Alright ladies and gentlemen. I'm back. Now i know, for those who've read my fanfics before might be skeptical, because i've certainly dropped all of them. I was writing and it seemed like a daunting task, and i just bit off more than i could chew and i ran out of time. But i'm starting anew. With one fanfic, which i shall try to update regularly. Updates may be a little iffy, as i'm still in school, but ill try to notify you if i cant update for a bit. For those who are new, welcome! Thankyou for reading. From my last couple fanfics, i feel the need to put a few disclaimers.
1.) People have thought processes and need time to come to logical, proper conclusions, so the second the mc makes a mistake, please do not crucify me by commenting "Mc is idiot!" "Mc is stupid!" People aren't perfect, don't expect them to be.
2.) This is NOT a professional Light novel. Just an idiotic teenager fuckin around.
3.) I try my best on grammar, but i dont have the money for an editor or the money to use an app, so there might be mistakes sometimes. Just a gentle reminder will do, no need to scream my head off.
4.) I love naruto. The show, the characters etc. Naruto is also one of my favorite characters. Mc will obviously be friends with naruto, and try to help him and teach him about the world somewhat. Naruto will not be as naïve, nor will he be as weak. This does not mean mc will follow naruto around like a lost puppy. He will have his own adventures and his own training. He will also help Sasuke. Sasuke might be an edgelord, but mc will rip him out of his shell (kind of.) This will be my ideal writing of the world. I will change things i did not like and save some of my favorite characters. So Bullshit no jutsu will be used.
5.) If yall can get over all that then this story is for you.
6.)I love you all that read and help motivate me. Thankyou.
MC picture here.
Goose, out.
It was an average day in Seattle Washington. Rainy, people bustling down the streets, not paying attention to anyone or anything besides themselves. Here, we're introduced to Shihei Akenori. A 15 year old immigrant from japan. His family moved to the U.S.A seven years ago because of family related problems.
Life was not good for young Shihei. Society had somehow evolved into a cruel one where child abuse was a regular thing, and children grew up to continue the circle of abuse. He was kicked out of the house at age 12 and was forced to live on the streets. Homeless shelters were a no-go because that was where sketchy shit took place. Homeless shelters were sneakily used by corporations and the government to house unused fresh guinea pigs. They came in their fancy cars, with slick black suits and made false promises like "Oh all you have to do is this and we will give you money." But that was just how they lured you in.
His only consolation in this shitty world, was the anime naruto, and the fanfics about it. He lived for the next day he could watch it. Throughout homelessness and three years he has managed to watch all the way up to Naruto using Talk no jutsu on Kurama and becoming his friend. Though he has read lots of data books and seen snippets of things online. He mainly saw Naruto through the amazingly kind store owner that gave him shelter and allowed him to watch the anime so long as he worked in the store.
He could be seen walking down a sidewalk listening to music looking at his phone. Turning the corner he did not expect to suddenly fall asleep in the middle of his walk.
[A couple hours later.]
*Peck* *Peck* *Pe-*
Shihei woke up to an annoying pecking that was disturbing his sleep. He waved the annoyance away and turned on to his side to continue sleeping.
The pecking was heavier now, and even more annoying. Shihei being sufficiently annoyed slapped the source of the pecking away.
After not being able to breath for a minute or two Shihei's instincts woke him up with a fright.
He sat up quickly launching the goose that sat on his head across the room.
*HONK!* The goose sputtered angrily.
*HONK!* *HONK!* *HONK!* *HONK!* It continued squawking as it attacked Shihei furiously for launching it into a wall.
"Okay! Okay!! I'm sorry for launching you!" Shihei quickly got down and prostrated himself infront of his goose overlord.
The strange goose finally stopped attacking and honking at him and calmed itself down.
Now that Shihei took a look around he didn't understand what he had somehow gotten himself into. He looked around the bedroom he was in and had to admit, this room was a total vibe. It was a room that he desired in his dreams. It was not too bright but there was a light-switch right near the headboard of the bed. He flipped the switch and the room was instantly dark, the only light being natural coming from the windows.
The room Shihei was currently in was the very definition of his dreams. It was raining outside and he could see a Japanese styled house with the background being an extensive lush forest. If he was dreaming, he would never want to wake up. He got up off the bed before falling and noticing that he was much smaller than he should be.
He quickly started to panic and wonder why he was in a child's body when he was 16, but quickly forced himself calm and figured he would find out soon.
Shihei reluctantly walked out of the bedroom and down the hall into a living room. The house was weird. It was old-era Japanese-styled on the outside but nothing like that on the inside.
In the living room he saw the goose that woke him up staring at him intently as if to say: "Hah! finally you got up, I have been waiting hours."
He gave the goose a pointed stare. The goose honked and pointed its beak at the Refrigerator. Shihei saw a note. Shihei walked over to the Fridge and looked at the note, it said:
"Hello, you must be wondering what is going on right now. How there is the house of your dreams, inside the forest of your dreams, with a goose, and you inside of it.
Well i don't really care to explain why or how but i will tell you what i have done. I have transmigrated you into The world of naruto with some abilities that i thought would be interesting to see.
You are now the proud owner of a modified version of Shikotsumyaku, the bone release Kekkei genkai. It allows you to manipulate your bones by manipulating Osteocytes. Or more specifically, Osteoblasts, Osteoclasts, and the calcium concentrate in your bones making them grow, decay, and become dense or soft. The modification list includes allowing you to add different chakra natures into your bones for different effects aswell as the removal of the disease that comes with this Kekkei genkai.
Then there is the Taskmaster-like comprehension i have given you to allow you to survive in the dangerous world that is naruto. The comprehension will NOT be on the level as the actual Taskmaster as seeing you struggle is fun for me. Though you will still learn and pick up things very easily. This also come with a memory bank in your head to store all the information you will eventually learn making it so you cannot forget it.
Your very own nine masked beasts. (Very much like the ones menma used as i like that ability)
The final ability i have graciously given you will be a second Kekkei genkai called Ruin release. This has many books you must study if you wish to become at least semi decent at this style. I will not explain as there is too much to explain.
Then i have also given you four things to help you survive.
Your own pocket dimension that is approximately One mile cubed. This is equipped with a house for you to live in. (you are currently here)
Your own work station where you can forge things and alchemy others into existence. You must get the resources on your own though.
A library with much very needed knowledge. Just ask your newly appointed goose-friend if you need a certain book. (Do not forget to feed him and give him treats upon book retrieval or he will start a revolt. He might also commit genocide so, theres that too. He is very temperamental.)
The final thing i have given you is a cursed seal placed upon your left pectoral. This seal does two different things.
1.) If you pump chakra into the seal it will give you a power up, just like the one orochimaru gave to sasuke. Only you are not bound to anybody and this powerup is just a result of your chakra mixing with the ruin chakra held back by the seal.
2.) This seal allows you to control ruin chakra. Ruin chakra is very dense, powerful, and volatile. If not controlled by this seal it would melt you from the inside out (hence the name ruin chakra.) I would rather you not have an unfortunate accident and ruin my entertainment early on.
If you have any complaints you can shove them up your ass for i do not care.
Yours truly: Honkius Honker, the obese goose, lord of the geese.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tell me guys, what should Lady goose's name be?
I have a few suggestions.
Anyways I am rewriting this. As of chapter 8.
Goose out.