
Chapter 19

Since the sun was starting to set I decide it was time for me to go back home, "Well Yasaka, Kunou it was great talking to you but I have to get home now but before I got here take these, keep it on at all times it will alert me whenever you are in trouble all you have to do is break it or put some magic power into it and it will alert me." I said as I gave them two black pendants with wings engraved on it.

"Thank you Angel I will surely use it whenever I'm in need of your help" Yasaka said "thank you so much big brother" Kunou said as she gave me a hug. "You're welcome, I'll be going now to see you soon." I said as I gave Kunou a hug and winked at Yasaka, then I teleported back to my room.

After arriving at my room I could see Grayfia, Rias, Akeno, Asia, Serafall, Ingvild, and Koneko on my bed waiting for me. "You kept us waiting long enough darling , come and have some fun with us" Grayfia said. I didn't waste any time and took my clothes off and jumped onto the bed and had some bed time fun with my women.

The next morning I woke up early and decided to get back to my training routine. I had started a new routine as my old one was too easy to do, my new routine I do is, 100,000 push ups, 100,000 curl ups, 100,000 v-ups, 100,000 weighted squats, and run 100,000 miles. I do all that while adding 100x gravity to myself to make it more difficult. Also I haven't said anything about it but Grayfia has reached the pinnacle of the Super Devil-Class while I was sealed and Zeoticus and Venelana have reached the Super Devil-Class as well.

They really benefited from my training routine. After finishing my training I went and took a shower and put on a simple black kimono with sandals. I then left my room and got some breakfast. After finishing my breakfast I went back to the mortal world, but this time I went to the ORC room in Kuoh Academy, and relaxed there for a bit until school finishes and the girls come here.

I came here today as Rias told me after our bed time fun that two people from the church had came to them and talked about excalibur. Of course I knew who they were, Irina and Xenovia so I came here to meet them and maybe turn Xenovia into a devil, I'll leave Irina to become an angel as it fits her more.

Sitting on the desk that Rias sits on, I lean back and set my feet on the desk, I pass the time by thinking of magic I can create, it never hurts to get stronger especially since there is always someone stronger in the vast universe. 'I think I'll go to the dimensional gap and absorb the magic power in it, I know I can gain some new powers, and maybe if I'm lucky another way to create magic, hopefully it's a way with no limitations.' I thought.

'Buts let's leave that for when I'm in the dimensional gap, I can also maybe fight Great Red and Ophis" I thought, I was lost in my thoughts thinking about fighting the two strongest beings in dxd before I came here, so I didn't notice that Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, Kiba, Issei, and two people with white cloaks came into the room.

I didn't realize they were their until Koneko came and sat on my lap, I patted her head and looked at them all, "my bad I was lost in my thoughts" I said, "So who are the two humans" I said, looking at them, "they came from the church they said that they were sent there because they sensed an excalibur near our territory" Rias said.

The two humans in cloaks took them off, Irina had violet eyes, long chestnut hair, the other one Xenovia had brown eyes, chin-length blue hair with a dyed green fringe. "We are here to collect the excalibur, if you have any information give it to us, if not stay out of our way" Xenovia said.

Now I got a little angry at how this human was dating to tell me what to do, she really doesn't know who she is pissing off. Xenovia then looks at Asia "and we need the witch to come with us, she is a traitor towards the church and needs to be killed" , Xenovia said. Now I really wasn't happy.

My bloodlust came flooding out causing everyone in the room to kneel and grab their necks, the was choking due to the crazy amount of bloodlust I was releasing, "you made two mistakes already, one you dare to tell me what to do, no one tells me what to do, do you have any idea of who I am not even Michael or Azazel would dare to order me around. Second you dare to insult my woman, if the church has a problem with her then I will wipe out the entire church.'' I said

Throughout the entire time I was talking my bloodlust kept rising, realizing that it was getting too intense for them I retracted my bloodlust that was leaking, when I did everyone started breathing again and they all got up. I could see fear in Xenovia and Irina face, "I'm sorry girls, I lost control for a bit," I said with an apologetic face.

I then turn towards Irina and Xenovia who have recovered a bit "I don't know anything about some weak stick so you're not in luck, but you can search in my territory but don't you dare cause any trouble for me.'' I said as I got up from the chair and walked right pass them. At first I wanted to have Xenovia and Irina into my harem but after Xenovia's attitude I'm not too sure, I know when she was first introduced she was a bitch and all but she made me angry, I'll just wait until she changes and if not oh well.

I opened the door and left, as soon as I walked out the door I teleported to a forest. I went here to open the dimensional gap, I just added mana into my fingers and sliced the air, after doing that a crack in appread and it grew into what looked like a portal, the portal looking thing had a mirage of colors. After it finished opening I went inside the portal thing. Entering the dimensional gap I felt so much energy around me, it felt amazing there was so much all around me.

I immediately started using Absorption and sucked the vast amount of energy that was in the dimensional gap. I have been absorbing the energy here for 4 hours and I just kept feeling like I was growing so much in power, 'Somali have I gained anything from absorbing all this energy, I feel like I have.' I asked Somali as it was getting a bit boring.(yes Master you have gained multiple skills and your overall strength has reached an incredible level.) Somali said.

'For real, can you tell me what I have gained and then show me my stats' I said with excitement, I love getting stronger it's such a great feeling, (right away Master) Somali said as a screen showed up and I could see all the new skills I have gained. [ you gained Domain expansion, Manipulate existence, Imagination magic, Skill modification, Infinite regeneration, Power absorption, Omni manipulation, Subjective reality, Ultimate vision, Omni adaption, Infinite mana, Hell flames, Gates of Hell]. The text said and my jaw almost fell off my face, by just the names of these skills I can tell they are broken.

'Somali before you show me my stats can you give an explanation of the skills I just gained.' I said (right away Master) Somali said then the same screen showed up but this time it explained the skills.

[Domain expansion: allows users to create a separate space that traps the enemy into their own domain, the domain appearance depends on what the user wants it to be. It is nigh-impossible for the target to escape from the domain.]

[ Manipulate existence: the user can manipulate a given existence and can bring certain things into existence, freely manipulate all existing things, and return them to nothingness once their purpose is extinguished. This applies to all natural and supernatural phenomena alike, as they are but two sides of the same coin in the user's eyes.]

[Imagination magic:The user can utilize a form of magic that involves one's imagination, not just themselves but the imaginations of others. allowing for harnessing their magical energies and/or mystical control of their aspects. With this, users will be able to perform a variety of magical spells and feats that manipulate imagination.]

[Skill modification: The user can modify skills such as evolving skills, destroying skills, merging skills, or sharing skills]

[Infinite regeneration: The user can regenerate at an unreal rate.]

[Power absorption: The user can absorb any power from any target and take it for themselves]

[Omni manipulation: Users can manipulate anything and everything -- be it physical (matter, energy, the space-time fabric, etc.); or metaphysical (soul, mind, life, death, logic, aspects of reality, and even concepts). The user has complete control and precision over absolutely everything and whatever is beyond. They can manipulate the totality of all things to the highest degree; there's nothing imaginable and unimaginable that this user can't perfectly manipulate.]

[Subjective reality:User can manipulate the boundary between fantasy and reality (what is and what isn't), turning one into the other and blurring the border between them. It allows users to bring anything into existence, including impossible things - especially impossible things]

[Ultimate vision:The user can use all (or the very least a vast majority) of the Vision Faculty and Ocular Powers. They are able to use any amount of vision-based powers at any time, and have complete control over their abilities. With this ultimate eye in the user's possession, any new vision-based powers can also be copied by their ultimate eye.]

[Omni adaption: The users body and mind can adapt to anything]

[Infinite mana: Ther user will have never ending mana, the user will never run out of mana]

[Hell Flames: The user can summon the flames from hell, the flames burn everything from the body to the soul]

[Gates of Hell: The user can summon a huge demonic gate, with countless skeleton hands all around it, it gives off an aura of death and dread. The user can open the gate and throw anyone into the gate and they will experience eternal pain and suffering forever. The user can also let demons come out and do his dirty work.]

"What in my evil name, they are op as fuck" I screams out loud. I couldn't believe how amazing these powers are. I can't wait to see what my stats are now. 'Somali can you please show me my stats now' I said with so much excitement, no matter how strong I am I can't help but be excited to gain new powers and become even more unparalleled. (Of course Master here is your new stats) Somali said, a second later my new stats came into view.

I decided to post today but I’m not going to post tomorrow as I am trying to keep a distance of how many chapters I post and how many I already have written.

LordAngel888creators' thoughts
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