
Rain to wash away all

The wind howled about like a maddened giant as it slapped the droplets of water against everything in sight. A storm brewed and churned in the vast expanse of sky. Like a whirlpool, it sucked in the clouds like a hungry demon and began to corrupt them, turning them sinister and dark.

Thunder rumbled like the stomach of a hungry beast, as sparks of yellow filtered through from time to time, showing the might of nature.

Rex absolutely loved the rain, heck, storms, in general, were the best weather in his opinion. Something about rain drenching you from head to toe, the soft embrace of rain on his face and the minuscule shiver that travelled down his spine shocking his sense along the way gave him a powerful sensation of being alive.

He subconsciously raised his arms in a T-pose, tilting his head back and closing his eyes as if embracing the sky. He didn't care a single bit about his suit getting wet, he simply wanted to enjoy this wonderful sensation.

The sound of leather shoes slapping the wet puddle-ridden concrete floor rang out on the silent roof adding a new instrument to the orchestra nature itself concocted.

From the weight, the time between steps, and the slight odour of cologne that came his way, he knew that Giovanni was here.

"A small drum" Rex said without changing his posture or moving an inch. His deep voice once again, momentarily added another sound to the culminating piece, further adding to his pleasure.

"A drum?" Giovanni asked in confusion. How would he know that Rex was currently talking about the sound of his shoes and comparing it to the sound of a small drum? It was too far of a stretch, even for a smart man like him.

"Right! A drum… what have you come for?" He asked, having no intention of explaining since the action of doing so would ruin the fragile inner peace he had built at this moment. His mind felt clear, full of great ideas, he felt Gaia somewhere in some corner as well, he even felt like it was working very hard at the moment, probably dealing with the millions of things it had to currently do, prepare and monitor.

Giovanni stood there slightly stunned for a moment. He found it slightly funny the way Rex was standing, but he didn't have enough courage to laugh. Maybe this eccentric behaviour was exclusive to battle freaks. He would never really know.

He walked to the side without answering immediately, grabbed a chair soaked in water and sat down on it. he unbuttoned his suit jacket for comfort. There was no sign of being bothered by the rain in his movements. He too felt that rain was the best medicine for a weary heart. To rid the body of any heaviness or stress. Like the water could truly wash away all trouble plaguing a person. A rain to wash away all.

"Everything is set, the company is coming along incredibly smoothly, by the start of the league, we will have all the staff working at maximum efficiency ready for and awaiting your pending victory.

As per your request, with the help of Gaia, we have intercepted all letters sent from Mewtwo to avoid any trouble in your quest of persuading him to join you." He said slowly while extending a hand out to his side, to better feel the rain hit his hand.

"Very good, I don't want anyone getting in the way. Mewtwo is currently in a very unstable mind space, anything can set him off. This is a very fragile situation. His Intelligence is vastly superior to most other Pokémon, so the treatment you had him go through will be that much harder to overcome." Rex said in a very relaxed manner, as if he was talking in his sleep.

There was not a single trace of anger or any other negative emotion present in his tone or visible on his appearance.

Giovanni smiled out of embarrassment.

"Well, there's no point apologising for it now is there." He said simply.

"Absolutely, it wouldn't change anything, only waste breath. I have one small request for you to do. By chance, do you happen to know a Jessie, James and a talking Meowth?" Rex asked with a small smile on his face.

Giovanni was momentarily puzzled before the hazy images of three incompetent grunts filtered through.

A trace of anger flashed through his eyes before they were quickly quelled.

"Yeah, those three good for nothings can't even catch a small Pikachu. Originally, I was interested in it because it showed signs of being abnormal, much like your Machamp in a way. Naturally, not to that level, but you probably get what I mean. But those three are absolutely trash." He began to rant as if he was talking to his psychologist.

"Why didn't you send someone more skilled? I'm sure that they would have been able to take a Pikachu from an incompetent trainer right?" Rex asked.

Giovanni smiled and shook his head before sighing.

"I tried, but for some odd reason, the grunts I sent all had accidents on their way there. Not a single one was ever able to get close before the brat went off towards the next gym. The only three who were able to ever get close were those three idiots. I had no choice." He said helplessly. Confusion was evident in his tone.

Rex chuckled soundlessly before very slightly opening his left eye for a moment to stare at the sky. It was like his look could pierce through the clouds and gaze upon something more. He closed his eye soon after.

'Some plot armour he has huh. Lucky bastard. Seems God has his favourites. Or maybe its something else? Fate maybe?' he asked himself.

[There is no point in questioning it, it's something beyond the scope of our abilities to gaze into let alone alter. Might as well give a perfunctory answer and move on, lest you spend more time on useless thoughts.] Gaia suggest before returning to its work.

Rex didn't bother to argue since there was no reason, Gaia was right. All he could say was, Ash had his good fortune.

"What were you going to do with them?" he asked probingly.

Giovanni didn't need to think for long and voiced his thoughts.

"I was going to have them continue to do their job. Who knows, they might succeed someday. Why? Do you wish to stop it? I know you've had one interaction with the kid, but it didn't seem very pleasant." He said cautiously.

Rex was rather surprised at his words.

"You have quite the good intelligence department. Your words are correct, I don't much like the kid, he's dumb as a rock, ignorant about Pokémon, ironic considering he seems to love them so much, and above all else, his battling skills suck. The only redeemable quality about him is his sheer unpredictability." Rex voiced, the mere thought of it caused slight annoyance to surge from his chest.

'Not to mention his luck is dogshit!' he spat in his mind.

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