
Chapter 32

"Hehe okay big brother I'll take a fast shower wait for me" Kunou said as she ran away, "my my are you really hitting on my daughter in front of me" Yasaka said with a teasing tone, seeing her trying to tease me I couldn't help but release a chuckle.

I walked up to Yasaka and grabbed her waist and pulled her close to me, her huge breast was pressing against my chest and her lips were just a few inches away from mine "oh are you jealous, don't worry I'll be taking you as my woman soon enough" I said in a low charming voice.

Yasaka was blushing like crazy, she was just radiating heat from how much she was blushing, I let go of her and started waking away "just kidding haha" I said just before I disappeared from her sight, I sat down at the dinner table and took out my phone and started playing some games while waiting for Kunou to get out of the bath and for Yasaka to finish the food.

I didn't have to wait too long until Kunou came running into the dinning table looking for me, when she saw me she sat down on my lap and started to hum a happy tune, i couldn't help but pat Kunou wet hair. Ten minutes after Kunou came, Yasaka also came into the dimming table with three plates of food. She was holding two of them with her hand and the other one with one of her tails.

"Kunou get off his lap, it is time to eat" Yasaka said "aww but I want to stay on big brothers lap" Kunou complained but of course Yasaka wasn't going to let her do as she pleases "no go sit down in your own seat, you don't want to disturb him while his eating" Yasaka said, and as soon as she said that Kunou would disturb me Kunou got off my lap and sat down at the seat right next to me.

"Sorry big brother I didn't know I was disturbing you" Kunou said sadly, she hung her head down. "Don't worry about it you weren't disturbing me" I said as I patted her head, it worked perfectly as Kunou instantly cheered up and had her cute smile back on her face. "Okay now that you are done let's eat" Yasaka said as she finished putting our plates of food down in front of me and Kunou and sat down with her own food.

I then started to eat the food that Yasaka had made, and I had to give it to her. She can cook really well. Her food was absolutely amazing. What she made for us was one of Kyoto's famous foods, Hamo with rice. I never ate Japanese food in my past life nor have I ever tasted Hamo but eating it now I can say that it tasted really good.

After finishing my food it was time for me to head back to my castle so I bid Yasaka and Kunou farewell, I thought about asking her what she did to the old youkai's but I decided not to since it is not my place to ask about it since it's not my faction to worry about so I just left without saying anything.

When I made it to my castle I went to my office and took a seat on my chair. There was some work that I needed to do, even if I have Grayfia and a few other people do most of the work I still needed to approve or reject the documents that Grayfia had looked at. I also had to go over some more important things that I needed to look at myself.

Spending the next three hours doing all this paperwork I finally was able to finish, I leaned back on my chair, put my hand over my face and released a tired sigh, 'man I hate this' I thought. In my past life I always fantasized about how it would be if I was a king or a lord but I didn't really envision that I would have to spend so much time doing paperwork.

I'm just glad that I have some servants who are good in the other areas I would need to do myself if I didn't have them doing it. But enough about my complaints about having to do some work I got up from my chair and went to my room to sleep, I just took off my shirt and jumped on my bed, after a few seconds I was out, off to the land of dreams.

Waking up I got off the bed and put on the shirt I was wearing yesterday and left, my room was empty none of the girls where there when I woke up they most likely woke up before me and went on with the things they have to do for the day. I went to the kitchen to see if Katerea made me any breakfast.

When I got inside I didn't see Katerea but instead I saw Mittlet cooking, noticing that I had entered the kitchen she turned around and bowed "good morning master", 'why is Mittlet cooking breakfast instead of Katerea' I thought "good morning, where is Katerea she is usually the one that makes my breakfast" I said as I came to see what Mittlet was cooking.

"I know, master but I had asked Katerea if it was fine if I could make you breakfast this morning since I had been practicing and I wanted you to taste it" Mittlet said. "Oh really then that is fine what did you make" I asked, I didn't know much about food but what Mittlet was cooking looked really good.

Mittlet looked really happy and had excitement in her beautiful eyes. "I heard that you liked French bread so I made you a toasted French bread with scrambled eggs, ham, cheese, and spam inside. I made it all homemade as I didn't want to disgrace your excellency with some cheaply made food that you get at the store" Mittlet said with a huge amount of pride and happiness.

Mittlet looked so cute when she was like this I couldn't help but grab her waist and pulled her close for a hug, I gave her a deep kiss as well "thank you so much it looks really delicious" I said as I let go of her and went to sit down at the table and wait for her to bring me my breakfast, she took a while to get out of her daze but she soon got out of it and set the plate down in front of me "enjoy master" Mittlet said with a blush as she stepped to the side and watched me eat.

I ate the French bread sandwich she made me and it was delicious, it was by far the best thing I ever ate. After I finished eating I looked at Mittlet who didn't stop watching me eat, in her eyes I could see excitement and worry, "that was by far the best sandwich I have ever eaten thank you" I said with a honest smile.

Mittlet put on the biggest smile I have ever seen, she bowed really deep "thank you for your kind words master" Mittlet said. 'Maybe I should give her a reward' I thought as I got up and walked close to her "for this amazing breakfast you have made me and how good you have been working what would you like for your reward to be" I said.

Mittlet smiled hearing this, she has most likely heard about the reward I gave Katerea and must have wanted one too, "if it is not too much to ask I would like it if you could help me train and m-m-maybe do the s-s-same thing you did with Katerea with me" Mittlet said, when she asked for the second reward she became bright red and begun to stutter. "Your request has been approved your first reward would have to wait a bit but the second can happen right now let's go" I said as I grabbed her hand and walked to my room.

Happy birthday to me and happy New Year’s Eve to you guys have a great day and I hope you enjoy this chapter

LordAngel888creators' thoughts
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