
Reviews of Tribe: I Become Invincible With My 10,000x Bonus From The Start


Tribe: I Become Invincible With My 10,000x Bonus From The Start

Strange Human

  • Overall Rate
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by reading sypnosis you already know this one is trash, yet the probality to be pick is more than 80%. so give up bro, you cant gonna change anything.

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For those who don't like this novel, it means that you are not the target of the author. Every writer in China is different. Some like to recycle existing stories, some like to copy, some like to create their own ideas. There are many kinds. There are many other Chinese novels on this site. If you don't like it just leave it. It's easy, don't complicate it by slander the selected novel. Appreciate the translator and writer bro. 📔 #PositiveReview #SupportTranslator #SpecialReader #FinishTheBook #DontHiatus #GoodBook #HighQualityTranslation Follow my Tiktok : @douyin_land


These types of novels with OP MC are very enjoyable to read... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


For those who like OP MC and Gamer setting then this is definitely for you. Definitely worth reading and was even fun. Also for those who just like reading to pass time.


incredibly ridiculous novel....ye it is 10000 x worse book. I don't know how people reading this..but I know I tried my best to read up to fifth chapter and my brain get fused.....


Why was this trash picked? Right from the TITLE to the SYNOPSIS you can tell this is recycled waste that is still waste. Not to hate but I don't see anything of value or something to look forward to from this one.


your usual super op mc with everything going for him, not that it's bad but it gets boring. nonetheless, the thing that ruins this story for me is the inconsistency in the author numbers. the mc cheat Is 10000 times the reward he gets. but it seems like the author failed third grade math since he dosent know how to multiply numbers by 10000. so this whole Novel is a mess by the numbers aspect.


Can anyone give me the raws this seems interesting?


bit.ly/3LyRF1N 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗


MTL level translation of a mediocre story. I read the 40 available chapters to see if it gets better. It doesn't. This is a number-heavy story, but the numbers don't matter, and are completely inconsistent. This is not a story that rewards being able to do math. Additionally, "level" is used not just for levels, but for grades/tiers. So if a unit is described as a level 5 unit, you still don't know how powerful that unit is. Finally, everyone is dumb. Characters make poor choices constantly. Including the main character, but it doesn't matter because his plot armor is even stronger than the 10,000x absurd multiplier cheat. It doesn't seem as if there will ever be any tension to this story. It's purely a low-effort power fantasy, and there's hundreds of others just like it on this site alone.


Love these novels but as usual because of the broken power system there won't be many chapters Killed legendary Boss*10000 = 10000 legendaries Just common sense that normal people can't kill that many in years so there is no long term story here [img=faceslap][img=update]


Who are we kidding, this will for sure get picked. Unfortunately for the people who somehow enjoy this novel, there's nowhere for the story to go. Once at 100 chapters, he'll be the most powerful being in the universe and there'll be no suspense. the current 20 chapters is just "Does simple task (at least for him) > get decent reward > reward is multiplied 10,000x > *CHOCK* > repeat"


honestly I found it very bad, very difficult to read, if you just scroll down it doesn't matter.........................................................................................


funny, this book is just terrible if you look ate the translation and story, it's just dumb and I have to say I really like storys with an op mc, but hear it's just getting ridiculous I I love the comments, you can clearly see that half of them are fake and bought by webnovel xDDD


This is a lost cause.Don't know whose fault, translator or author. Now, I think reading the title is enough, to let readers have a basic idea about what they are getting into.Also, this kind of novels are mostly dependent on stats, unique items etc. Afterall, story is basically non-existant in this kind of novel. For this novel there is too much inconsistency . Though it is called 10000 amplification , it is not. Sometimes the amplification feels like stupid fold. And as always a story that is too cliche. Can u believe a army of 2000 women in his first day of gameplay ...Yes not a single man spawned ....such a convenient plot. So the only thing to enjoy was those stats, item description ...but even there is mistakes . SO WHAT TO READ IN IT?


The plot ain't half bad but the way the novel is written just messes with you. The numbers being wrong can be written off since ik it's difficult to translate numbers. But everything else is trash as well.


i hope this book gets picked and not end up at 40 chapters [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


mc's a peadofile. mc's a peadofile. mc's a peadofile. mc's a peadofile. mc's a peadofile. mc's a peadofile. mc's a peadofile. copied to fill the word count


I already read this type of novel here in webnovel, it's all copy stories.......,.............................................................


Trash tier novel don't even bother to read this👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎