
Chapter 20


Name: Angel Gremory von Lucifer

Race: Primordial Devil

Bloodline: Gremory, Lucifer

Clan traits: Gremory- Jūryoku no ō (gravity magic)

Lucifer- Dark light( truth-seeking orbs, manifestations)

Physique: immortal devils physic (incredible physical strength and an internal youthful appearance and extended lifespan and high regeneration)

- Total Power Level: Primordial Devil-Class

- Physical level: Primordial Devil-Class

- Magic level: Primordial Devil -Class

- Anos Voldigaod Power/Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Extrasensory Perception, Enhanced Senses, Longevity , Immortality. Can reincarnate via <Silica> and resurrect via <Ingal>, Regeneration (<Agronemut>), Limited Abstract Existence, Acausality, Genius Intelligence, Photographic Memory , Power Mimicry, Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Weapon Mastery, Absorption, Corrosion Inducement, Body Puppetry, Duplication, Possession, Information Analysis, Reactive Evolution, Nonexistence Erasure, Non-Physical Interaction, Magic Mastery, Healing (<Ei Sheal>), Resurrection (<Ingal>), Necromancy (<Igram>), Transmutation (<Nedra>), Body Control (<Kurst> and <Kursla>), Underwater Breathing (<Koko>), Fusionism, Telepathy (<Leaks>), Telekinesis, Creation Magic, Illusion Creation (<Rainel>), Invisibility (<Rainel>, <Najira>), Forcefield Creation, Dimensional Storage, Dimensional Travel (<Gatom>), Teleportation (<Gatom>), BFR (<Baroika>), Power Bestowal (<Gyze>), Power Nullification, Sealing (<Behelius>), Summoning (<Delsgade>), Existence Erasure (<Beno Yeven>), Time Stop, Time Travel, (<Rivide>), Immortality Negation & Regeneration Negation (<Giginuvenuens>. <Giginuvenuens>), Abstract Existence (<Venejiara>. <Venejiara>), Spell Theory, Source of Perdition, Magic Eyes of Destruction, Magic Eye(s) of Chaotic Destruction, Hell Flame Annihilation Mortar <Jio Graze>, Magic Black Thunder Emperor <Jirasd>, Magic Black Thunder Fang <Ji Noavs>,Root Kill <Bebesd>, Deep Root Kill<Bebesd>,Hell Flame Binding Chains Magic Formation <Zora E Dipto>, All Creation Hand <I Gneas>, Wavy Body Possibility Manifestation <Venejiara>, Demon Curse Necrosis Destruction <Deguzegdo>, <Superimpose>, Jiao Death Annihilation Brilliant Fire <Aviastan Jiara>, Ash Purple Destruction Thunder-fire Electric Field <Lavia Gigu Gaveriized>, Grasping Magic Hand <Rayon>, Supreme Flame Magic Heavy Cannon <Dogda Azbedara>, Extreme Hell World Destruction Ash Magic Mortar <Egil Grone Angdroa>, Nirvana Seven Steps Conquest <Gilieriam Naviem>, Domain Expansion, Manipulate Existence, Imagination Magic, Skill Modification, Infinite Regeneration, Power Absorption, Omni Manipulation, Subjective Reality, Ultimate Vision,, Omni adaption, Infinite Mana, Hell Flames, Gates of Hell

- Weapon Mastery: Scythe

Seeing my new stats I was so happy, my class went higher and my race even changed. 'Somali, why did my race change?' I asked since I didn't really understand why my race changed, (Master your race changed as you have absorbed the energy in the dimensional gap, and do to your new skills you have evolved into the Primordial Devil.) Somali explained.

After hearing Somalis' explanation I nodded as it was understandable. After checking my stats I decided to stay and absorb some more energy and hopefully meet Ophis and Great Red, I want to fight them and maybe even turn Ophis into a female so she doesn't have to stay genderless.

I spent a day training my new powers. It didn't take long to learn them since I have Omni adaptation, so it didn't take too long for me to master them. Other than that I just relaxed in the dimensional gap 'I can see why Ophis was hell bent on kicking Great Red out of here, it's so peaceful, beautiful, and the energy here is so amazing' I thought, not a even a moment later I can feel Ophis standing behind me.

I turned around and looked at the Infinite Dragon God Ophis. She had the appearance of a cute young girl. She had long black hair that reached down to her hips and black slitted eyes. Her ears are pointy like an elf's. "Well hello there Ophis what can I do for you." I said with a smile, Ophis just looked at me with an emotionless face, "what are you doing here" Ophis said.

"Nothing just relaxing" I said, "you are strong" she said, "yeah I'm the strongest to ever live" I said with my chest puffed out. "Do you want to help me kill Great Red?" Ophis said. "I'll kill him for you if you serve me." I said, Ophis didn't say anything. She just looked at me for a long time, "If you kill him I'll serve you, you seem interesting, especially your aura. It gives me a bad feeling but I like it." Ophis said.

That is unexpected. I didn't think she would agree, well it worked in my favor and it makes it easier for me, "Okay deal but before we go to Great Red I have a gift for you since you agreed to serve me." I said as I placed my hand on her head, I then use Omni manipulation on Ophis and turn her into a girl, she's no longer genderless but a girl now.

"There you go Ophis you are now a girl" I said, Ophis eyebrows went up slightly, if you didn't have great eyesight like me you wouldn't have seen it, "really how did you do it" Ophis said, "I just used one of my abilities to change you, I can also make you stronger." I said, "really?" Ophis asked, "yea I can but I'll do that another time, do you know where Great Red is" I said.

"Great Red is somewhere here, it will take a while until we find him" Ophis said, 'the dimensional gap is huge. It will probably take a good amount of time to find him. Maybe I should bring Ophis with me and we can kill him later.' I thought, "hey Ophis how about you come with me and we can kill him later when we know where he is" I said, Ophis touched all over her body trying to find the changed that her body went, she still has small breast but now she has a female private part, but she soon stopped as she heard me, "okay I'll come" Ophis said.

Ophis then came next to me and hugged my arm, when she grabbed my arm I was confused but then I felt her aura entering me she was feeling my aura with hers, are auras got into contact with each other and started to mix together, it felt amazing 'Somali why are my and Ophis aura's mixing together' I asked Somali as I don't know why our aura's are mixing and so compatible with each other.

(You're aura and Ophis aura are compatible with each other because you have absorbed the energy in the dimensional gap, Ophis aura is made up of the energy here as she was born here. So now Ophis will feel comfortable around you.) Somali said. What Somali said made sense so I accepted it, then cut the air like I did to get into the dimensional gap and left.

After leaving the dimensional gap me and Ophis were now in the forester that I was in before going into the dimensional gap. I noticed that Ophis' aura was spreading everywhere so I asked her to contain it. After she contained it I then teleported us to my throne room and I sat on my throne while Ophis decided to sit on my lap. She looked around my throne room and my throne but she didn't say anything.

We then spent the next few hours talking, I tried my best to understand her and I got to say I learned a lot, she is emotionless but she still has some emotions, she also has a bit of a childish attitude. We learned a lot about each other and we got closer in these few hours. Before I wanted to fight Great Red just for the sake of fighting the strongest being in dxd but now I want to fight him for Ophis, you could say I'm a sumo but guess what I don't care I can still wipe out your entire world.

Grayfia came into the room and saw Ophis on my lap, "who is this darling" Grayfia said as she walked up to me, "this is Ophis the infinite dragon" I said, Grayfia tensed up when I said Ophis name, "as expected of you darling to win over the infinite dragon," Grayfia said "Hello Ophis it's a pleasure to meet you, I am Angel first wife Grayfia" Grayfia said introducing herself to Ophis.

Ophis nodded "hello, Angel I'm hungry" . Ophis said, "don't worry Ophis I'll get you something to eat" . Grayfia said and then she left the room. A few seconds later Grayfia came back with some snacks that had all kinds of junk food, she handed it to Ophis who immediately started to eat them, 'she looks so cute when she eats' I thought as I watched Ophis eat.

As Ophis was eating I was thinking if I should bring 2B of NieR: Automata from alternative world and have her as a guard even though I don't need one it would be awesome to have her when I go into meetings and stuff like that, it would be easy for me to bring her to this world thanks to my new power, and if needed I can change her program.

I also thought about bringing Kurumi and my other favorite waifus to be by my side, and maybe go to other worlds. "How's the snacks Ophis is it good?" I asked, "Yes it is delicious" Ophis said, she then went back to eating, "what have you been up to Grayfia?" I asked her as I haven't really asked what she was doing.

"Just helping Sirzech with the things he has been doing and helping the girls with their training and my own training" Grayfia said, "that's good, ask me if you need any help, also have any other factions get in contact with us to set a meeting or something?" I asked as no other faction besides the angels and fallen came into contact with us, I know the other factions felt my aura when I got out of the seal but they haven't done anything.

"Only the Greek gods and Odin have asked us for a meeting with you, the other factions haven't contacted us." Grayfia said, "okay thanks, I will tell you later when I want to meet them, would you come with me this time?" I said, "I can," says Grayfia. After that I talked to Grayfia about other things for the next few hours.

It started to get dark so I took Ophis out of my lap and planned to go to bed, "Ophis do you want to sleep in my room or would you like your own room" I asked, "I want to sleep with you" Ophis said immediately, I laughed "okay, but you would have to share the bed with my other women" I said then walked to my room.

When we got to my room I took off my clothes and laid down on my bed, Grayfia did the same and layed down on my right side, Ophis layed down on my left, the other girls came in as we was about to sleep they all took of their clothes and got into bed they all tried to get as close as possible like always. We then went to sleep, I didn't want to do anything lewd because the girls looked exhausted so I just went to sleep.

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