if he is all-powerful, he cannot be all good. Where there is light there must be darkness, one cannot live without the other. Which so-called 'saint' didn't have a few skeletons in their closet away from the prying and critical eyes of society in order to preserve their image as high and mighty. (the first sentence is from Einstein's Formula)

But he did know that Giovanni still had a lot of good qualities that he simply couldn't exhibit due to the former mask he dawned. It both helped him yet also restricted him. Although he was able to feel fake emotions from his subordinates and partners, it helped him tide through his life. But at some point, he must have forgotten where the mask ended and where he began. eventually ending up being a true, irredeemable villain.

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