
Chapter 41

“My parents knew from the time I was six that I was different. When, at thirteen, I told them, my father stomped off and said, ‘I told you Bridget.’” Dennis sighed. “Da was disappointed but said no more. We never hung out together or did any father/son things because Da was always at the bar, for that matter, all of us were there most of the time, washing dishes, helping Ma cook, waiting tables and when I was old enough, bartending. I tended bar on weekends right up until the time Da sold it.”

“I think I’m going to enjoy your family, except for the Polanski brothers.” Luca laughed. “But don’t worry about my parents, they’ll come around. Maybe we’ll see them at the wedding. First, they had to accept that I am gay, after that they’ll accept you.” Luca kissed Dennis’ hand. “We just got onto the Garden State Parkway, we’ll be home soon.”

“It’s late. Will you be all right for work tomorrow?” Dennis asked, his worry apparent.

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