
Chapter 31

(I'm pretty tired of writing his full name when other talk to him and I think someone said that something about not liking that they say his full name so I'm going to change it so now they will either call him Lord Lucifer, Lord Gremory, or Angelus it all depends on there relationship with the MC)

"Lord Lucifer may I ask what is so funny?" one of the old youkai's said, he was extremely nervous, he was sweating and his voice was a bit shaky. 'Why is he so nervous I just laughed. Wait, does he know that I know he's acting is terrible?' I thought as I stopped laughing and caught my breath.

"Nothing much. I just find it funny how you think that you can deceive anyone with that absolutely terrible acting skills, you should really take some acting classes" I said. Yasaka tried her best to hold in her laugh as she definitely found what I said funny and she probably already knows that they are acting.

Both of the old youkai's looked shocked and worried, I could see them sweating bullets "L-L-Lord Lucifer I don't know what you are saying we are not acting we are genuinely worried about our leader why would we not be worried" one of the old youkai's said. 'Are they just going to keep playing dumb, are they insulting my intelligence, well not like I have much but still' I thought.

I stopped smiling as my face took on a more serious expression and my eyes turned cold "can you stop messing around already at this point you are just insulting my intelligence, you think I'm that stupid" I said as I slowly walked towards them and as I got closer they stepped back trying to get away.

"You guys are not as good as you think you are, I know everything so you should just stop playing dumb already" I said, when I was finished talking I was already really close to them and they had there backs against the wall, being this close I could see there hair stand up and there gossebumbs all over them.

Their fear was going through the roof but I wanted them to feel more fear so I manipulated their fear bringing it to an extreme level, they started to breath heavy, sweat was coming down harder and faster than kamikaze planes, and their eyes was completely full of fear, "are you going to stop playing around and tell me the truth" I said.

The two old youkai's started shaking when they heard my voice but due to their fear they tried to answer me as fast as possible but kept on stuttering "L-Lord Lucifer we uhh.. we actually was more worried about Yasaka being broken to the point where she couldn't be given to you for protection and even if she was we wanted to have Kunou safe so we could use her instead"one of the old youkai's said

His eyes turned dim as he was saying all that since I was invading his mind and manipulated him to tell me the truth 'haha manipulated his mind was quite easy and fun' I thought as invading his mind was so easy and gave me a bit of pleasure doing it. Yasaka on the other hand looked ready to explode.

She was absolutely pissed and she has every singe right to be, I was angry as well but not as angry as she is so I don't have any right right to punish them so I should just leave it to Yasaka, after all she is the victim "hey Yasaka do you want to take care these bastards" I said as Yasaka walked towards me and the two old youkai's who looked about ready to shit themselves.

When Yasaka arrived next to me she grabbed both of the old youkai's by their necks and lifted them up staring into them with deep angry and hatred 'wow I never expected Yasaka of all people being this angry or looking at anyone with this much hatred' I thought as I backed up to give Yasaka some room.

I stood next to Kunou and she grabbed my sleeve and pulled on it "big brother can we play while mom is busy" Kunou looked at me with puppy eyes 'how in theorld can she still think about playing after what has happened' I thought "sure let's go get some ice cream and go to the park" I said as I can't say no to somone as cute as Kunou.

Kunou put in the cutest smile and jumped up and down yelling yay over and over again, she gained the attention of Yasaka who looked at the jumping Kunou " don't worry Yasaka I'll take Kunou out to have some fun while you take care of these two" I said as I grabbed Kunou's hand and teleported out of the room.

Yasaka was going to say something but she couldn't as I teleported away already but she released a small smile before turning back to look at the old youkai's with a smile that wasn't a smile. I teleported Kunou and me to an alleyway before we started to walk to an ice cream stand.

"What flavor would you like" I asked Kunou with a smile, Kunou answered back with an extremely cute smile "I want a vanilla ice cream with sprinkles" Kunou said with a cute voice that almost gave me a heart attack, I was so close of having to use Ingal on myself, Kunou is just to cute.

"Okay I'll get you one" I told her as I ruffled her hair, Kunou giggled when I did it adding more points to her cuteness, 'I swear this girl is going to kill me with her cuteness' I thought as I bought two ice creams both of them was vanilla with sprinkles, after we got our ice creams we sat down at a bench and just enjoyed our ice cream together.

While we were eating our ice cream I could hear whispers of some woman that passed by and me and Kunou eating our ice cream, they were whispering about my looks, how cute Kunou looked, and how we looked like the perfect father and daughter. 'They must think that I am her dad, I wouldn't mind her being my daughter who wouldn't want a daughter as cute and adorable as her' I thought.

We spent the next half an hour together just sitting in the bench taking in Japan's beautiful scenery and I listened to Kunou talking about what she likes to do and about what she wants to do when she gets older, it was nice I liked it, but we had to go back I couldn't keep Kunou with me all day plus I had some things to do in the underworld or at least I think I do.

I didn't want to teleport to her house as I wanted to spend some more time with her so we just walked to her house, we arrived at her house after a couple of minutes, we went inside and was going to look for Yasaka but we didn't have to look for long because after a few steps Yasaka came into view.

Kunou went to her mom and gave her a hug. "Mom, me and big brother got ice cream together and ate them while we talked. It was so much fun, you think that I can hang out with big brother again" Kunou asked, "oh that sounds like so much fun. Of course you can but you have to wait until he isn't busy" Yasaka said, Kunou nodded "I know mom" Kunou said.

"Go and take a shower we are going to have dinner soon" Yasaka said, "okay mom, big brother will you be eating with us today?" Kunou asked, I thought about it and I also looked at Yasaka to see if it was fine with her since this was her house, Yasaka just nodded her head giving me the okay "of course I would I wound reject an invitation from someone as cute as you" I said, Kunou blushed a bit she also had a big smile on her face.

I did it again. Merry Christmas to you all sorry it’s late but I hoped you guys had a great Christmas.

LordAngel888creators' thoughts
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