
Chapter 40

“There isn’t much of a menu, it’s mostly steak,” Luca said to Dennis as the waiter brought their menus.

“Why don’t you order for the table, Luca? I’m sure we’ll be happy with whatever you choose,” John said as he looked over the menu.

“May I take your order?” the waiter instinctively turned to Luca first.

“We’ll take the Sizzling Bacon, four slices, Caesar Salad for four and Steak for four. We also want two portions of Luger’s Special Fried German Potatoes and two orders of onion rings. Make the steak medium rare.” Luca turned to Dennis, “The onion rings and potatoes serve two each. We’ll share one and John and Alex can share the other.”

“Sounds fine to me,” Dennis said. “I love steak.”

“When we first started living together I could barely get him to eat breakfast, he was so skinny you could see through him. Now, he cleans his plate, asks for seconds, and once he reached a healthy weight, he doesn’t seem to gain a pound,” Luca groused.

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